Ana and mercy are fine

Valkyrie in general is a bad concept for an ultimate compared to other transformation ultimates though which is one of the defining factors in why it’s so boring. Genji gets to use his blade, Zen turns into a omnic god, Torbjorn becomes a molten boi and his turret goes berserk, Mercy? Oh look you can fly while your job is made 10x easier to the point where it feels like a spectator mode.

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Neither do i at least not the way it works now. Valk and rez could work but only together, not separately as valk on its own has always been more or less a weak but useful ult that was too easy to get value from while rez is too strong to be placed on a simple cd mechanic

Mercy isn’t a off healer even with all of anas buffs mercy still outputs more healing on average than her.

So why not make it more interesting, if the devs probably aren’t going to be removing it?

You don’t need to be nearly invincible to non ultimate attacks, but an amount of permaregen helps so you aren’t behind cover 100%.

And getting the devs to remove chain beams would also be a harder sell, but 90hps primary heals would help a lot.

2 seconds of being stationary with no invulnerability? Okay, that’s a no from me.

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I’d be okay with dumping rez.

But I want a new ult that’s not Valkyrie (or a heavy rework of it) and I want Deflect. Maybe then I can finally make some plays with my base-kit and save my teammates.

Also, I really like the idea of Mercy using her staff like this:

I’d even let melee work through it as a concession!

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No invulnerability, immobile for 1.75sec, but could be Zarya bubbled, shielded, and pocket healed like crazy.

With Mercy having a semi-Tanking ability, and 90hps primary heals in Valk.

It’s merely shifting the counterplay from Mercy, to the Rez target.

I don’t think players would like to get Resurrected only to stand still for 2 seconds and risk getting killed almost instantaneously. Something like this will only ever be effective in higher ranks but in low ranks, stuff like strategic Zarya bubbles are nonexistent.

Yes but also you need to juggle better as a mercy main. You gotta know when to leave a target at half health and when its worth it to stay and heal them

Low ranks ignore 1.75sec Mercy Rez all the time.

So why not 1.75sec Mercy Rez, with a different target to shoot at?

Because an ability that relies on the enemy team’s incompetence is not a well designed ability? :confused:

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Ana is fine Mercy is NOT fine.


That s always been her gameplay. Before you didnt need to top everyone off that s just bad management. Juggling before meant that you tap people off giving them enough hp to survive as you ensure the entire team as a whole survives.

Now you gotta choose who you focus on as you abandon the rest because you cant dish out as much healing.

Like i said juggling refers to rapid switching of targets, the prolonged targetting of a few allies now are nothing like that.

Before the precision timing of juggling was needed to help your team survive, now you get to hold m1 at an ally longer as you watch your team slowly lose hp and theirs nothing you can about it

I thought you said you wanted there to be counter-play?

Rez is one of the strongest abilities in the game, and it would have no downsides to Mercy herself besides flying in briefly.

Big rewards, Big risk.

But worst comes to worst, if the rezzed teammate dies, they are no worse off than if they stayed dead.

Furthermore, Mercy has never had any problems with his pickrate at low ranks.

I don’t need to play her because I thank the heavens whenever she’s on my team and see the obvious differences between having her and a Zen/Ana that you have to constantly babysit due to Doomfist, Sombra, Winston, etc. Mercy can just GTFO with Guardian Angel, whereas Zen and Ana get destroyed by flankers and divers because they have no mobility.

And for my personal enjoyment, a Mercy constantly pocketing my Mccree with damage boost makes team wipes very easy.

The problem is Mercy isn’t a must pick which is just absolutely unacceptable


yeah, that would be fun! let’s give Mercy deflect on E and a proper ult!

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Here you go, two instant cast Resurrections during Mercy’s ultimate :slight_smile:
Ana and mercy are fine - #30 by Pyrrha-11934

That said, the developers have a design vision for the character. And I don’t understand working against the developers, rather than working with the developers.

This is the first time I’ve heard a McCree player not call Dead-Eye a glorified reload. What is your secret?

(Never play him myself, so genuinely curious).

Oh that’s not with Deadeye, that’s my personal aim.

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