Dear Toxic Ana Players/Supporters

Chalk me up to both of those xD

In fact, I think I’m going to make a post about those statements.

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This post has good intentions but is entirely unnecessary

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last time I checked /s means sarcasm.
I do agree those that every hero has toxic players

Lol I love playing Ana. I don’t main her and I’m pretty scared to use her in comp cause I have some frequent games where my aim is garbage town. But, man…even when I was playing Mercy and she was mandatory, I just didn’t like it! I don’t know what it is…maybe it’s because I feel like I lost the freedom of choice because I had to play her to win :frowning:

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Back when Ana was a throw I actually got to play her. :sob:

And then on the opposite, now I can’t play Mercy without someone having a fit (if we don’t have Ana).


If you’ve read my post. You’ll notice nowhere that, I didn’t ask for Mercy to get changed.

I just held a mirror up to toxic players and hopefully made them realise.

Sorry, please quote my post where i was talking about “silencing.”

Also, “spam” really? Spam’s definition is repeated messages from the same sender.
Please quote my posts, where I address the same group of toxic players.

And you know what? I’ve only looked at your last 10 recent posts. And guess what? Most of them were about Mercy! Based on your definition, you also parttake in this so called “spam” that is driving the devs and community away! Oh dear, right! Who knows how much “spam” you have in your over 600+ posts compared to my over 50+ posts!

Please stop spreading your misinformation and desperate attempts to shutdown a comment just because you dont agree with it, in the forums.

Martinho, dear, please take a seat.

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Yes it does. I’m sorry but Mercy does not take any special skills to use. I mained her when I first started playing and stopped playing her because of how easy she is. I honestly don’t think she should impact the game as much as Ana because she is so much easier than Ana.

What skill do you need for Mercy that is not needed for Ana? Watching your back? Seeing who to heal first? Theres a lot of skill that you need for Ana that isn’t needed for Mercy though.

These two have to aim.

He isn’t as viable as the other dps characters in higher levels of play. This is fine since a big part of his kit is ai based. No hero who has an ai do their job for them should be as viable as heroes who don’t. Overwatch is a competitive game and that would be a spit in the face to people who have skill if someone who let a computer do their job was just as good and effective as someone else who required a lot of practice and skill to do well with.

Has to aim.

Picked for their shield and Winston’s ability to shoot through barriers and get in/out quickly. Also, Winston takes way more skill than Mercy and so does Rein with his shield.

Mercy doesn’t have to worry about recharging anything, she has a small hitbox,she doesn’t get punished as hard as Zen and Ana when out of position because of guardian angel, and she has the most powerful ability in the game which is Rez because that one person she brings back could have an ult that wipes your team and if you traded kills that 5v5 is now a 6v5 in her team’s favor.

Also, fun is subjective. Some of you may not like Mercy and instead of learning a new character after all this time, you continue to complain on the forums about how she isn’t fun and how she is useless yet in-game,she seems to be doing fine. Believe it or not, some people find her fun to play and just because a vocal minority doesn’t, doesn’t mean she should be changed. If you really hate playing her that much, learn another support until they add one you like or even learn a new class. Nobody is forcing you to play Mercy.

I’m also sick of Mercy mains feeling like nobody can say anything about them or their character on here. Tbh,this post shows just how less toxic Ana mains are because if this was any other post but about Mercy instead of Ana and how Mercy shouldn’t be as viable, it would have been flagged and hidden already with the first 30 or so replies from angry Mercy mains. and Mercy mains have been known to have a mob mentality on the forums where you can’t say anything about their character and I’m sick of it. They don’t listen to facts or logic either so civil discussions with them lead to nowhere. I will say this, though. It’s not all of them and some are civil and open-minded. However, somehow, others have unfairly cast a negative shadow on the groups as a whole.

You know the saying; “One bad apple ruins the bunch.”

To those rational Mercy mains; I understand you want her to be fun but there are other heroes who need to be looked at before going back to Mercy.

Okay, bye,muting this thread.


It’s on me, but please, just shut up. I’m for everything already.
It’s all I ask. I’m not even waste my time arguing. Just stop!

You can insult me, blame me, witch-hunt me.
But stop with the Mercy threads.

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I kindly ask for you to please stop asking me to stop with Mercy threads, when you again reply to this Mercy thread and no doubt will keep replying to them or even creating more?
Also, it seems like the only “silencing”

happening is you trying to get me to stop me from voicing my views.

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I would never create a topic about mercy love. Never ever.
It’s too much pollution already.

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You say that nonsense like they shouldn’t rebuff Mercy now

Every hero deserves to be equally viable in every tier.
Why shouldn’t it? Because Mercy doesn’t require as much skill as Ana?

Why a Mercy main should be forced to play Ana in higher ranks , just because Mercy isn’t viable in them(like rn)?

