Venture pride namecards

same, while quite easy, he scratches the bastion itch of “im huge, I have a minigun, be afraid mortals”

Is she tho? Where? I didn’t see this.

I’m sure if someone in game or on the forums would referred to Venture as anything but they or non-binary like even if someone said “she” then they would get reported.

Then you are wrong, unless they do it just to be spiteful

Well what if someone who doesn’t pay attention to a heroes bio says she without even realizing venture goes by another pronoun.

I was able to find these from the last three days and probably more were in deleted threads.

I missed the part where this “friend” preferred female pronouns so I wasn’t wilfully omitting context, but I’m also not sure if I buy it.


Then they get corrected on that, and informed that venture goes by they/them pronouns.

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I didn’t saw those from her actually. So I stand corrected.

But given the context, I actually believe Quelithe that her friend identifies as NB and uses she/her pronouns.

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This is what I hoped was the case, thank you for the extra information.

TBH I think it would be a strange thing to lie about to begin with. But I agree with you that education and discussion is far more helpful in general.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, we get some decicated trolls around here where a discussion is just not possible. But, for the most part, I feel a lot of people would be far more au fait with LGBT stuff in media if we could talk instead of mud-sling.

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Because people don’t want video games to try and tell them what their moral values should be. As I said, making characters outside the norm is fine but throwing pride flags and events into the game should never happen. If the devs want to show support for this stuff don’t do it in a game you’re trying to market all over the world, especially in places where you literally have to censor it.

Just a friendly reminder to all OW players that you do not have to respect or use the pronouns of a freaking video game character. These are not real people. This is a video game.


That´s how it´s explained on many websites, when I was trying to educate my self. And please, don´t use “cis” with me. I only ever seen that word thrown as slur and I dislike it.

She literaly has in her profile, that she goes with “they/them” or “her/she” and after talking with her, she told me, she doesn´t mind any pronouns people use.

If you like to go and qute every single thing I ever said, you should probably read, how I feel about NB in general and that if I care about the person, I use pronouns they want. Venture is a cartoon character and it doesn´t always poke my mind to think about pronouns, that makes zero sense in my mind and native language, so I often overlook it (unless it´s someone I care about, than I am careful).

She is real and I genuinly don´t know, why it is any of your business. You are trying so hard portraying me as “hateful”, but I am kinda dissappointed, that I am targeted yet again. You don´t know me and whatever you think - you should always give people choice without pining it on “hate”.


I will give you benefit of the doubt and apologize.

The forums have proven to be a horrible place and I may be too quick to judge on that, so I apologize.

You, however, I know has garbage opinions, and you’re definitely in a rush to respect the pronouns of real people.

And you know this how? See this is why no one takes you seriously here. You always go on the attack and insult people you don’t even know. You’re very immature.

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The moral values of … respecting each other? I mean yeah, I can see how Gamers™ would get upset by that.

The fact that people still use this argument…
Yes, Venture is not real, but by misgendering them on purpose, you are essentially showing to actual non-binary people that they aren’t valid, which to be fair, might be okay with you. But don’t guise it as ‘oh, it’s just a character hehe’


How many threads with awful opinions of yours have been deleted by now lol


It goes both way, you know?


We know this based on you disrespecting a video game character, which in turn can have an impact on real people behind the screen. :slight_smile:
Do you think it’s okay to say slurs towards Soldier for being gay or DF for being black? Or do you understand that this is wrong?
By respecting pronouns of a fictional character, you show real non-binary people that they are valid.


I’m aware.

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Bold of you to assume those are issues to him. After all, activism in gaming is wrong!!

Yes, I get that. That’s why dialogue is important. That’s why we say that you were misinformed on what that means. It’s not condescending it’s educational. We are saying that you were lied to, and that’s not ok. But it’s not your fault that you were lied to. Just like it’s not my fault that my fundamentalist christian biology teacher didn’t taught me what evolution by means of natural selection actually is, but rather bunch of misconceptions straight from creationists textbooks. It wasn’t my fault that I was taught wrong information. And same with you, it’s not your fault you were taught wrong information. But please do understand that we are trying to help you stop being wrong about this.

And I can do this, sure. Then what word you would want me to use to make clear that you are not a trans woman when that’s needed for clarity? Because just “woman” encapsulates both.