I’ll play for a few months then I’ll leave for several months. This game is really fun and then all of the sudden it becomes unbearably unfun. Smurfs, throwers, leavers, forced losses… why?
I’ve been from mid plat to low gold and back within a week. Since the last season ended and the new one started I’m now almost silver. Nothings changed with how I play. Been a solo warrior since day 1.
The teams I’m forced to play against are usually 2-2-2, while my team every time without fail is 1-4-1 and they can’t even play DPS or tank right. I’ll flex but it doesn’t matter.
Match making is an absolute joke at this point and to be totally honest I’m ready to set this game down for good unless they do something to make the game more enjoyable.
And I believe I’ve been in plat every season save for these last 2-3.
Part of getting less big loss streaks in your games is admitting that they aren’t forced by some evil matchmaker, you only have your own play to blame.
Play to improve and you climb eventually. Focus on a few bad games like they are the only thing in the world that matter, and you will keep falling from the tilt.
Hello my friend, here is player who has recorded data on loss streaks here
Be careful, if you support this belief people will attack you and call you horrible name. It is very obvious the matchmaker is rigged and liars and people who use cheats will defend it at all cost [ok maybe some honest people who believe it is not rig]. Please do not think I am troll just because I my English is not the best, I am being 100% serious. You may think I am crazy but I am not pulling the chain.
I do, I play with groups of varying sizes. I also play (and climb) in solo queue.
Okay, that’s a perfectly valid point. I even somewhat agree that it could use improving.
However theo notion that the matchmaker is forcing you to go on loss streaks is simply an unconfirmed theory, a theory spread as fact using confirmation bias as “proof”.
My entire point is that “forced losses” or “forced loss” streaks do not exist as an intended design of the matchmaker, but rather a side affect of the nature of competitive ladders.
You rise in rank until you can’t win consistently, then you fall; it happens in every competitive ladder.
The only thing that makes these streaks last longer (and feel like they are out of your control), is tilt. All it takes is a mindset shift to stop them from feeling “forced”.
It felt like forced losses but when I actually look and see the teams it puts me on vs the other team is more or less just garbage match making.
And I’m sure I don’t always play at a pro level but I’ll flex, I’ll switch if I pick something and someone else picks the same class, like it’s just bad now.
It’s still early in the season. There is going to be hysterical skill variance the first week or two of a season as it sorts itself out. Skill variance is always there its just really bad right now
BTW the matchmaker is an absolute pile of bunk. But a lot of it is due to alternate accounts and people hopelessly trying to fill roles they are lucky to play at 3-400 SR below their current level on their main.
Watch a bronze level tank tank in gold sometime. It’s a travesty.
So when my team picks 4-5dps and im left with either heal or tank for them since i cant do both its my fault? …oh u say just use that game to get better and go play the next match. Ok np it dosnt tilt me anymore nor surprise me anymore been playing for a while now. So no tilt, not an issue. I shrug it off.
But what happens when the next 3+ games are 4dps…or 5…every game…maybe even a thrower or 2 in there…yep…all my fault for not being 2+ ranks better then my current rank and solo killing 6 enemys…at once… And then magicly i get games the complete oposite i suddenly couldnt lose them if i closed my eyes and spin in my chair (very fun but can get ya kinda woosy if not careful) on top of all this i can never pratice vs a higher rank enough to learn to fight them so the sec i get to the next rank im given teamates similar to the above AND i still am using my old rank “skills/movments” and failing at fighting them (not talking about smurfs that are random and leagues ahead of me already)
There is a point were saying “its all ur fault” …“u can only improve u” dos not help any at all due to being redundent and dos not apply in ALL cases. This is why people are saying there feels like forced losing streaks and winning streaks (most dont complain about winning cuz well its like a free cookie…would u pass it up if all u had before was dog poop?) Its probly not a machine being mean and saying “im gona make THIS guy lose today beahahahah!” Its how the system is made to match u with ur teammates that somehow is not doing very good at all anymore and those that say “forced lose streaks r real” arr trying out best to get bliz to fix things or change it …maybe 222 forced will fix it but i dunno.
The same thing happened to me today, in 10 out of 12 matches the team composition was already impossible to fix.
Doesn’t mean we couldn’t win. However, we always lost because our opponents always had a very good team composition at the same time.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence. It takes a lot of fun out of the game because I know that tomorrow I will play on the winning side and my opponents will have bad team compositions. I have been noticing the described behaviour for only a few weeks now.