Ana and Baptiste


Have you been calling for nerfs to these two healers recently? WELL THANK YOU! For being everything that is wrong with the community and fully exemplifying why supports and Tanks have/are leaving this game slowly.

I used to think that everyone just had a problem with non aim required heroes getting massive value, which I decided I could empathise with. However, looking at the forums recently has shown a Baptiste and Ana hate mob. The moment Moira was nerfed you all moved on to something else.

I was of the opinion the more skill and aim a character takes the more value you should get out of said hero. I thought that was a reasonable assessment. I’m seeing that everyone just rages when supports have any influence on a match other than; “BUFF ME” or “HEAL ME” but if supports can do anything other than that? “BROKEN NERF IT OMG ANOTHER HERO CANT DO THAT”

I bent my knee and supported the Moira healing nerf, hell I even support the Brig rework, but I swear if Overwatch team touch Baptiste or Ana I’m done. I know a lot of other people who play support who will just uninstall. Unlike other people when I’m thinking of character and how to adjust them I actually try to consider the real impact of that character and find ways to keep them fun and playable.

My point is the forums are slowly going to push support into a bullied category. We heal, then die, then buff, then die. You guys don’t like any support that can defend themselves and have actual value. I speak mainly to DPS players here, if you want a nerf because you cannot kill that character, maybe it’s you and not them. Maybe you got outplayed, or maybe they got peeled for.

This game need supports who can fight back with characters who jump into their faces like; Tracer, Genji, Doomfist and Winston plus snipers who one shot from five miles away while screaming Japanese. I could start a whole thread on the 76 Bap situation but anyone that isn’t a jaded 76 main and has actually played Bap in anyway shape or form knows that Bap cannot out damage 76. So he gets his value else where in sustaining the team.



He isnt insane. Hes a prophet we should listen


Brigitte is still a good main healer. People sleep on her post-rework because they can’t mash their face into the other team anymore.

Ana and Baptiste will always be a balance issue, not because of their damage, but because they offer unique utility that can dramatically break a team fight.

Anti-heal is literally the most powerful ability in the game, and the fact they still think 5 seconds of no healing is balanced is an issue.

Lamp has its own balance issues, but there’s a sliver of balance in the fact you can kill the lamp and salvage a push if you’re quick enough.

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We’ve been trying to tell ya’ll about the problems with the DPS community, I’m glad the Bap witchhunt is exposing them more and more.

I suggest we just stop playing Baptiste and queue up for DPS. No point in arguing man Jeff and co. will have him gutted because DPS agenda whether right or wrong always gets something nerfed.


When the players came for Mercy,
I remained silent;
I was not a Mercy.

When they reworked Brigittie,
I remained silent;
I was not a Brigitte.

When they came for the Moiras,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Moira.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.


I am a Brigitte main in diamond so I can 100% Agree that she is great! But with all the big DPS at the moment? She just can’t quite break into “Main” healer category. Don’t get me wrong her healing output is BRILLIANT. But its on par with Lucio and he is also an off healer.

Also with Ana and Bap I can see some truth to what you say. I think Anti-nade needs some counter play, be it more cleanse or have Brig able to apply armour through it with her packs. Or we could just nerf it’s anti down to 80% and up how much burst healing it does to allies. But Bap? Just shoot the drone, it’s a massive 200hp lamp XD


Healing shouldn’t counter focus fire. Healing is to make sure chip damage doesn’t kill you.

Brigitte is very good at keeping everyone topped off as long as they aren’t make tons of positional errors, way better than Lucio.

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I love this post. Just because you aren’t good enough at DPS to kill a good Ana or Baptiste doesn’t mean they need to be nerfed :slightly_smiling_face:


Anti Nade had been nerfed from 5 seconds to 4 seconds for just about 3 years, since January 2017.

It’s definitely one of the best abilities in the game, no doubt, but you’re straight up ignoring counterplay.

-Defense matrix makes it almost impossible to play Ana into a good D.Va
-Winston bubble has been buffed
-Shields block it
-If nade hits a zarya bubble directly, the splash effect doesn’t hit anything else, and zarya bubbles cleanse the anti heal
-Ana has no self sustain herself after nade is gone
-Nade doesn’t guarantee death or focus fire
-Hard countered by immortality field (doesn’t matter if you can’t heal of you can’t die)
-Moira fade, Reaper Wraith, Mei Cryo( literally the meta picks) , Sombra translocater, cleanse the anti effect
-Mobile characters can escape before follow up happens
-Teammates can block it

You act like Ana presses E and the game ends


Don’t lump Ana with Baptiste, please.



Ana’s not gonna get a nerf, that’s why. Baptiste will probably be toned down slightly in the patch after this one though

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“sitting in a tree, DYING to doomfist over and over”


Doomfist has been known for his cheap undeserved kills for a while now.
Unlikely anything’s going to change, unfortunately.


If DPS mains have their way, it doesn’t matter if I “lump them together” they’ll both be nerfed. Baptiste first and then they’ll move over to Ana. I’ve already seen suggestions to slam nerf anti-nade, remove the heal from nano and reduce her heealing. ALL genuine complaints that COULD happen if they scream loud enough. I DONT AGREE with these, I’m just trying to let people know that these 2 are next if DPS mains crying have their way.


At this point we need to bring other supports to their level of balance of good payoff for high skill, nevertheless a couple supports like mercy and zen need buffs, Ana and bap don’t need nerfs

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Edit: This post turned salty. Sorry, but I’m tired of people thinking Ana should be immune to the nerfs just about every other support has had to deal with at this point.

I willing to wait to see how Bap shakes out. It’s too soon to tell what will or will not need to be done to him, for me.

To be honest: I’ve always thought Ana needed to be tuned down. And I hope it does happen. She does too much. She has too much utility with very few weaknesses. Her biggest weakness is mobility, but her abilities counteract that pretty well.

I hope she does get nerfed. And when the Ana mains get upset, every other support main can tell them to “get over it and move on”. Ana shouldn’t be immune to nerfs. She sat at the top of the ladder for longer than Mercy ever did, with close to (but not quite) the same broken pick rate as moth Mercy.


Ana does need nerfs. Not to her HPS, but to her utility. And if it does happen, Ana mains better not get salty, because they’ve told every other main they should just move on and “get gud” when similar things happened to their mains.

Not every Ana main obviously. But you get my point. If you’re not that kind of Ana main, I’m not talking to you <3

I don’t get this.

“Healing is too strong ! Nerf !”

Anti nade exists as a counter play.


So nerf the support that has high cooldowns, needing to be both good at arching projectiles, normal projectiles, slow projectile, hitscan. Seems like a greeaaaaaat idea, and that’s not even mentioning positioning and the like.


There is a difference between reducing heals across the board, and one character with the ability to shut down all healing for the enemy team. While also healing her team, damaging the other team, and applying a DOT effect, while also preventing them from being healed back up.

Anti-nade isn’t the answer to the “There is too much healing in this game” problem. Less heals across the board is. The Moira nerf was a good step in the reducing heals. Now it may be Ana or possibly Bap’s turn.

Yes. Because skill doesn’t mean you should be immune to being OP. And those are the kinds of skills that most DPS use, so it’s not like Ana is this entirely unique character with a skill set that is only applicable to her. Even if it was, that’s still no reason to be excused from being op.

Which is how we get unhealable powercreep.

Ana does not deserve nerfs, she arguably is one of the highest skill intensive heroes to get value out of. Neither does Bap.

Also made is not a DoT effect, so I dunno what you mean with

It’s great that she is not then, eh ? Ana has not been meta, or even op since tripple tank.