Ana - is Blizzard trolling us?

Mod Edit: Removed the negative comments. Please focus on the feedback in your posts going forward. We are leaving this up since it is constructive.

People complain about hanzo. He gets:

  • Updated Sonic Arrow which is more versatile (and overall better than the old one)
  • Spell instead of Scatter which has more damage potential and is more versatile and reliable to use (420 dmg in not even 2 seconds, without headshots)
  • A lunge ability to deal with his mobility
  • Projectile speed increased

And here comes the plot twist.
Ana needs help?

  • Unnecessary pierce-shots for people who can’t position. (Losing the option to preheal here, so now we’re entirely useless against burst damage on squishies)
  • Clip size increase
  • Spit in the face

All that has ever happened to her is the exact opposite.
Ana was designed as Mainhealer with the option of offering high utility with her kit.
At this point you’re on the level of an offheal with hard to use utility. In fact, the only reason you’d still pick her is to counter Zenyatta’s trans, or heal in general.
So WHY does Blizzard focus on making her a DPS? Damage increase here, unnecessary clipsize increase there. NOTHING is ever being done to amplify her strengths. And here we have hanzo. Getting one of his weaknesses negated and all of his abilities except ult buffed in ONE freaking patch.
Focus on ana’s healing. Focus on her defining abilities (sleep dart, nade, ult…).


I never heard any high level Ana mention pre-heal. KarQ, FRAN, and apparently Gale all really like the buffs.

She does need more I agree but these are buffs.


Shot piercing is definitely helpful, but at the cost of prehealing? Maybe questionable. But still, I think piercing shots is more useful and healthy for her in the long run.

Careful with your words. “Entirely useless” is hardly true.

Is this necessary?

I’ve seen other posts where people say she’s a damage dealer/healer, and isn’t doing enough damage right now. So what is she really? When did they ever give a strict definition of what Ana should do?

In my opinion, they CAN make Ana better, but do they HAVE to? Not really… Hanzo receiving a buff isn’t really a valid reason either.

I think self heal really is a big weakness.

If you really think about it the reason she could stay far in the back and survive was because Lucio had his 30m aura and that way she had more sustain against flankers especially when Lucio amped.

I think after the Lucio changes she lost her best way of surviving and playing the way she was designed, a backline support sniper.


Ana isn’t going to ever be played until Mercy’s Res is reworked to a less powerful state. Ana is fine, but Mercy outclasses her as the team’s main healer.

Personally I like the peircing shots. Ana has no mobility; she had to walk to a new position or lose her high ground to hit a team member behind another.

The only sad part is Bliz is going to leave her again for probably another year when the two small qol buffs they gave her does not do enough for her viability in the again and compared to other supports.

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I’ve posted a more objective view on everything previously. So the bullet point of “Spit in the face” seemed quite necessary. I want to provoke. It seemed to work well for the genji-main crybaby who has gotten like 100+ answers on his post. And honestly, this is how I feel like currently. Like I’ve been spit in the face by blizzard. Maining Ana, just to be disappointed over and over again.

Hanzo receiving a buff isn’t the reason. The reason is because they’ve faced low pickrate. Both of them. But one is being babysitted whilst the other one bites the dust and gets unrelevant changes. The thing I primary wanted to make clear: If Geoff Goodman says she can’t get mobility because it would negate one of her weaknesses, why isn’t it applicable for hanzo? He gets a lunge ADDITIONALLY to some other huge buffs whilst it seems to be too overpowered on ana without anything else. Even if they give her mobility, she still is bad at defending herself and has no selfheal.


Ana’s “utility” is all easily countered by a barrier or dva matrix. This while combined with 0 mobility leaves her a sitting duck. At least moira mercy, lucio can use mobility to get around it and zen can throw orbs to teammates from a distance as well as pump out damage or ult to escape if needed to save the team when he gets isolated. Ana is stuck and even her basic healing can be completely shut down by one barrier. She needa high ground.


I’ve never had any issues with people walking in front of me in 100h of play. I’ve always positioned in the backline of the team. Of course there’s people running in front of you occasionally. But that was like once every century for me. You could actually do something about it by moving. Quickscoping helps with that. Well… You can’t do anything about not being able to preheal. You lose one thing entirely just to make positioning easier.


