Ana doesn't do 75hps

Yes, she was OP before and they nerfed her.

She is still OP now. It just took some time for people to realize.

She needs another nerf to Valkyrie + Resurrect.

Nerfing rez and valkyrie without further ruining the player experience isn’t viable anymore. They need to be reworked, not nerfed.

Well, I think we both agree at least with the base premise that current Mercy has too many strengths or not enough weaknesses.

So that’s some agreement :slight_smile:

The experience for the rest of the playerbase is ruined every day Mercy is a must-pick. If Mercy is going to be reworked that will take time. She needs to be nerfed first.

That’s not how balance works.

Mercy being fair is much more important than her being fun.

She needs to be fixed now, not in 3 months when they rework her.

I think stale rigid team compositions cause people to go a bit stir crazy.

Makes the game a lot more boring.

please do not call those who abused Mercy as mercy mains
they are gross and dirty her name.

so devs are going to try a 50HPS Mercy afterall OP.

In practice this is completely wrong.

Barriers, stuns, missed shots, LoS, and many other factors make her healing the lowest out of the main healers.

That’s why she’s getting buffed.

If you’re such a numbers guy maybe you can look up the stats.

Oh wait, someone literally gave them to you and you’re still in denial :joy: