Ana Grenade, remove the horrible choice

I mean considering half the current pros used to be TF2 pros, Seagull, Muma and Pine being three big names in OWL among the ranks of ex-TF2 pros, it’s not like it’s their first rodeo when it comes to class based shooters.

I mean it’s a valid point. Mercy has been distorting the meta for so long that we don’t know exactly what a balanced Support is in terms of power.

Is Ana weaker than Mercy? Undeniably.

Is Ana actually underpowered, or does she just look that way when compared to Mercy? That question is a bit murkier.

Just go look at overbuff. It’s easy to see that how a person feels about Ana is likely to be directly proportional to what bracket of difficulty they’re playing in. At plat she’s usable. That’s roughly when her numbers starts to improve. By the time you’re gandmaster she looks ordinary. So yeah I can see where you’re coming from.

The big problem is that most people are not at the grandmaster end of the pyramid and the lower you go the more masochistic her play becomes. That’s a problem and it’s entirely correctable.

They know what kind of skills are useful to lower brackets but easily circumvented by good team play and what kind of skills require a bit of practice and learning from the player to master.

Ana’s the direct opposite of the Bastion experience. That’s a hero who’s a terror at lower brackets but struggles terribly at higher brackets. To fix him I’d think they should give him a skill difficult to master but very useful to him in the upper brackets. Give that hero something worth learning and his curve should flatten out.

In that same vane they should give Ana some kind of defensive skill that gives her an edge at the lower end but not near as useful to her against a coordinated team that communicates. That too would flatten out her curve. She wouldn’t be OP in the upper brackets and should wouldn’t be an utter nightmare to play at the lower end.

What that ability can be doesn’t actually matter so long as it’s efficacious – that it works to do what it’s meant to do. I had advocated for a Wall Climb and Self heal but Jeff directly shot it down. Now that these aren’t on the table anymore as an option I’ve put my banner around the Ghillie Suit concept.

Easy to use at the low end. Easy to get around at the high end. Never entirely useless.

Still, it doesn’t matter what skill they give her except that whatever skill that is doesn’t leave the hero painful to play for most everyone in the game except the elites.


The thing is, Ana seems to be getting picked more in higher ranks, because of GravDragons.

Her pickrate was on the decline previous to that.

And it’s starting to decline again now.

Let her heal her self with a passive for how many ammo is not in the clip when she reloads.

They said they don’t want to give her a regen ability…

I have been pushing for a similar passive for a while and I strongly agree with you. It needs to be something not to push her out of wack in the high ranks but give her a real chance in the low ranks.

I like the idea of her loosing her outline while standing still or ducking. It will help her hide and heal thus taking less damage. Even taking away her bullet trail could be great since her low damage and when you get hit it tells you the direction of the damage would balance it out.

It’s not a problem that’s correctable. Overwatch is a game that’s balanced for the “high end”. Heroes like Ana, Zen, Widowmaker, Tracer, etc, if balanced for the low end or average player would be horrifically overpowered. Even at the height of Ana’s power, she was mediocre to outright weak below Diamond.

No matter what “balance” looks like for Ana, whether it be in the form of buffs to her or nerfs to Mercy, Ana cannot be good in the low ranks without either a Symmetra scale rework or being made overpowered.

Imo, Self heal for Ana can be implemented in 1 of 2 ways…

  • Ana gets a % of her health back when she heals a teammate.

  • If Ana stands still for 2 seconds she slowly begins to heal.

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Sure she can. Just give her an offset skill that scales in the reverse direction. Great for players just starting out and not as useful later on when team play, communication and mechanical skills kick in. Saying it can’t be done is a false dichotomy. Not all skills scale equally. That’s why some heroes are terrors at the low end yet quite weak later on. So too there are skills (and heroes) that work the other way around. One merely needs to give them an offset skill such that when later on you look in overbuff they look pretty flat on win rates regardless of the difficulty bracket they’re in.

I’d be fine with just making it so Ananade automatically restores 75HP on use.

Chucking that bowl of pee around is the least fun part of playing Ana, having to throw it at your own feet all the time is really the worst.

Why cant we give her just 100 shield -_- …
100 health 100 shield = gg

and maybe give her 80 damage back

Thank You

Can you do that when the primary thing that makes Ana hard is that she has to land skillshots to heal?

Remember that a big part of this discussion is about Ana’s strength relative to other healers. To be considered a “good healer” she would have to be competitive to Mercy and Moira, both healers who by design are quite low skill floor at lower levels.

Oh that sounds amazing.

Let me tell you… not having to hoard her abilities and using both her abilities offensively is amazing. Source… me playing Ana in an All Support QP game. Anything that gets her closer to that should be looked into.

At the low end where I’m at her problem is survivability. It’s not the same problem she has at the high end.

At the low end her sleep dart is harder to land than even her basic shot. That’s supposed to be her escape tool. At the low end she’s shut down by a very large sect of the hero pool – Winston, D.VA, Tracer, Genji, Doomfist and Sombra. She’s also soft countered by other heroes. At the low end her biggest problem is that she has no mobility, low self heal AND no peal support.

So that’s the purpose of the Ghillie suit. Go far out where there is no chance any of peal and practice your aim while playing cat and mouse with dive. Later on once people figure out how to call out and send a dive or two her way she should have that mechanical skill to come in a little closer and play with a team that’ll peal for her.

In theory, by making Ana a better healer than Mercy, then you can aim.

I mean the problem with Mercy right now isn’t that she’s good at healing.

She’s always been good at healing, and even during the height of Ana’s dominance, Mercy could often outheal her, especially at lower ranks, though obviously she didn’t have the same capability of burst that made Ana so effective.

The problem with Mercy is that Resurrection is obscenely powerful and that no healer has any utility that comes close to it’s power.

If it was just about healing, Moira would cream everybody. Or at least she would before she got “bugfixed”.

Symbiosis passive:

Ana now recieves 10-20% of all healing sources she deals to allies.

Blizzard won’t do this because of “design”. Same way they won’t give sombra a good gun sadly :cry:

I have a crazy idea, give Ana 1hp regen/second. Literally 1.

Well I mean, the way I’d suggest is giving Ana regen for 2 seconds after doing any healing to a teammate.

That way it doesn’t stack, and isn’t dependant on big heals to get reasonable self-heals.