Ana Grenade, remove the horrible choice


  • Biotic Grenade
    If Ana hits a teammate or enemy with the grenade, Ana receives the healing she would have gotten if she hit herself with the grenade. (Does not stack)

It removes the horrible choice between playing for teamplay, or playing selfishly. It’s very similar to the reasoning why Junkrat got 2x mines.

Now Ana can focus on using her grenade for actual utility, instead of hoarding her defining utility for self heals.


What the hell. That makes no sense.

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That’s too good of an idea

How dare a support use their defining ability to actually support the team >:C

Even though it would probably make me cry seeing something like that hit the PTR

Lolol I can dream ;_;


New passive: Ana takes lots of drugs for her arthritis. Every time she jumps, take another pill and heal 10 health.


I believe it is a good idea, I honestly still just prefer passive heals so that you can focus on using the grenade for utility. But, if they want to keep her “skill” based or whatever, I guess this is a viable alternative.

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I mean, if we’re talking sense, Ana should just be able to shoot herself in the foot to self heal. Like duhh…


This would be actually a good option for self healing as opposed to get health back from healing through her primary.

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Yeah, think I also saw something where the devs don’t want to give her a regen ability.

So I figure this is about as good as you can get.

I.e. No better than it is currently. But only difference is you don’t have to limit yourself to nearly pointblank engagements if you want to use your grenade for both self heals and utility.

Cause that kinda defeats the purpose of a hero that is supposed to be played at range.


When it comes down to it I’m the type of healer that would use my bionade on a team mate rather than myself. Then when I die I get upset I didn’t save myself so I could keep healing the team

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You’re a good teammate. And it’s too bad you are forced to make this horrible kind of choice.

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Ana being one if the strongest healers with weak self heals it’s not hard to see why there are so many Mercy mains. I would play Ana more but slow self heals, being pacified by D.Va and the rise of Moira has made me lose interest.

Anybody got level 3, and can post this?


So given that devs don’t want to:

  • Give Ana regen
  • Give Ana mobility

And devs also previously don’t seem to want to:

  • Buff heals
  • Buff damage

I think this buff is probably as much as we can expect.


They had better!

It’s way too good of an idea to pass up on. Since they don’t want to fix her HUGE self sustain issues at least this helps alleviate the stress of knowing that you’re keeping the team down by picking Ana

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As an Ana player, it’s a good idea!

Her grenade already does 100 healing to ANYONE in its radius, like each grenade does not have a limited amount of health to split between players, its basically infinite.

I still wish she had more mobility. Like a roll or a dash or something because flankers ulting and shield divers are my biggest issue with her right now. She simply has no possible escape.

Pfft… you ever look down? You have no feet… You also have no shadow!

In fact Orisa is the only hero that can see her own feet and it’s only when she jumps.

Well she does have four feet, so they should be twice as visable i guess…

Anyway this is a brilliant idea for Ana, the one gripe I have with her is that I have to wast a powerful ability one myself in order to live.

Uh yeah, I know that. I think you’re commenting on the wrong person :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Lvl 3 at your service :slight_smile:


In the talk between Seagull and Jeff they mentioned that they were particularly wary about Ana’s grenade. In a previous text by Jeff he mentioned that Ana’s weaknesses are low mobility and low self heal. Put together I don’t think you’re going to get any DEV side love on this one.

As is they tuned Ana to be a 4 star hero instead of of the 3 they rated her as. Unless you’re plat and up she isn’t going to be any fun at all.

I’m sorry but that’s the current disposition of Ana today. There’s little DEV and Pro traction to correct her — especially if they keep listening to Seagull. The guy believes the game has “healing creep” but fails to acknowledge that there’s been major DPS creep in the game as well.

Further a lot of your Pro’s come from old school FPS games where there is no concept of support; as such the entire group is an anathema to many of them. There’s currently a movement to nerf every support down to Ana’s level.

Sad times for supports in general.

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