Ana doesn't do 75hps

Why are you obsessed with making Ana OP by lowering her skill floor to the point plays can play her?

Ana being objectively better than Mercy at the highest level means the only reason Mercy is good in your rank is because you’re bad. The only thing stopping you from playing Ana is your own skill.

It hasn’t changed. It’s a constant. Because it hasn’t changed, we know it isn’t the source of why Mercy is so good.

Why do you think the least mechanically skillful healer should be top tier on GM, and Masters even.

I thought you liked skill?

She wasn’t. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

You know why pros hated Mercy mains so much? Because Mercy was a garbage hero and they consistently lost games.

Ana shouldn’t be a direct upgrade to Mercy in every situation just because she requires aim. That’s not balance, that’s bias. Both (or rather all three, including Moira) should have situations they’re strong in and ones they’re weak in. Heroes also shouldn’t be completely unusable in lower ranks.

It’s pretty undeniable Mercy was top tier on Masters.

And she was tied for first place in GM.

I never said that. I’m perfectly okay with having Moira be good in Deathball comps and having Mercy be okay in hard-pocket DPS comps. The problems happen when Mercy is played by default in every rank.

Sure, if you ignore all of the 40% winrates.

So just lower Mercy’s healing, that way Moira had a solid advantage over Mercy.

Mercy shouldn’t have High Healing, High Utility, and High Survival, all in one healer.

Because every other healer is balanced to only have two of those.

I think her potential healing is fine, but because she has extremely low survivability compared to every other support she can’t heal when she’s dead nor can she get back to the fight quickly.

Having to waste her grenade on herself all the time effects her healing output as well and if she doesn’t use her grenade on herself she risks dying below 200 or 100 hp. She doesn’t have a defensive ult, she doesn’t have mobility, she doesn’t have a healing passive, she doesn’t have reliable dps, she doesn’t have easy CCs, and she has 2 long cds. Why does she have to have every survivability weakness.

Moira is already run whenever a Deathball tank comp is used. Lmao.

Mercy’s healing never has been and still isn’t a problem. Stop ignoring facts. Any change to Mercy that isn’t to rez or valkyrie is a stupid one.

Ah, I thought you meant deathball comps in general.

Mercy has too much value, and if they aren’t going to change Valk or Rez, downing her healing is preferable to downing her survival.

Would you prefer they reduce her survival instead?

Which Mercy was never even ran in pre rework…

You’re literally making up bs for actually no reason.

Fair point, but Deathball itself wasn’t meta between Season3 and Season5.

I love how mercy seems to quietly put away her pistol the higher she climbs :joy:

She wasn’t run in standard Dive either. She was only every ran to pocket a specific DPS (outside of garbage Mercy mains being boosted by the SR system).

Like I’ve told you before, neither. There’s nothing suggesting they won’t change rez or valk. Those are the only issues with her kit, and changing anything else would be a mistake.

Which Valk feedback thread are we on again?

Ten, I think.

If they were going to remove or rework Valk, don’t you think they would have done it already?

Because people didn’t realize Mercy is OP until recently.

The early Megathreads were literally filled with buff requests.

I mean, between recent and February sure.

But that’s mostly because the last nerf was perceived to be effective, but that perception slowly wore off.

Before that Valk Mercy was just 100% OP.