Ana can't have these

Make sure their full hp, and be prepared to heal them back up right away.

I think the entire dive cast likes your buff.

There is nothing wrong with a character being bad against dive. All but 6 heros were bad against dive. The problem was there was nothing enabling any other type of team comps to exist.

They already stated that they WON’T buff her self heal or her self defense.
If we’re to fix her than we need to think of something else aside from boosting her healing or her damage because they also said they wouldn’t do that.

Ah, gotcha :ok_hand:.

My point was, her weaknesses exist because Blizzard doesn’t want her to be good. They want her in F tier, because they don’t know how to buff her without creating a tank heavy meta.

There’s another game, Heroes of the Storm, that also has an Ana.
It wouldn’t do entirely to give the Ana in this game a buff that they don’t give to the Ana in that game. You have to take that into account before you go buffing the Ana here.

I don’t think they actually should tbh.

I think if they should buff her she should be able to heal (not damage) through barriers. That way she’s not effectively countered by 66% of the tanks in the game.

The problem isn’t that she’s weak against dive.
It’s that there are too darn many dive heroes to be weak against.
Maybe like retire a few. Maybe.

You’re not wrong. Blizzard is honestly afraid to give Ana anything since season 3 happened. The problem with that is they’ve already enabled worse than season 3 in other heros. Quad tank is more than viable right now with Moira and Lucio, and blizzard was smart to buff a good amount of tank buster heros preventing that type of team comp from being dominant. Which makes me wonder why they’re still so afraid to touch Ana.

Genji, Winston, Tracer and… that’s 4 out of a cast of what are we at now, 27 heros? You may be blowing this point out of proportion a little bit, especially considering they get wrecked against Brigitte now.

Doomfist and Sombra too. you forgot them. They’re just as much a hard counter to her as the one’s you list. I love how they added these into the game directly after they invented dive.

Sombra is f tier for a reason. Her hack is busted as ever and she still needs to be close to Ana putting her in nade range. With decent mechanical skill you destroy Sombra easily enough, or just sleep her and have your team do it for you before she can translocate out.

Doomfist, i’ll give you this… He can destroy Ana, but he’s also very situational and if the enemy is running a Doomfist, it’s more in your teams favor than anything.

I agree she’s F tier. More power to her. She’s also an Ana counter.
She hasn’t always been F tier… and I sincerely believe she wont always be either.

I wouldn’t be against a small self-heal for each successful heal dart landed on allies (kinda like Reaper’s heal?)

This would allow her to nade enemies more.


Fix the bugs in Sombra’s hack and she would be in a much better spot. The problem with Sombra is she’s a team reliant hero. In coordinated teams she’s still amazing even with her bugs making her unreliable.

A lot of Ana mains agree with you here. Some don’t for other reasons just as viable. However the DEVs stated that they wont go here. Low self heal is a stated weakness. That’s a chill pill on that party. Sorry.

I’m down with that.

To be fair a self-heal actually would increase her theoretical DPS because she would 'nade enemies far more.

So a self-heal would be an indirect damage buff too.

Her initial damage out classes other healers (maybe not brigitte), her DPS perhaps not.

Self heals from nade are fine and empower healing from all sources in addition to its initial heal (so don’t solo heal with her basically)

Mobility has the counter arguments, such as being able to duel another character, or be near your team and positioned properly, BUT! you’re not wrong objectively.

Aforementioned affect of her nade gives her extremely powerful healing potential and boosts the potential of another healer as well.

Noble me applauds Sombra getting a buff.
Selfish me hates noble me for thinking that.
Inner turmoil… punching in self destruct button.
T minus 10… 9… 8… 7…