Ana and mercy are fine

Mercy complaints have been more about her being unfun since the rework. It was never merely about her balance. Her gameplay has changed from juggling to pocketing.

Remember when pocketing mercys were considered bad?


Mercy is my second most played hero. I have still been playing her a lot and havent been feeling niche.

She has her strenthgs and is definetly not niche

If Mercy mains genuinely cared about making Mercy fun/impactful as soon as possible, they’d figure a fun/impactful version of Valkyrie as an ultimate, and Rez that isn’t dramatically more powerful than it is right now, and whatever additional features needed.

Anything else is a longshot by comparison.

That said, I’d probably try to find a way to nerf Mercy even further, then put in some buffs that really matter.

For instance,


  • -10hps on permaregen, with normal regen picking.
  • Chain beam, -10 on chain beams, with +40hps on primary heal target.

I still find i have to juggle

In fact you have to juggle more because it takes longer to heal making her harder

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People in lower tiers don’t usually play the optimal character. Shoot sometimes they won’t even play a healer.

Statistically, if you play Mercy you are de-ranking and if you play her in high tiers, you are throwing. Also, she has a winrate below 53 % in GM. That means top tier Mercy mains can’t even stay in their rank consistently.

She needs a buff or a rework.

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When i say juggling i meant rapid switching of targets. You cant do that now since the hps nerf meant 2 things: (1) you need to prolong targetting an ally because it takes longer for you to heal them and (2) it s a lot easier to out damage 50hps resulting to even more prolonged targetting.

The hps nerf actually made you juggle less because you have to keep targetting someone for a longer period compared to before

It’s more a question of developer engagement with feedback, nobody knows what path they might consider other than they originally said they don’t want to go down the revert / mass res route (but that’s already had an exception with HP/sec being reverted). Since there’s no developer engagement with any Mercy feedback then nobody really knows what path they might consider, as if the developers are possibly either thinking that their rework concept was a success no matter what or that they don’t really care about Mercy as much as unsatisfied Mercy mains do.

Also this:

[Thx Agnostika :heart:]


I genuinely don’t understand your obsession with Valkyrie. Just because we have ideas about Rez (you know, the prime centrepiece of her kit and her most impactful ultimate), we shouldn’t be forbidden from having and proposing the ideas.

Do you just, really hate Rez or something?

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We tend to forget that Ana is a fantastic counter to Brigitte, something that we also see quite a lot in our games. No other support is as effective against this hero as she is.

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How about this:


Cadeuseus Staff

  • 55 heals per second, up from 50.


  • -10hps on permaregen, with 20hps regen after not taking damage for 1 second.
  • Chain beam, 45hps on chain beams, with 95hps on primary heal target

Sympathy Bond:

  • Mercy blocks half of incoming damage on a teammate, and receives half the incoming damage to herself.
  • Bonded teammate has a halo visual effect above them.
  • Casting the ability on the same teammate twice cancels this ability


  • Default keybinding to Q during Valkyrie.
  • Resurrects one fallen teammate, this teammate is restored to full health.
  • Zero cast time.
  • Resurrected Teammate cannot take any action for 1.75 seconds except for walking at 25% speed, and glows bright yellow.
  • If this teammate dies within 4.75 seconds after being resurrected, they are put on their former respawn timer.
  • Healing, Zarya Shield Bubbles, etc are effective on the resurrected teammate.
  • Ten second cooldown during Valkyrie.
  • Yup, that’s two instant cast Resurrections.
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Ive had dicussions with greyfalcon before and to me it s not their obsessed with valk it s simply that theyre trying to find a way to make it work. Both in a balance and fun sense

except the amount of effort required to take down Ana is nothing compared to reworked mercy. It’s only natural GM players play Ana more because experienced players can get the most value out of her. Seeing Ana picked more in GM where SHE IS SUPPOSED to perform the best is in no way comparable to how Mercy ruled the game through all tiers and how not having her in your team was such a disadvantage.

If statistically, 60 wasn’t an issue and 50 is clearly too low, I wouldn’t mess around with something that can do either.

I hate Valkyrie in general so I won’t be giving my opinion on this.

Umm… This is kinda an issue since Mercy is supposed to be a main healer. An ability that damages her is an ability that will basically give the team an advantage.

2 questions. What is the cooldown on this and is the effect permanent until you cancel it yourself?

Counterplay? I mean, that is a big concern for some people.

No idea what this means.

Or maybe you Mercy mains need to adapt to the change and communicate with your teammates to get healed around corners instead of in the fray with 20 hp. Before, most people couldn’t be killed through Mercy’s healing without burst fire, but now, it only takes one person to hard focus a target to do it. Make necessary adjustments to the change and stop calling the best all around support “awful” on the forums.

The counterplay for the Rez is that the Rezzed teammate is a sitting duck glowing bright yellow for nearly 2 seconds.

As for the Sympathy Bond, I guess I should add an LOS break causing the ability to cancel.

Did people forget that prework mercy was considered to lean towards underpowered despite having 60hps too? Her hps was never an issue it s the presence of cd rez which is too strong of an ability that they had to nerf her base kit


If a professional team who does this for a living and over a year (not counting how Valkyrie was added and then scrapped in Alpha testing), I don’t personally believe Valk and Rez as an ability will ever be worked out.

Also, I’ve had discussions with them before too, and it always boils down to: ”You can have fun as long as Rez is still useless”.

Bahahaha. Good thing the 50HP/S is enough to keep allies alive. Play Mercy as a main healer and then report to me your success in keeping everyone alive.