An inside look at the ping system in Overwatch 2

“Can I copy your homework?”
“Sure but just change it a little”

No FR, ping systems are not really exclusive but at this point, they went to “copy” the one that is most effective. The “stick” effect though seems awful.

That part is not good.

Fixing that requires removing sources of toxicity…which is impossible in competitive game.

I should see it in a gameplay

looks like a good system

Honestly this is how I feel… and please don’t misunderstand or berate me here… if you’re stoked for the ping system that’s great!

I’m just saying… in a game like OW, where a lot of maps are basically long winding corridors, a ping system seems almost superfluous. Maybe if the maps were larger battle royale style boards, it might be useful.

People already say this game has too much visual clutter… which, if I remember correctly, was one of the many reasons they switched to 5v5. But now they’re going to replace that missing hero with a system where each player can create their own waypoint on the battlefield? Just seems like trading one evil for another… but I won’t complain too much until I try it.

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Exactlty this, IT will help when playing With friends no doubt in that.

Well, I’ll have to rethink my keybindings. Again. Still, looks and sounds good for now.

I do still have a couple of questions, though:

  1. Can you ping something through a transparent, but solid/unbreakable object? A bunch of maps have them somewhere, some quite useful for scouting (especially the windows in initial Attack spawn in several maps). Whether you can ping through them will change how the ping system can be used.

  2. Does the ping indicator linger after the “owner” gets eliminated? Again, it will have some impact on the usefulness of the system, though not by a huge amount.

I’m also wondering about a potential team limit for active pings (six sounds like a lot) but that’s probably something to be evaluated later, after the public gets their hands on the system…

I think I had one more question, but can’t remember it anymore… Oh, well, I do remember it was something more out of curiosity than anything really impactful anyway.

I just don’t think this is a good idea compared to pre-set voice lines.

The maps are TOO small for this and I can imagine 10 thousand pings going off a SECOND after a tracer begins flanking, Sombra or Genji .

If this was a game about taking cover and NOT advancing at a rapid pace. It would be “okay”. but I think you will end up with BILLIONS of spam reports that you are not going to want to deal with.

God bless. I can finally tell people to focus the single person on the enemy team that’s an actual thread instead of having everyone randomly clicking

if you want me to listen to you talk in voice like a person

Not everyone has working mics, is in an environment where they can talk, or wants to deal with other people berating them in chat.

Lol so they get to spam voicelines and pings now nope. gonna mute them not dealing with ping spam

Let’s dive into the inspiration, goals, and an overview of the Overwatch 2 ping system! The inspiration behind the ping system came from a value the Overwatch team holds dearly: Every Voice Matters.

This is a core value at Blizzard, and the Overwatch team wanted to personify this value in our game. We wanted to create a system that would enhance voice communication as well as provide alternative ways to share information with your team,” says systems designer Gavin Winter. “One of our goals was to augment speech and give people a way to visually interpret voice communication. We also wanted to support all voices and create a system to communicate for players that would prefer to avoid voice chat

The real article

"We saw ping systems be a success in other br as well as multiplayer games, we see the value it brings were people want to communicate without using vc, as well as augment speech to visual communication, so we have adopted the system to overwatch and tailored it to suit overwatch experience. "

See how you can write pr without sounding fake.

It’s a public article written by an official development studio. There’s not a single game I’ve ever played that didn’t write like this.

Its insanely easy to get around any map in overwatch, more than any other game and you have significantly more time to react to literally anything that’s happening in the game. It’s not battlefield where the maps are enormous and there 15 different objectives you have to be attacking, it’s a singular objective in a single area, and it’s the only area you should be at. No one who is even semi decent at this game needs a mini map

O rly? How many medkits are out there on the last released map?

Not sure, I don’t need to have them memorized when I have 2 supports in voice channel communicating with me, and my aim is reliable so I live more than I die and can just go get one after a fight. I don’t need a Mini map to tell me where the health packs that are insanely close to spawn are since there’s at least one on every map, the only reason you would is if you die a lot, and if that’s the case then it isn’t really the game’s fault is it?

Yet people still will get lost on the map.

Isn’t that same same issue with a persons actual voice?
“Reaper Reaper Reaper Reaper Reaper Reaper!”
“Junk Junk Junk Junk Junk Junk!”
“Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball!”

At least with pings and voicelines the devs can put additional limitation based on game context: can’t mark an already marked target, pings per minute, voice line played, etc.

The only way to deal with someone flooding coms is to mute them or go through the additional overhead of attempting to get them to understand what information is actually useful AND how to communicate succinctly.

“Ball behind!” only means so much when there are 5 (soon to be 4) other players on your team in different locations…

Even if the forums make up some callout etiquette (I believe someone in this thread mentioned it), there’s no guarantee that everyone will know about it or will consistently use it correctly. It’s meta knowledge that will likely change over time and a relatively small subset of people will use it.

Will the ping system need some tuning? Probably, but it a tool that shows potential and I’d like to see them flesh it out.

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something is wrong with you if you feel that way but keep playing and posting constantly. you can quit a game ffs

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you can be as stubborn as you want but ultimately players will do what they’ll do, this will naturally affect your rank and theirs in ways that we cannot predict at the moment but the system is here to stay

personally I’m glad we’ll have it plus I don’t think we’ll be able to ping someone several times in a row because the system relies on you actually looking in the direction of the ping, so for example if you ping an ashe in the background you’ll have to literally track her with your screen in order for the ping to fall on her… so if anything the ping becomes an indication of how bad you’re at aiming, is that something you want to showcase constantly? or more of a tool that you’d want to use with some decorum?