Ana brainstorming thread

Its all fair and fine that you get value from her and i understand how much it means to play a Hero you like. Myself Ana is my favorite hero in the game such that if was to ever become a pro-player, i would want to play Ana there.

But that said, I cannot play Ana in ranked because aside from my risk of missing critical shots, I can provide 2 times the value to my team at half the effort with Moira or even Mercy. Sure fine I may not be the target playerbase for Ana given my rank but i don’t see much of her in higher level games through streams so at some point she is not appealing to the more able folks too.


True, but she’s one of those heroes that so many people don’t play because she’s so difficult to use right. And she’s not in a cool ninja outfit so people don’t try to play her anyway. You have too high a skill floor and only a select few will play her. Plus making her a bit easier would only make good ana’s better, and maybe actually see her get some use.

I find this to be the one of the big issues with Ana - she’s supposed to be the most difficult support, but at the same time she can’t be made too intimidating. It’s a delicate balance.


Primary is hitscan
Infinite clip
Grenade reduced cooldown
No reworks with piercing shots or wallclimb

I’m not really keen on the infinite clip because Ana can do okay damage at amazing ranges, and an infinite clip might easily be used offensively rather than defensively. I also consider having a clip as part of what makes Ana skillful. That being said, I would like for a shorter reload and a bigger clip.

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Meh she’s got no crits so she’s only ever doing 90dps with 100% accuracy. She has plenty of restrictions on her ability to do damage. The intention is to prevent team members dying while you reload.

How do you guys feel about Nano Boost? You like it as is, want tweaks, or would you prefer a rework? I’m honestly leaning more and more towards a rework, if nothing else because it’s so non-interactive for a character that is very interactive overall.

Myself never really thought of it much but i think its fine, it does what it is supposed to.

What i want them to try is to allow her nade to offensively make shields take like maybe 20% more damage or something.


(20 Characters)

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Add the ability to heal threw shields !

And Nano is the only one that need a rework. It’s a punishing ultimate since it’s an obvious and easy focus for the opponents. So half of the time Nano is wasted. And even if you do a good Nano it’s not a game changing ultimate at all. I mean every other support ultimate is 100% more usefull.

I really think shields should be Ana’s weakness - I mean, otherwise she could heal anyone within LoS all the time. I’d rather she gets wall climb, then she can reposition herself to work around the shield instead.


It’s a brainstorming so every ideas matter. <3

And I think since she’s a sniper she shouldn’t have to repositioning close to her teammates. I hate when I have to play close range with Ana because of this. But it’s true it’s just a thought


Oh, don’t mistake my comments for trying to put anyone down. I just want to bring forth my feed-back, then you can counter it with your views… and later we might reach a consensus. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis, that kind of thing. :slight_smile:

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I actually thought it would be cool for Ana to have a secondary pistol for close range encounters against flankers so she stands a better chance

Shields being her weakness… thats kind of a very big weakness if you keep in mind that since she has been introduced to the game, 2 barrier heroes got implemented and one barrier hero got the cd on his barrier reduced. Right now she can’t do anything vs barriers, her dps is to low to put down barriers and her shots are to ‘expensive’ and meaningful to waste them into a shield and her reload is too long.

Every hero should have a weakness but I think that Ana is being shut down by shields to hard and too easily.


Stupid sexy Flanders! :rage:


I was going to make a reply about the shields but you made me lol and then I forgot what I was going to say. :joy:

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This is why I shouldn’t reply on phone lol

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Okay, so how about a middle ground - no damage can penetrate, and only 50% of her healing effect is applied? I don’t want any damage other than some very specific ones to penetrate shields, and especially not long-ranged damage like Ana can provide.

I must’ve posted this a dozen times by now, but here it goes again.

Ana’s main problem before anything else is that she cannot duel or flee from an attacker while still healing. Every other healer is either always healing, heals from attacking, or has an escape option. Ana must either ignore her attacker to continue healing or stop healing altogether just to attempt the sleep dart skillshot. This means that flankers don’t even have to be successful when they attack her, and can merely distract her enough to prevent her from healing. This more than anything else needs to be remedied, and the easiest way is some form of HoT, whether it be built into her grenade or her primary fire. Even if her burst healing is lowered slightly to compensate, I’d love a 3-5 second HoT to be applied to a target just to give Ana breathing room when someone dives her. So as far as healing goes, she’d be able to spot heal effectively from range sort of like Zen or Mercy but without Zen’s lack of needing to aim Harmony and it’s long duration and Mercy’s ability to simply be wherever she wants to be.

Secondly, is that her kit is build for range. This would be fine on its own, if it weren’t for bodyblocking. She needs consistent access to high ground, but the problem then becomes that a mobility tool coupled with sleep dart might be too much. I and several other people have been suggesting a slow wall climb for months now and I think that would address the issue best. In the few instances Ana can start on high ground, she doesn’t stay for long due to LoS being needed for both allies and enemies. High ground solves the problem of bodyblocking somewhat, and forces the enemy to commit to attacking her like they would with a well-positioned Widow or high ground S76.

Finally, Sleep Dart could use a slight cooldown decrease. I don’t like the idea of damage not waking enemies up.