Hey guys. Im a symmetra mercy moira main. Recently there is a lot of talk between mercy and ana. I personally think rn they are fine
Mercy is picked in the lower tiers and ana is picked in the higher ones
But neither have really bad pickrates in any tier. They have their uses and i think both are pretty balanced rn
Mercy is better then ana at consistent heals on hard to hit heroes. Mercy will keep up a team of genji and tracer better then ana. But ana can heal larger targets way better and has great utility and dps. But mercy also has really good mobility
They are good at different things now instead kf one overshadowing the other in their respective areas of strentghs and that is good
They are also both picked at a good, balanced clip at the pro level. I agree, they are in good shape
No they aren’t. If a easy to pick up support can’t break a 50% winrate in the lowest tiers. Means Mercy is not in a good spot. Ana is peaking a pickrate close to reworked Mercy in GM. That also is not ok. But keep living in a false reality.
Thing is I see more Anas now than Mercies. Well pendulum is just swinging back into nanny favour since she is quite solid pick. Not that I mind her being in spotlight. Just dont be suprised if we get GOAT or quad tank meta soon
First off why the hostility
Secondly rein has basically pre nerf mercy pickrates too
Also mercy has those pickrates in the lower tiers aswell
Anywhere above Silver Ana is better than Mercy.
GOAT is better with moira
I’m not being hostile I’m just stating facts.
An easy to use Support AKA. Mercy should excel in the lowest tiers. But she doesn’t. She has one of the lowest winrates in those tiers.
Ana yes she should have relatively good pickrates in highest tiers which she does. But Ana shouldn’t outclass both Mercy and Moira to the point of making them just niche picks. Especially making Mercy an off-healer in comparison to her.
Ana doesn’t have a better win rate in lower tiers though so I’m not sure what the issue is.
The newest optimal GOATs uses Ana, not Moira. Ana is becoming that ubiquitous.
Yes but mercy still is in the top 4 until diamond
And even in the worst tier for her her pickrate is decent
I think Mercy is a little lower than she should be, particularly in Plat/Diamond.
So she could use a minor buff.
That said, her pickrate is almost identical to Moira’s.
Ehhhhh. I think moira chain heals is better
Of course she’s always gonna be within top 10, she’s a popular hero and one of the only 3 main healers of a cast of almost 30 heroes.
Point is, shes still a decent pick and totally viable. If your a mercy main, you dont have to swap too much
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Viable, but overall a worse option than the others which is flat out unfair.
That’s simply not true anymore. Mercy is a niche pick now. Unless our team has a Pharah or we are trying to full hold on defense and need the rez, she’s not an optimal pick. I have hundreds and hundreds of hours on Mercy. All of this is readily apparent to me.
Mercy doesn’t have a high one either?? She’s supposed to be the mechanically easier hero. So why is she struggling to keep a +50% winrate. Your point?
Mercy wasn’t above 50% in bronze / silver / gold before the nerf
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That’s what I’m saying… Mercy is not ok. People have a false reality when it comes to Mercy balance.
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