Ana - is Blizzard trolling us?

Okay? Ana takes SO much skill to play. And Mercy/Moira outheals you 2x without even moving a finger.
Sometimes you’re even behind a zen in healing who is the weakest offhealer (in terms of healing) whilst still hitting the majority of your hard to hit shots? I mean… Lowest Heal-Output Off-Heal > Main-Heal (previously, dunno bout now.)? Really?


That’s cool but is that on top of the 70 dmg and 100 healing and 50% healing boost and anti-heal? Feels like all her strength is in a single ability here.

edit: was it 60 dmg on the nade? I’m not sure actually lol

That’s true tbh. I’m always for the more skill should equal more value argument. Would have probably sold me from the start. Blizzard seems like they’re heading a nasty direction w this tho. Cases Moira/Brigitte

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Well, there’s only so many buttons.

So it has to be tied to some button.

Alternatively they could make the sleep dart autotargeting within a short range.

They are really scared of buffing Ana for some reason :man_shrugging:t5:


Considering the restrictions they gave us on buffing her I thought this idea likewise suitable.


Skill isn’t being rewarded on ana. It was still okay when Moira wasn’t there. Mercy heals much, but does poorly against burst. That was ana’s usage scenario. Then Moira came. Single-handedly outhealing Ana when it comes to burst (and most other scenarios as well). Did I mention it’s AOE as well? Why pick Ana over Moira? You die easier, do less damage and do less healing. Range? If everybody that has been complaining about ana was so close he couldn’t aim I doubt that they’d be out of range for moira. Anti-Nade? Powerful, but not enough to make up for EVERYTHING she does worse than her. Sleep-Dart? Hard to utilize, better to kill enemies immediately as Moira.


Overwatch is getting dumbed down. The times of amazing Lucio and Ana plays are over. Now you either hold left click with mercy/briggette or you get reported

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That ability sounds pretty cool and wouldn’t add an additional button! (and finally introduce a passive!) - Wouldn’t make her even harder to play AND isn’t OP (at least it doesn’t sound like). That would fix the diver issue for the most part and also help against snipers.

Well, I disagree that what they gave to Ana was useless or unnecessary, but I do like the comparison to Hanzo. They took away his weaknesses and gave him more strengths. Now he’s in a boatload of matches while everyone else is just a less useful DPS.

They’re quality of life changes at most. Blizzard even stated themselves that the clipsize change was to make it easier to manage ammo. Nothing more. You NEVER heal 14 seconds straight or can’t reload in that interval. And as I’ve already stated the pierce-shots are far more than useless and actually HARMFUL to ana as a healer if played properly.

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You know what would be the coolest ability I would love to see for ana. If she keep strafing left and right, it creates a ghost/mirage affect =p

Well technically, that ability would be cool for a new hero rather than Ana if they do implement it. Heck, if they do implement it, i bet all genji mains would complain that they want the ability, lmao.

Well who’s to say the proper way to play a hero. Wouldn’t the proper move be situationally dependent?

As for the pierce shots, those again depend on what’s happening. Less useful if you wanted to pre-heal. More useful if you’re trying to heal an ally out of position behind the rest of your team so he can make it back.

Okay, let me just say…Hell yes. That does sound like a cool new ability for a character. Not sure I’d want it on Ana, but it would be neat to at least see in the future even if it’s not implemented.

Are people still saying it’s Mercy’s fault Ana isn’t played? Because I’m pretty sure they could remove Mercy and people would still rather go with Moira or a combination of the off-supports rather than her. I know I would, and she’s my second most played hero.

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Just let Ana create a mini-med pack spawn as an ability and be done with it, lol.

I always like the idea of having a hero create med-pack spawns that can be taken by both allies and enemy. It can synergize well with Sombra.

I actually think it’s the opposite. It’s Moira who took Ana’s place. As I’ve already stated in my previous posts, Mercy heals continously, but can’t do too much against burst. That’s what was Anas job after her release. Now that Moira is here and is way better at burst healing and healing in general as well. She’s also more mobile, deals more damage and can heal herself. Ever since her release Anas usage scenarios have been consistently shrinking.


I would say that’s true, although one could argue Mercy is encroaching on Ana utility-wise. To be honest, even without Moira or Mercy it’s just so difficult to run Ana when it’s so easy to nullify her:
Step 1: Have a barrier character!
Step 2: Make sure to always send at least one flanker her way, that way she will either die or have to waste her nade on herself!
Step 3: Profit

You honesty really don’t have to do that much more to remove most of her worth.

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Look up Geoff Goodmans arguments regarding Ana. (“PTR Ana Question!” Post, can’t post the link unfortunately). My initial try to point out how contradictory his words and actions are got lost because my main post was edited because I summed up the arguments and was a bit offensive at that. I hope I doesn’t get edited again, since all I did now was copy paste it directly.

If you have an Ana on your team, this gives you certain advantages such as being able to be healed from very long range, having a more offensive-favored ultimate, and having the ability to disable healing on enemies (which can be especially vital against heroes that really rely on healing such as Roadhog). That said, she also brings her own weaknesses that must be managed, such as low mobility and lower self-healing. A team may opt to run Brigitte or Lucio with Ana to help peel attackers off of her, for example.

When we want to buff a hero, sometimes it can be the right call reduce these weaknesses. For example, if a weakness is just too overbearing or a hero just has too many weaknesses compared to their strengths. But more often we would rather amplify a heroes strengths and make the hero just better at what they do, which leaves their weaknesses still around for enemies to exploit and for allies to try to manage.

Hanzo’s defining weakness was NO MOBILITY. It’s gone. Ana on the other hand? Nope. He’s acting like Ana had no other weaknesses than mobility or selfheal. She actually has more counters than anybody else I think. Now that Hanzo had his mobility issues resolved by getting a Lunge I hope he’s going to be more openminded towards changes regarding Ana.

About mercy:
Mercy’s rezz alone offers so much utility. Damage boost is there too.
She has:

  • Utility
  • Mobility
  • Selfheal.

Ana has:

  • Utility.

Ana having higher range for heal doesn’t make up for that. Not even remotely. Not trying to blame Mercy here, but I think it’s best to argue with examples and comparisons.


I’ve been laughing at the whole “can’t buff Ana 'cause she needs weaknesses but we’re willing to give Hanzo better arrows, better abilities, better cooldowns and better mobility without making him weaker elsewhere”.

I’m not sure self-heal is considered a utility though, but it does give her a clear advantage. Thing is, anti-nade is one of the best abilities in the game… but countered by many others and, worst of all, constantly wasted out of necessity.