Am I the only one that likes Venture as a character?

I know some people don’t like them because of their appearance, voice, and that “other” thing.

Yet I find Venture to be really unique interns of character. They feel very practical and normal, like someone you can easily go up and talk too. It is nice to have more characters who are not trying to follow the rule of cool or be waifu bait.

Also in defense of their voice, that is honestly how I would expect them to sound like, they are kind of a geek after all.


The only thing i dont like is their design. Their art makes them look like a gremlin, but theyre just ugly in game


No, I like Venture.
One of the better characters they’ve put out recently.


You would like for them to be shorter in game?

Would heroes like Junkrat and Lucio fit this bill too?


I really like and appreciate all new heroes introduced to the OW family. Venture is fun and goofy and the best part is that the community has taken to them very well!!!

Venture hasn’t been in the game for that long and they already have this positive stigma around the character due to the community making memes about them eating rocks (which is canon now btw) and Venture’s voice actor is just the BESST when it comes to community interaction. Honestly, the VA has done a lot to help with Venture’s hype and positive stigma and they are just a very nice person who has been playing the game since like the OW1 beta.

I feel like there is such a fun connection between the devs and players this patch with the addition of memes the community has made. The Winton plush, Venture eating rocks becoming canon, Venture’s pointing spray that references the pic the VA posted on twitter, etc. All of these small things that were added just feels fun and nice to me, I like when devs aknowledge community memes (not generalized memes like Lifeweaver’s sprays or Genji’s Spiderman pointing for example)

While I think Venture is a bit overtuned and needs some nerfs, I still find the character to be a fun addition in the end.


I like Venture as a character.

The only hero in the entire game I don’t like as a character is Hanzo. He’s so lame to me.


meh they’re fine. I am not sure i agree that someone burrowing should heal while doing it or be able to see where they are going…but hey what do i know

I love Venture; in design, as a character, and to play as. They’re silly and sweet. I think OW really needed a “dork” (as endearing as I can mean that) and they fit the bill.


junkrat and lucio are much more relaxed which makes them way less annoying.

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I agree with Lucio, but Junkrat is anything but relaxed lol. He is always on the verge of exploding.


Forums/social media condemn Venture, but I think a lot of the player base is neutral or net positive when discussing their design/personality/etc.

There’s nearly 40 heroes to compare them to, but if we wanna pick two:

vs. Illari = much more personality, more “fun” and interactive voice lines, much less backstory, a much more simplistic wardrobe, a much more polarizing body design, a fairly equal weapon design (subjective). Overall, I’d say Venture brings a lot more to the conversation than Illari, but that may be unfair since Illari is/was designed as a quiet sufferer.

vs. Pharah = much more personality, more “fun” and interactive voice lines, nearly equal backstory, a much more intricate wardrobe, a much more polarizing body design, a slightly more intricate weapon design. Overall, I’d say Venture has been fleshed out much more than Pharah, whose been around since day 1.

Again, however: the conversation is moot because this is all subjective. There’s going to be 50 heroes soon and I wish people would understand that, like real life, you’re under no obligation to like them all. You CAN hate Venture; that’s the beauty of free agency as a human being with free will. Hate them all you want. If they annoy you, if you don’t click with their personality and would prefer to chill with Roadhog or Reaper or Mauga, cool! OW models the real world: there’s skinny, fat, tall, short, white, black, different cultures/ethnicities/sexual orientations/personalities/ entitlements/struggles/traumas/backstories/etc. That’s what makes it awesome.


A little less bulky, and i mean their face. Their face for their art work looks much different to their face in-engine, i cant describe youd have to check for yourself

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Venture is extremely fun to play as, but the design is just completely ugly.

Its like you took one of those tumblr drawings, slapped drilling gear on them and called it a day


That´s…one way to put it.

Lol, not at all. It seems Venture is too crazy even for me. I think I had enough, when she expressed her desire to be eaten by scarabs.

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Me personally, I think the character concept a lot. The visual design characteristics are on point with the endearingly derpy smile and baggy, casual clothing. Her voice doesn’t irritate me too much, but some of her voice lines definitely feel cheugy. Although I do like her “You know the drill” voice line. Gives me a little chuckle. Overall, thumbs up for Venture.

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gamers when they see a female in real life.


I really like their personality, their “hello” wave is adorkable


I really like Venture. They’re fun as heck.

And I like the voice. It’s toony. I like the toony voices. Ram is epic and evil, in a toony way. Soldier with his basic boring kit, is still toony with his voice.

Cass/Ashe are toony cowboy/girl.

The toonyness adds to the characters fun imo.


Venture is one of my favorite characters as a person. I enjoy their enthusiasm and they do not come across as fake or overly fruity despite it.