Amount of threads about Mercy is getting out of hand

Just wanted to put in bold the most important part. You seem to think beating me in a Mercy 1v1 means your statistics are better than mine. Well, sweetie, that is not correct.

Poor bastion, needs some kind of love an attention.

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Pretty salty digging through past comments. Don’t know what that proves exactly other than you are a walking salt mine.

Sorry none of that’s trolling that’s just me expressing my views on a public forum.

You should probably learn to read a dictionary and search up the term “trolling” before you blindly throw the word around in future.

WHI CARES. this is a firum. you make posts. why dont you just join in? maby the devs will actually make the hero balanced (which would be removing res, or reverting they were quite close to balancing her.

Soon you’ll be only mains on this forums.
Developers already left.

But who cares about that?


Why would I need a dictionary? I can just bring up Blizzard’s definition of trolling.

It’s Trolling
This post is inflammatory, extraneous or upsetting.

Best description for all of those replies that I quoted.

Proves that you’re a troll?

love this kind of entertainment. :grin:

If only you could post the Moira Popcorn OverMoji. :joy:

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Since trolls liked flagging the megathread i think they should just make a mercy discussion section so general discussion isn’t filled up so much.

Yea same they need their own subsection so the rest of us are spared the flood of posts a day. Get’s rather annoying.

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Calm down dude. Anyway, I’ll explain because I’m so nice and not a troll. You said, “nope” to me saying that those quotes prove that you’re a troll. Now, if we were to take a glance at the definition of trolling,

Your quotes can be considered, inflammatory, extraneous or upsetting by a reasonable person and therefore, you’re a troll. If you’re still having troubles, please feel free to say so. I’ll be glad to help.

For proving my point about you being a troll? I whole-heartedly disagree. :blush:

If it helps you sleep at night. :man_shrugging:t2:

Well maybe it’s time they finally discuss the rework with Mercy players. I think the dust has finally settled after a year.

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I mean you could just not read them. Something you seem pretty good at doing to other posts lol

Bastion is one of 15 dps heroes and was designed as a niche pick, Mercy is one of 6 supports, and one of 3 main healers.

LOL what? I reply to loads of subjects on this forum. Another person ho needs a pair of glasses.

Why are you avoiding your suspension with that alt btw?

Mercy needs to be made FUN, not stronger.

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I’m not lol? What are you even talking about

And honestly, you’re one to talk. Looks like you have multiple accounts too :joy:

Ok aria :slight_smile: whatever you say.

Wow you think I’m Aria? I’m kinda honoured I guess, I have a rep to uphold now

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