One major thing that she is missing is the fact that she can’t self heal over time. Pretty much every other support hero has some sort of self-healing to keep themselves alive for longer. Honestly she should be able to heal x amount for every shot she fires that hits an ally or enemy.
The underlying issue of Ana is always ignored in these threads. The reason why Ana is bad is because making her so was Blizzard’s only answer to the tank meta she created. No matter your skill, you will always be able to hit a big target more easily than you can a small one.
A support that relies on aim to heal is always going to work better with tanks than they do dps due to tanks having larger hit boxes. Zen is a good example of a high skill support. He can easily heal with his orbs, but a good Zen deals damage and to deal damage with Zen you have to aim. The high skill aspect of the support has to be something that’s not healing, or else it ruins game balance.
I agree, Nano is fine. Anyone who picks up Ana immediately discredit’s it as underwhelming because by nature it enables another hero that’s not Ana. That isn’t inherently bad though. That 50% defense is enough to allow a 200hp hero who’s stuck by tracers pulse bomb to survive.
Hanzos weakness was not-optimal mobility outside wall climbing, so I don’t see why suddenly they respect a characters weakness when it comes to balancing Ana. Almost as if there is a hidden agenda. tinfoil hat
I am perfectly glad to give up these two “strengths” entirely if they would but fix the rest of her kit. That is an honest answer. truly. It’s more of a curse than a benefit to her.
I rather her be overall good than situationally good any day.
Yes, exactly! I have the feeling you seem to misunderstand me…
What I am trying to say is that there is no reason for Blizz not to give Ana some mobility “because that is her weakness” when they buffed one of Hanzos weaknesses.