Have you been calling for nerfs to these two healers recently? WELL THANK YOU! For being everything that is wrong with the community and fully exemplifying why supports and Tanks have/are leaving this game slowly.
I used to think that everyone just had a problem with non aim required heroes getting massive value, which I decided I could empathise with. However, looking at the forums recently has shown a Baptiste and Ana hate mob. The moment Moira was nerfed you all moved on to something else.
I was of the opinion the more skill and aim a character takes the more value you should get out of said hero. I thought that was a reasonable assessment. I’m seeing that everyone just rages when supports have any influence on a match other than; “BUFF ME” or “HEAL ME” but if supports can do anything other than that? “BROKEN NERF IT OMG ANOTHER HERO CANT DO THAT”
I bent my knee and supported the Moira healing nerf, hell I even support the Brig rework, but I swear if Overwatch team touch Baptiste or Ana I’m done. I know a lot of other people who play support who will just uninstall. Unlike other people when I’m thinking of character and how to adjust them I actually try to consider the real impact of that character and find ways to keep them fun and playable.
My point is the forums are slowly going to push support into a bullied category. We heal, then die, then buff, then die. You guys don’t like any support that can defend themselves and have actual value. I speak mainly to DPS players here, if you want a nerf because you cannot kill that character, maybe it’s you and not them. Maybe you got outplayed, or maybe they got peeled for.
This game need supports who can fight back with characters who jump into their faces like; Tracer, Genji, Doomfist and Winston plus snipers who one shot from five miles away while screaming Japanese. I could start a whole thread on the 76 Bap situation but anyone that isn’t a jaded 76 main and has actually played Bap in anyway shape or form knows that Bap cannot out damage 76. So he gets his value else where in sustaining the team.