Ana and mercy are fine

They scrapped Valkyrie once before. Nothings saying they won’t do it again.

Hahahahahahaha XP
Just like I said:

Right, I just realized I misread that.

I really shouldn’t forum on an empty stomach, my reading comprehension goes down the drain!

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That’s starting to sound like “Rez shouldn’t have counter-play”.

People pull off 1.75sec Rez frequently enough now, without the benefit of a pocket healer with 55hps or 95hps healing them.

“I don’t find it fun to play games where I can lose” is bad game design.

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Of course Mercys winrate isn’t that good right now, people need to adapt to her new playstyle and learn to SWITCH to ANOTHER hero, then her winrate will be fine.

Putting a character out in the open like that for two seconds, without being able to move, would make it more useless than it is now, with the absolutely insane amount of burst damage in the game.

Um… Diamond and above Mercy is bottom tier… so don’t try and bullsh!t

If the enemy team can coordinate a barrage of firepower your way, but your team can’t even manage a tiny bit of shielding or pocket heals.

You don’t deserve that Rez.

Just look how happy I got at the 5 minute mark when I heard DAMAGE INCREASED! :smile:

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i wasnt in ow for the quad tank meta what was so bad about it?

”Barrage of Firepower”, Literally two shots from Hanzo would be enough to cancel that Rez. And also, I’m not saying Rez should be uncounterable, I’m just saying that you shouldn’t make it completely useless. Like honestly, you have something big against Rez.

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No. Ana is fine, Mercy is not.

Okay, so let’s imagine the Rezzed teammate can move around at 25% percent speed, for those 1.75sec.

Exactly like Mercy right now.

Is that good enough?

Someone that can hardly move, not shoot, use no abilities, and move slower than a frozen Reinhardt. At least let them use abilities if you’re going to keep them so slow.

Why? That would kinda defeat the purpose.

That said, since Rez would be tied to Valk, Mercy would be pocket healing at 95hps with this version.

That’s considerably more survivable than current Rez.

Mercy shouldn’t be Pocketing in the first place, and she shouldn’t have to babysit someone through a Rez. No movement speed decrease but a slight damage increase would be fine, in my opinion. And only non-damaging abilities able to be used. If it’s a tank, they can easily get their shield up/Fall back a little without getting instantly melted, and any other hero can easily fall back or use an Ability (Speed Boost, ice wall, Combat Roll, etc.) to get out of the line of fire. The Rez time would remain the same, but the damage increase would probably be around 5-6 seconds.

I get the feeling we’re back at “I don’t like playing games that I can lose”.

Just because I suggested something other than an absolute waste of space on the E button for Rez? Ridiculous.

You didn’t read my post. This would be a Q Rez.

Ana and mercy are fine - #30 by Pyrrha-11934

I did read your post.

You spelled Caduceus wrong.

We’ve been having a discussion this entire time on that post, and then you say I haven’t read it? Really?

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Well either way, it seems like you aren’t comfortable with the idea of the enemy team having counter-play against Rez.