Amazingly fun game with horrible matchmaking

Yup, I 100% agree that the matchmaker could be better.

I only take issue with people making up conspiracy theories like these “forced loss streaks”.

Criticism is good and fine, it helps make the game better. But treating theories as facts helps absolutely no one.

Blizz devs might be good, but even they can’t fix a problem that isn’t there in the first place.

I mean you kind of countered your own point here.

Yes obviously some games can’t be won. But if you play consistently better than other people in your games, you will climb provided you play enough games.

Climbing is a grind, you have to be consistently making impactful plays in every game. You will lose sometimes despite this, but if you truly do not tilt, and continue to actually make these impactful plays (not just a couple times in a game, but constantly) you will climb overall.

People have done it since the game came out, that is a fact. My main placed in silver season 2, and is now in masters. Put me in any “hardstuck” account below diamond and I could climb it there in a week or 2 max. 1 person can significantly affect their games enough to climb, that is a proven fact of this game.

I think if i’d start arguing with you, i could aswell talk to a brick. At least the brick wouldn’t come up with more stupid nonsense instead of tackling my arguments.

Sure… you only have your own play to blame…

I also don’t believe in the forced loosing streaks of the matchmaker.
But saying you have 100% control over your matches and it is always your fault if you loose is just crazy.

Those believes comes from people being unhappy because they all noticed players who don’t belong in the same rank as they do (at least on the hero they were playing). Next to having the rare trolls/leavers etc…
SR changing in a weekend more then 500 points (a rating that is somewhere between X and Y where the gap is more then 500 SR, without playing any different or worse, is not a skill rating!!)
Even blizzard admitting the matchmaker cant do his job wel at the moment. All adding to players frustrations. And now you say all losses/drops are your own play to blame??

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Yes, they do.

When your SR deviates from your MMR, you get matched accordingly. SR below your MMR? Smurfs on your team, derankers (people with SR above MMR), etc on the enemy team. Vice versa is true.

They aren’t forced to put you at 50% win rate, they’re forced to get your SR in line with what your MMR says it should be.


I don’t believe I ever said that at all.

I already said it in my previous posts so Ill keep it simple:

Playing consistently better than the other people in your games WILL NOT lead to you winning every game, some games are simply not winnable; it WILL eventually lead to you climbing.

The only point I was making was that the “forced loss streaks” theory is not the reason someone is stuck in a certain rank.

Streaks of 100-200 SR are generally normal, SR rarely stays the same for an extended period of time, unless you are playing extremely consistently at that level.

But 500? That’s not some matchmaker problem, that’s a consistent issue in those games, and the only consistent person in all of those games is you. You may not think you are playing worse, but the absolute most annoying part of tilt, is that it generally makes you think you are playing well.

Most people just do not realize that they are tilted and they keep playing assuming they are doing well. Arguably the hardest part of overcoming tilt, is simply realizing it exists and is affecting your play.

Well then I guess I’m just a very consistent player, because I haven’t had a win or loss streak of more than 2 or 3 games in about 4 seasons. :rofl:

Yep. Seasons 4-11ish I hovered 3600-3800. Got to 3830-3850 a few times. Mostly a super tight 200 SR spread. That’s why I don’t get how people go on big streaks.

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But u missed my whole point after what u quoted…if u get a game with 5 dps one game and then get it for the next 3 games and lets say you play 6 games that day so 4 games are total losses that u had no control over so not ur fault. And the ohter 2 are wins and were lets jusat say 222 or somerhing were u and ur team were not brain dead. So u end up losing more sr then u gain and yet its all your fault?? The logic on that doant make sense. Now yes its good to improve urself but to tell urself or anyone that its all their fault is just foolish

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That spartum guy never says a bad word about bliz he just discredits everysingle well written post about the problems with this game really yall should ignore him.

So it isn’t a real skill rating. If i play on account A with the same skill as account B, then both should have the same skill rating. That is a skill rating.
I shouldn’t need to play a 100 games first to get in “about” the skill range i belong. And then bounce around your min and max rating. Why can other systems do this and blizzard not?

I dont care about not able to climb (unless i actually become better) and seeing the same number in my rating. I dont need the happiness of climbing a few 100 SR every day (and next day you drop again) I want a rating that actually shows someone skill, accurate. So the matchmaker can do a better job in placing people with the same skill level in the same match. Because at the moment, the system really fails in doing this (and then i am not even talking about deranked and boosted players (on purpose))


Hey look it’s my very own forum stalker, back again to blatantly lie about what I’ve said because they hate me for some reason.

To bad they can’t even get my name right. :rofl:

Again, i never disputed this once. The matchmaker definitely needs improvements.

And as I’ve said multiple times on this thread, I only take issue with people treating theories as facts that fuel the blizzard hate train. The “forced loss streaks” theory is just that, a theory. Acting on assumptions as if they were facts only confuses and distracts from the actual issue people are mad about.

Now as for better SR accuracy, I can’t see any way you can have 100% accuracy to a players overall skill in this game through 1 number. The only way to get even close to that is with role/hero specific SR; there’s just too many variables to account for given that a player can switch entire roles at any point in a match.

SR does actually do a pretty good job at gauging a players mechanical skill on a given role/hero; if everyone was a 1 trick, it would be a great system, but this isn’t a case. My best guess is that the problem originally stems from the last minute addition of solo queue (because of the players asking for it) into a game that was only ever designed to have a team based ranking system.

Unless you can provide concrete evidence (i.e source code) that the matchmaking algorithm does not skew team compositions in any conceivable way, your claim that forced loss/win streaks do not exist is just as speculative as the inverse claim.

As a side note, Activision (now merged with Blizzard) authored a patent that outlines methodology for “[arranging] matches to influence game-related purchases” (I can’t attach links here so you’ll have to search the patent on the USPTO site). Yes, it is phrased to target other types of games such as RPGs, but you should still be aware of the company’s propensities as a for-profit entity.

I would like to correct your statement. Amazingly fun game with good matchmaking system but with trash community.

Ok, you are right that I probably should have phrased it differently to specifically say that this was speculation.

But since every argument for the existence these “forced loss streaks” are equally speculative, and are still phrased as if they are facts (something I rarely see questioned at all on these forums); I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t do the same. :man_shrugging:

Source 20 chars 20 chars?

Stopped reading at “forced losses”

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Think in 2 video’s , one :

He talks about the system not knowing what hero you are going to play so the matchmaker can not do his job well enough. It would only work well if we all would one trick.

Role SR and role queue should made this better (they were probably already creating even testing this when this interview happened, else he probably would not admitted this) . At least if the shorter queue times we have now(probably for 2-2-2) is not because of that they made the matchmaker less strict.(in another topic someone said queue times are shorter because they removed the restriction/test that every player can not have the same map 2 times in a row)

Yeah, it is a VERY fun game and Blizzard always makes a game that attaches to someone. It is this fun game with RICH story, interesting characters, great artwork and astounding concepts!

Since December of 2017, match maker is NOT working out. I really wished they did NOT overhaul it. I knew when Jeff announced on youtube the plans to overhaul Match maker, that problems would be occurring. Which over the course of this past year. It has.

The most important thing to remember is that, first and foremost, the game is balanced overall for organized 6v6 play, not for play with randomly assigned teammates. This means whatever comp with the ability to switch characters mid-match. Any-queue-less-than-6 was not meant to be a thing for competitive modes:

Locked 2-2-2 feels like it’s mainly catering to the solo-queue crowd even though GOATS was becoming too much of a thing in OWL.