Or Ana main not being able to play her in lower ranks?

It goes both ways.


oh give me a break… as if Ana players do not know what it feels like being nerfed over and over again (around season 3 there was a nerf in every patch).

Besides, looking at winrates, the supports have never been this balanced. They are all around 50% between the main healers. Pick rates do vary but that is understandable since pickrates are more of a personal prefference and it is normal for healers to have high pick rates since there are like 3 main healers, same goes for tanks, but DPS on the other hand may indicate something is wrong because there are so many of them that one having a high pickrate is odd.

You may ask them to make mercy OP again (because thats the only time when you mercy mains are happy), as long as they don´t nerf Ana while doing it, in order to keep her fun and powerfull.

Oh and besides, it should be common knowledge that a high skill hero like Ana should be better the higher you go on the ladder, since you as player are more skilled aswell… thats the point of being high skill. The same principle applies the other way around, which means, the lower you go down in the ranks, the lower should be Ana winrate compared to mercy.


The thing is, Ana is actually a better pick than Mercy in SILVER and higher tier.

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Well, according to overbuff which the only source I’ve got, winrate for Mercy is better than the winrate for Ana up until gold (gold included). Platinum and beyond Ana winrate goes higher and higher, while mercy still grows but not as fast and peaks around 50% in GM, which is not the best.

But sure, go ahead and buff mercy if you want, I don´t care, as long as Ana does not get nerfed, because I don’t want season 3 all over again (nerfs after nerfs to Ana, until mercy got reworked).


too late for that, ana has been severly nerfed before and guess what? we didnt whine like mercy mains did

because this will never happen and has never happened in any videogame ever

exactly, mercy mains should go back to playing candy crush or something

these are skillful heroes (not as much as widow or tracer tho) and torb is getting a rework so hell be ok in our book

well be civil, like before

geoff back then: lets make bionade, ana’s only sustain on a 10 sec cooldown heal only for 50 hp bc people whine

ana mains back then: that sucks but ok, lol


But Ana Mains are not Toxics, Mercy mains are pretty toxic these days.


Oh okay, it’s because toxic Ana player are called toxic because they actually lie or or act out greedy in nasty ways. I don’t care about stereotype, but accountability. But that’s excusable exception because Ana player is the one doing it out of malice. Make up your mind.

That’s a poor excuse with mental gymnastics. As you said you were against being arbitrary “you on including irrelevant information to a very specific discussion.”

That just discredits them even more. A toxic ana player can’t insist know everything about Ana then unwarrantedly crap Mercy player to validate themselves and think that’s okay. Then turn around mouth off and desperately cover up the reality they were oblivious of Ana’s actual kit for over a year. They put themselves in that toxic position.

That’s being willfully ignorant considering the dates and updated were already posted to refute their lie. Rather than concede a point and people double down of other being “ignorant” and attack labels when they continue to ignore facts themselves. That’s petty. Shades thanks for sharing your thoughts, however mental gymnastics to make excuses for that toxic behavior or lies, probably isn’t very constructive for the forums.

It’s not really about perception. I mean, technically it is, but let’s not kid ourselves. Ana requires all of the positioning that Mercy does and she requires a very high level of aim and she doesn’t have a low-cooldown and very powerful movement ability.

And while this doesn’t mean that Mercy should be unviable, by any means, it is strictly uncompetitive for players to be able to get more value from 1 hour on Mercy than 10 hours on Ana. It also hurst Mercy the one part of her kit that requires a lot of gamesense and is situational (Rez) people complain about, because some people want to be handed everything for free.

Not saying that that’s how it was, or is, but it does, by extension encapsulate the major rift between Ana and Mercy, and such a situation can not exist in a competitive game.

This character requires a lot more aim than people give him credit for.

These heroes are exceptions in that they require significantly more awareness than… pretty much anyone else. Also tanks especially are pretty comp dependant. Sure, you will get some that are used more than others, but very rarely do tanks define meta in the same way that a support or DPS can, they are mere results of a meta.

People do complain about these two. Not so much anymore, because they are played a lot less, but when they were meta, they were constantly being complained about.

They should be.

I don’t think they would be justified to, but your reasoning is pretty poor. People shouldn’t cry about nerfs because that’s just being self-entitled. Blizzard doesn’t owe you anything, you don’t deserve anything from them.

But Mercy has been oppressive for the past, what, 6 season? Ana has only been meta for a few weeks. So… no the same thing.

But again, complaining about mega nerfs on either side is unjustified.

Gotta agree with this. No defence for people saying that Mercy deserves her current state because of how game-breaking she was for the majority of this game’s life.

These people are equally wrong.


This is a Mercy post disguised as an Ana post The Mercy Community Problem . This is the kind of behavior I am calling out. It is incredibly toxic and it’s why I addressed mercy in particular with my topic. Stop.

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