Ana can't have these

Every time a change is made, there are a ton of domino effects. Tanks were getting strong, because when you favor death ball over dive the high sustain brawlers all the sudden become the best. So they had to introduce a powerful Hanzo to counter that. Now he’s practically a must pick. They won’t buff Ana for fear of undoing the progress they’ve made in limiting tanks.

I know Blizzard hates this idea, but 90% of their balance problems would be solved with a role queue. With a role queue, you can’t have triple tank, quad tank, or triple support as people are forced into balanced teams. And people wouldn’t be so upset about their teammates picks if a balanced team was forced either.

I know the excuse is longer wait times. Well… work around that. Instead of picking a role, maybe people queue as a preference. They’ll try to put you on a team that needs a DPS if that’s what you picked, but if they can’t find one they’ll just put you in a different role for a game.

Half the fire rate and can’t head shot. If you compare damage per shot then Bastion’s sentry damage would be lacking greatly.


If it can be proved to be efficacious then I will back your vote on election day.

Wait… it’s a dictatorship. The DEVs hate the idea. I think you need to leave country. I just saw a few goons walk past here asking for you a few moments ago.


I might leave the country, but I’ll return when we can safely have elections.

You forgot that she can’t have better healing because the fear from tank meta and can’t have speed on her ultimate because babeblade.

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But she isn’t supposed to out damage him nor is she supposed to out damage any DPS so why are we asking for damage buffs to Ana? 3 shotting 200 HP heroes is pretty decent for a support.

And then we have Zen. You’re argument would make sense if the game wasn’t a team based FPS. Ana has one of the lowest damage outputs in the game currently, and for a character with no movement abilities and heavily reduced lack of self sustain abilities, giving that character a fighting chance is anything but game breaking.

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But Zen has less healing output than Ana, not only that but Zens projectiles do 45 per body shot, so Ana technically still does more damage on base damage, it’s just that Zen has discord and headshotting but he heals less nonetheless.

Actually everything’s right with what you said. And it makes sense too. The problem is, mercy’s not following the same rules. And when mercy’s so much more powerful, what’s the point of playing a much harder, less rewarding hero anyways?

Base damage is not dps and it’s not sustained damage output either. Also Zen heals less than Ana by 1k on average. Ana is actually the next closest healer to Zen’s healing output over 10 minutes right now. If we compared hero’s base damage, bastion is worse than every support.


Mercy has different advantages and disadvantages from Ana, how is that not playing by the rules? Mercy’s biggest disadvantage is not having any damage output, she doesn’t have long range healing and is incredibly team reliant. You could argue that Mercy’s advantages outweigh her disadvantages over Ana but you can’t argue that Mercy has no disadvantages over Ana.

not having any damage but having a 30% damage boost. Yea. Such a BIG WEAKNESS.

Let’s see. Self healing sustain? Check. Highest mobility of all the supports maybe apart from lucio? Check. Highest consistent healing close mid and long range ( of course she has long range healing. Even if we ignore valk which allows her to basically reach ana’s range of healing, she still can get in heal and get out while still healing for a while)? Check. Damage boost? Check. Res? also check.

Weakness? Not dealing damage on her own. Yea, that surely slows her pickrate and viability down alright.


Self healing? Yea 20 HPS after not taking damage for 1 second, arguably worse than Lucio’s healing boost since you can’t wallride as well.
Best Mobility? No. she has the most consistent mobility but not the best one, Moira has the best Mobility ability and Lucio has to best movement mobility. I’d say overall Moira’s fade is better getting out of sticky situations but GA is good because of Dive characters.
Valk is an ult, sure it could basically give her Ana’s range but it does that out of 15 seconds, but Moira’s ult can do that as well, gives more HPS, can DPS too, charges faster and Moira’s ult is just overall better. Putting Valk here to say it covers a weakness is like me saying Nano gives people 50% damage boost so is therefore better than Mercy’s damage boost, it makes 0 sense and weakens your argument.
Damage Boost is a powerful utility, while it sort of does make up for not doing damage, Mercy herself doesn’t do damage to people, which is a weakness of hers.
While Mercy has Rez, Ana has sleep dart and nade which are supposed to make up for not having Rez, McCree players aren’t complaining they don’t have healing stations and rockets because they have flash and roll, they may think it’s worse than the healing station and rockets but that doesn’t matter because they already have 2 abilities are supposed to make up for it.

You could say that Overall Mercy is better off with her abilities but she still plays by the same rules of balance.

Yeah… I really hope she gets a bit more. She still is lacking too much.

Also she cannot have penetration through barriers, because that’s her weakness

So what do we have left?

  • CC, but she can’t have more CC because it’s ‘anti-fun’
  • Range, but the way maps are done she’d need to shoot through walls for range alone to make her worth picking
  • Non heal/cc utility

Maybe we can hope for more utility like stronger buffs/debuffs at least


Devs ”We do not want to buff a character so it removes that characters weak point.

Widows weakness was getting doved on so they buffed her grapplig hook ao she could get away easier from getting dove on


So typical
See silly comments from people about Ana and they do not even use her

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Per Overwatch Central the DeBuffs/Buffs to Ana, Brigitte and Hanzo pretty much amount to meh – or no change at all.

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Ana has fair enough healing as is, especially with nade. If they brought her guns damage up to 75, it would make the Ana v Tracer battle a LOT more fair while keeping her ability to defeat other heroes roughly the same.

Her lack of mobility and set heal are her weaknesses, to offset great burst healing, utility, and fair enough damage. (Though, as I said, that should be buffed to 75).

The main reason she’s struglling at the moment is armour: it lowers her damage per shot to 50, since it takes 5 damage off of EACH of the 4 ticks her damage per shot is dealt in. They should really fix that.

how does she sustain when being attacked then?