I’ve played a few comp games today and let me tell you something about Mercy - People only pick her for her Damage Boost.
Heals? They aren’t that good even if they are consistent.
Rez? Too risky to use. If you manage to pull of a sneaky rez - You’re a god.
Mobility? I mean - sure , I can survive a lot with her but when she doesn’t provide much what’s the point of playing her.
Valkyrie - I have no words for it. Seems like it doesn’t have anything impactful whatsoever.
I see Mercy paired with Ana, Moira or Baps and Pharah(console), Ashe and in cases of Bunker.
But literally - I see no other reason to pick her if not for the Damage Boost.
It’s awesome that you help your team kill stuff but I thought Mercy was something like a Main Healer? Maybe I’m wrong.
(DB is great tho if you know how to utilize it the best way possible)
Idk, maybe she’s not that good as people believe she is (Heck , even she might UP compared to the other Supports , Ana taking the first spot as the best Support).
Before Mercy had a niche - Like soloheals and what not. But now , With Role Queue and the nerf she received to her heals months ago. I wonder - Is her niche now to be a Damage Boost bot?
No, not really. Mercy is still my go-to for when I have to solo heal (which won’t be a problem much longer) and I like to play her more aggressively, to better enable some of my DPS teammates and also to make myself bait and play cat n mouse with the enemy. If they are too busy bothering me, then Widow is a bit more free to delete them off the map.
I think with Mercy, peoples perceptions of her is often indicative of their playstyle.
I don’t think she is underpowered, but I do think there is a kind of “healing bloat” or power creep among the supports, but that is probably not going to be an issue for much longer. I think other healers might be a bit more overtuned, rather than her being undertuned. I think she is the most balanced she has ever been.
Reasons I pick her: Mobility, consistent healing, (in my opinion) great versatile ultimate, and damage boost.
She works well with McCree too IMO, as far as pocketing goes.
And honestly, being a pocket healer and/or “DB bot” has pretty much been the way I’ve been playing Mercy for the longest time anyways, even before the 60 HPS nerf.
Also, I’m kind of surprised about how many people on this forum seen to find using Rez as risky or some sort of death sentence. I can’t remember the last time I was actually killed while using it.
Sorry , don’t log in every day to keep track of every thread. Just whenever I feel like I want to share an opinion. (Usually on already existing thread but since I didn’t find anything)
People right now pick supports for their utility. Like every support can heal, it doesn’t matter if they have low or high healing potential or if they have low or high healing consistency. The fact that they can heal is what matters. Which bring to the next point of what utility that they bring to the fight.
Mercy is not just a damage boost bot. I don’t understand where on earth is that coming from. She has rez as her second utility and it’s impactful no matter how risky it is. And, rez isn’t that hard to pull off if one can read the situation well.
Mercy also has the best healing consistency between all of the supports.
Mercy is not just a damage boost bot. If you consider Mercy to be one, then Zen is nothing but a discord bot. Brig is nothing but a repair pack bot. Baptiste is nothing but a lamp bot. And Moira is just a trash for not having any utility. And all of those statements are wrong (except for Moira).
Hi! GM Mercy main here, been playing the hero since launch, have almost 800 hours on her, yadda yadda who cares.
She is so much more than a damage boost bot, to call her that is to utterly disregard all of the value and impact her kit has to offer.
First off, calling her heals bad is just wrong. Her healing has unique properties which no other main healer does (no reload, no aiming, very loose LoS restrictions, and healing through shields) which alone makes her way more valuable as a healer in certain situations, such as if you are playing against Dive heroes like Winston. No other healer can pocket their squishies or second support better than Mercy can.
Rez is not at all too risky to use. The cast time is very easy to work around, you just need to use your knowledge of the game, teamfights, and the terrain to look for a window which you can safely rez in. You have ten entire seconds to press E on a soul, that’s a lot of time for a safe oppurutnity to present itself. Use her spacebar passive, use cover, use shields and LoS, ask for heals/bubbles/etc. And in many cases, valuable teammates like Widowmaker will die in super easy to rez places on highground.
You are also underselling her mobility. Supports are the most valuable parts of a team comp, when they die the team falls apart. Mercy has the best mobility and survivability of all supports, and thus she dies less than the others. She is alive more, and so has more uptime and value being output over the course of a match than say, an Ana who spends all game fighting off flankers and dying. Not only does her mobility allow her to stay alive, she can bait out enemy abilities and ammo and thus waste their resources and time, taking pressure off of her team is the process, as well as reach her teammates in situations where vertical mobility in required, which is hard for the other healers.
I always laugh when someone claims Valkyrie “doesn’t have anything impactful whatsoever” LOL. It’s probably one of the most versatile and useful support ults in the game. First, you have to keep in mind that it essentially makes her unkillable for 15 seconds. That’s 15 seconds of guaranteed healing/boosting output to your team. Then, it multiples her potential healing output by so much. Normally, Mercy can heal 750 health in a 15 second timeframe. During her Ult, Mercy can heal a potential of 4,500 healing in 15 seconds. That’s an INSANE boost to her healing potential, and the fact that her beams become AoE in this also drastically improve her life-saving potential. When you use Valkyrie, you are basically summoning 4 other Mercy players onto your team for 15 seconds, with all five of you each pocketing someone on your team with 60 HPS or 30% damage boost. How is gaining 4 more Mercys for 15 seconds “not impactful”. That’s not even taking to account how strong chain damage boost is for securing kills and bolstering your team’s ult economy.
Sounds like a /you/ problem and not a Mercy problem.
She is, and she has been since launch. She is currently a main healer, and functions very well as one, statistically and in practice.
You are.
Mercy is quite literally getting a mega BUFF due to 2-2-2 Role Queue coming. She is the best 2-2-2 healer, as she works much better with a majority of the DPS roster than Ana or Moira do, and Mercy is extremely flexible for all situations, maps, and team comps, whereas Ana and Moira are best relegated to more specific, slower, tankier comps. Ana also suffers against Dive, which will return, whereas Mercy THRIVES with and against dive. The sheer fact that you will have 2 DPS every game means Mercy is getting a buff to her viability, and she was already good on live.
I, as someone who uses Moira often too, thinks she is in a desperate needs of help. With all the one shot that happens in the game, Moira’s healing became much more less valuable and it’s pretty annoying when I use her I could do nothing to support my team to get a kill beside going DPS.
But I didn’t call them bad. Just not that good. But whatever - guess it’s not of a big difference.
Hmmm , not that risky , you say? Maybe? If you didn’t have to keep in mind 100000 things before pulling it off. Positioning, Enemy Ults , Who’s alive, Who’s dead, Rez now or later and more…
I literally never said her mobility was bad. Her mobility is awesome and you can survive a lot but when you don’t provide much to the team - what’s the point? Yes , you’re a support - the longer you remain alive the better but when no one’s helping you in doing so even your mobility won’t save you.
Ok , sure , we can’t have different opinions - I see…
So , you’re laughing at my opinion , Glad I’m honored to be the one to be laughed at…
Ey , thanks for teaching me how to play the game(clearly I didn’t know) and for being so polite.
I think you have it in reverse. Before, Mercy was the best at pretty much everything. Now she is strong for damage boost and teams which need less healing.
Not to mention she gets significantly better mobility and range.