Am I the only one who thinks Mercy is just a DB bot now?

Nah she ain’t a damage boost bot. She’s good for now and I’d rather they not give her any sort of buff currently because the moment they do people will call for nerfs.

What she needs is QoL changes in visual clarity and output. Give Valk a circle around her beam target that shows the range where her beams will chain, add stats for kills, healing, and damage boosted during Valk, etc.

  • They are still good and she’s one of the healers that can heal through barriers.
  • Rez is still a game changer versus certain comps like Widow who rely on picks.
  • She provides plenty and her ability to escape flanks is amazing.
  • Valk not only increases her heals substantially but gives her complete freedom of movement, I’m not sure how t hat doesn’t feel impactful to you.

It just sounds like you don’t like Mercy, not that there’s really a problem with her. :thinking::man_shrugging:

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Umm DAE think Mercy is actually quite powerful when paired with pharah and superjump? You need to have a lot of skill to play mercy, look it up sweetheart.