Yeah, I thought about that, hence why I only wanted it to work for a scoped mode. As you may have seen I’ve also suggested it for her as a new ability, although at a much shorter duration. It kinda defeats the purpose of the “skillful support” but I do fear she needs something like this to not be relegated to only working in the highest tiers.
I was actually thinking of a mini nano boost she could shoot herself with. This would give her increased attack speed, less reload time, movement speed, and health. I don’t know the other stats exactly but it would heal for 50hp on use, any extra turns into barrier until the effect ends. And it would heal 100 health over the 5 seconds.
I’m definitely on the wall-climb bandwagon! Though instead of being interrupt-able, I’d put it on a cooldown when her feet make contact with the ground after initiating a climb.
EDIT: Also pls 150 HP 50 shields plox
To me one of the most difficult parts about Ana is that her kit is amazing - it’s fun, it’s useful, and it’s iconic but it’s just that everything else about her and the game easily removes value from it. To be honest, if anything in her kit was to be reworked it would be her ultimate - it’s not particularly fun for Ana, and I honestly think her sleep dart is more iconic.
There was a suggestion i came across that they allow the biotic grenade to increase damage that shields take. That way Ana will have a more specific role of dealing with shields. I thought it was worth a try don’t know what others think.
Insted of “boost me nana!” It’s now “boost the nana!”
Teammates have large hitboxes for heals, in Ana’s case. I think this is enough aim help.
This would give her an escape. Ana is hard to play because she does not have one. This eliminates a large part of the skill ceiling which is positioning.
Invisibility removes a lot of positioning requirements as well
Ana can only heal herself with her grenade. This is part of her difficulty. Timing this so as not to lose the cooldown for an important moment.
I don’t much agree that Ana is in a bad spot right now.
Her kit is good in theory, but she lacks the ability to gain the positional advantage she needs to actually put it to work. That’s been her biggest issue since inception.
Spend three minutes walking to a vantage point to heal your team from and make use of your ranged healing capability, and then just die to a random Genji, or a dive tank.
You end up being forced to play close to your team, which defeats the object of the hero. Why play Ana out of her comfort range, when I can just run Moira or Mercy for significantly less risk and difficulty?
I love Ana and want her to be the go-to high-skill healer, but she’s kind of awkward right now.
Give the nanny an escape mechanism.
Ana is very much in a bad spot. There just isn’t much motivation to pick her over the other healers.
This is why i liked the idea to let her nade increase damage that shields take when used offensively. That would be a niche ability like a Rez or Discord or Speed that only she would have.
Would making her unscoped shots hitscan be crazy? I feel like it would guarantee people hitting more shots more often. I mean yes, it would lower her skill floor quite a bit, but it would also make her more accessable.
Winrates and her overall stats in healing per match, deaths per match, damage per match etc. show otherwise.
She heals less than Lucio and is amongst the lowest winrates consistently for over a year now. That’s on PC… on consoles it’s actually worse than that.
She only has a decent pickrate because despite her being awful, she’s still fun to play and she is considered a main healer (but again, she get’s outhealed by Lucio which is outrageous).
Ana needs help.
That or lowering the healing over time from the shots. I’ve actually had people die that I hit because the healing over time wasn’t fast enough.
I pick Ana the majority of the games that I play healer. I prefer Ana over Mercy because I have little trouble fending off most flank players. What difficulty are you having that’s making you less motivated to play her?
I think this was a deliberate design choice to nerf the hip-fire. It’s better to not use a scope because you can survey more of what’s going on around you. It also makes it easier to hit targets at very close range (no chance of randomly shooting between their legs). It was actually pretty clever, imo.
these seem reasonable
I myself and I think most other people don’t want her actually become more accessable. It’s okay for a certain hero to be harder than others. As long as you get rewarded for being actually good with that hero.
Ana right now is not rewarded enough if played well. That’s easily the most infuriating thing about Ana right now. Don’t make her easier, make her more rewarding if played well.
I could still see there being situations where people would use scope though. You could lower range maybe when not scoped? Or have her healing output drop when not scoped to make up for it? Honestly Ana is just intimidating for a lot of people. That’s why there’s not huge outcry to fix her. Granny scares people.
Nothing wrong with a difficult hero! That’s the whole appeal.
Fill the game with too many one-star heroes and everyone will be bored by the end of the week.
But in not making her easier at all, you’re also ensuring that a large majority of the player base will never play her. Which also means less people are upset when the nerf hammer gets dropped.