This happens to every support. It was first Lucio, then Ana, then Mercy, and Mercy again after her rework (which is obviously understandable), then Brig/Lucio/Zen, then Moira (with Bap in there here and there), and now back to Ana and now Bap.
I have a feeling Lucio will be next since he will almost 100% remain meta, especially with Rein’s buffs.
Sorry, I’m mixing up her primary and her nade as far as DOT, but either way, it’s a lot.
Ana was top of the ladder for a year and a half after Mercy fell. Literally approaching moth Mercy pick rates. Not quite, but they were up there. She is op. She being picked strongly in double shield, which should shut down her nade for the most part, and Mercy, who heals though shields, is still being picked less than her.
I don’t care about what the pros say, honestly. Ana was top dog for longer than Mercy ever was, but that’s somehow okay??? Again, don’t nerf her heals, but her utility is over the top.
You can tell me she’s not, and that’s cool, that’s your opinion, as this is mine. We don’t have to agree, but your word isn’t law either.
TO be honest I 100% agree. The moria nerfs were still a bit much in my opinion and ana could use slight tweaking, but bap is solid and dosen’t really need anything. Its so rustrating that any time a character is good the forums erupt and freak out over the matter. Yet when dps are over powered it takes them forever to nerf them. But tanks and helaers end up getting nerfed far faster and harder than the dps
She’s got great healing yes, her survivability is trash though that’s the issue with her kit.
I personally think Brig has TOO much healing for the effort required. They need to reduce healing output and increase self-preservation like mobility, self healing, or shield health…
Ana on ladder became insane after Mercy was nerfed, having a near 15% pick rate (16.67% being 100%), which remained for a year, until goats.
The reason Ana isn’t good in pro play is she is very easily killable and her team can’t do much to save her once she’s being attacked by the team. You can sleep one person, but in pro play, most times you have 2+ targets attacking the person, meaning she is dead regardless.
In standard ladder, she can definitely become insane. Which is why her pick rate spiked so much after she was buffed and Mercy nerfed.
She has always been strong (outside of the time she was over nerfed), but was being snuffed out by other supports and metas being busted.
Do I think she needs a Nerf? Eh, that’s debatable. It depends on how crazy she becomes with the upcoming patch. If she remains in line, she’s fine. But if she sees a crazy spike in pick rate where she is near 100% again like before, it would be safe to say Ana needs a nerf at that point.
And yet people complain that Rez, with almost double the cooldown is op…hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Don’t care about the skill required to hit it, in my opinion, it’s too much. On top of sleep, on top of healing though full health allies, on top of her ult, on top of her nade, on top of her range, on top of being able to contribute damage to a fight…
No thanks. Not the kind of character I enjoy playing. In my hands she could be the most OP thing that will ever exist, and I’d still be mediocre. Not my skillset, nor do I have an interest in learning her. But most people who play this game, are not me, and they have the skill to play her, because they came from other games/characters where the skill set is pretty much identical.
Most supports currently do require a lot of skill to use effectively in high level play, including Mercy and Brig. Even pro players have admitted to Mercy being very difficult to play and use effectively at high level play.
Moira is really the only support currently that isn’t all that hard for any rank or tournament play.
This already exists. If they buff other supports, you get massive power creep issues and stale metas, especially for DPS players. Ana would need to be nerfed down to their level. Not all the others buffed to hers.
While fair and a reasonable understanding of what Supports need to do, I do need to remind you that for the past year and a half, much of the damage group had been made irrelevant with the discovery of the GOATS meta. Damage alone (which is what the offense group is solely capable of) was not enough to justify the value of bringing in more Supports or Tanks. So the concerns now are warranted, even if they are misplaced.
Most folks are going to continue to sleep on Brigitte until some lesser known and more experimental group decides to factor her in and does well enough to attract the attention of the professional scene and therein attract the rest of the crowds. That how these metas work and how these tiers are built. Just have to deal with it.
Baptiste isn’t really an issue right now, but there are concerns that do not have anything to do with Immortality Field.
As for Ana, that’s something they’re going have to deal with eventually. At present, there’s no real counter-play to Biotic Grenade’s debuff (much like there’s no real counter play to EMP). It’s not an issue, yet, but it will become one before too much longer.
The issue is not that it can’t be effectively blocked, but once the debuff is active, there’s no real way to clear for a majority of the cast. And that’s fine, for now. In the future, that can change.
This will never happen. Healing is intentionally designed to be forgiving, easy and require almost no aiming.
I sympathise with the DPS mains in that regard. But GOATS was only played in GM and above. 80% of complainers come from masters and below where GOATS barely touched them. With that in mind a lot of them have little or no reason to be so jaded against supports and Tanks.
The vast majority of calls for nerfs on the forum are basically just: Players who never play the hero only notice them when they’re making big plays, so from their point of view the hero is broken and needs nerfs.
Combine that with the general bias (especially from dps) against supports having impact / not being free kills, and we have a recipe for the forums to systematically nerf every support until they might as well be bots.
There will always be a perceived meta in ranked. People in lower ranks mirror what people use in GM, and GMs liked picking Ana over running GOATs supports, which were better (In every meta except OG triple tank, Ana is overshadowed by Zenyatta, that’s a fact.)
Ana is a very popular character and many people filling at the time picked Ana if they were on support.
And at the point of season 12 when she started becoming the most popular, keep in mind that she was off meta and trash for almost 8 seasons.
I’ve never heard of anyone complaining about Ana mains specifically. Care to explain?