These changes - piercing shots, more ammo, increased damage, etc. - are ALL ideas players on this very forum suggested.

Rez could be half as powerful as it is now and it still isn’t going to make Ana any more desirable as a healer over Mercy. Mercy outclasses her as a healer because of everything else she has: reliable cord-healing, damage boosting, mobility, self-regen, an ult that lets gives her moblity and multi-hitting healing/dmg boosting, etc.; the rez is the icing on the cake.

I understand, OP. But in the case of Hanzo, your argument boils down to “Hero X got buffed, so Hero Y needs to get buffed too.” In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t seem right? Besides, Blizzard never expected people to be obsessed with maining. If a hero doesn’t work, then the player should want to swap to someone who will (or so their intention was for us to do so) BUT yeah I get how she’s been in the dark for a REALLY long time. But she never felt like a priority to me, somehow. And that’s coming from an avid Ana player.

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Teams don’t stand in perfect lines nor is every map Ana high ground accessible. Maybe you play in groups where people are more organized, but solo Q becomes a cluster with friendlies that forget Ana is behind them.

cuz there more dps ana. not really heal ana’s. when you watch them they are looking for the kill more than healing the team. that’s why you see them pop off a lot.

this helps them cuz now they can even play even more out of position

It’s boiling down on:
“Developer said Hero X can’t have that because Y.” Then he Buffs Hero Z doing exactly the opposite of what he said in Y.
I’d be fine with hanzo. I’m happy that he’s viable now. What I’m unhappy about? Lead game designers that fail to apply the same rules for everybody.
It’s not about maining. It’s about having tons of EXP on a character just to see that that character isn’t going to be viable ever again in the near future. I’m actually flexing. I can play every support and most of the tanks quite decently. But I want to play Ana occasionally because I think she is fun. Can’t. She’s not viable and being ignored (for the most part) by Blizzard.

EDIT: I understand Hanzo and Ana are entirely different heroes, but the reason stays the same. Ana’s weakness is mobility. And so was Hanzo’s. Ana still has tons of other weaknesses. Hanzo still has weaknesses, but one less now.


Blizzard has been really inconsistent with Ana changes. They just seem confused about what to do with the hero. Looking through patch notes they -

  1. Buffed rifle rate of fire and magazine size
  2. Increased ult cost
    Buffed nade radius
  3. Nerfed ult (speedboost removal)
  4. Nerfed nade duration, lowered heal boost
  5. Nerfed rifle damage
  6. Buffed rifle damage
  7. Buffed magazine size
    Piercing effect added

buff heal + damage output -> nerf ult + buff utility -> nerf ult -> nerf utility + heal output-> nerf damage output ->buff damage output -> buff heal + damage output, Nerf heal utility

The only consistent thing is nerfing her ult. Everything else gets buffed, then nerfed, then partial nerf revert, then simultaneously buffed and nerfed, then…


Well, I still think she’s an okay hero right now. I agree with some posters saying that she only feels weak because teams in matchmaking refuse to be organized (which I suppose must be acknowledged) I do agree on Ana being on the weak side, but I’m hesitant to push for it bc if you go outside, people are constantly begging for their main to be buffed. When people are satisfied, they’re mostly silent. My point is that her weakness isn’t SO crippling that it needs to be addressed now. It will probably come sooner or later, but maybe we can do with a little patience.

It’s a good argument. Gave you a heart in support. Kudos.

Here’s an idea to give Ana a way to deal with getting Dived on:

Okay? Ana takes SO much skill to play. And Mercy/Moira outheals you 2x without even moving a finger.
Sometimes you’re even behind a zen in healing who is the weakest offhealer (in terms of healing) whilst still hitting the majority of your hard to hit shots? I mean… Lowest Heal-Output Off-Heal > Main-Heal (previously, dunno bout now.)? Really?


That’s cool but is that on top of the 70 dmg and 100 healing and 50% healing boost and anti-heal? Feels like all her strength is in a single ability here.

edit: was it 60 dmg on the nade? I’m not sure actually lol

That’s true tbh. I’m always for the more skill should equal more value argument. Would have probably sold me from the start. Blizzard seems like they’re heading a nasty direction w this tho. Cases Moira/Brigitte

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