Am I the only one that finds Mercy to be fun?

700+ hours on Mercy. Less than some, more than most.

I’ve played her from the start and felt all of her changes along the way, both good and bad, and right now, for this mercy main, she’s the best she’s ever been.

I can’t speak for comp play, as it’s just not my cup of tea. But in the unscripted chaos of quickplay, Mercy needs nothing.

Here’s my philosophy on her, and why she’s not like any other character in the game, and certainly not boring…for me anyhow. If you find her dull or in need of something more, I humbly suggest that you try thinking about/playing her this way (below) and see if your feelings change.

I’m not just playing Mercy, I’m playing all the other characters on my team, like a poker hand. And like a poker hand I never know what I will be dealt, what abilities I can amplify, what defenses I can strengthen, or what ultimates I can boost to get first or more often. Their powers are my powers. Every team is different, every fight varied, and no map ever feels completely the same. Some pokers hands are terrible, and others are great, but most have potential, and the fun is trying to find it, and make it work. Like poker though, not all hands win the game, but many do if played right.

As a mercy player, I’m nothing without my team. So my goal is to use my kit to empower every team member I can, in whatever way they need to let them push further than they could without me.

She can heal

She can boost

She can rez

She can fly

(She can Superjump)

She can shoot (without reloading while in valk)

And She can Punch.

It’s up to the Mercy player to mix and match at the right moment, and to do so while avoiding bullets, beams, bombs, traps, rockets, punches, tires, blades, ice, boops, hammers, sniper-fire, and more all coming her way, with one of the lowest HP pools in the game, and not die…all while keeping everyone else alive. That’s my kind of fun.

For me, Mercy is the best. I personally want for nothing with her.

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Bronze mercy mains be like :


Because, from what I’ve seen, these ranks have the least amounts of basic errors.
Down here people don’t know how to ult, don’t know how to group up, hell, in gold and below they don’t even know where the objective is. The icing on the cake was when I was high diamond and I was seeing Genjis trying to deflect Zarya’s laser, this thing still haunts me to this day.

I play support but since I have an extreme amount of hours on Mercy, I’ll go ahead and say I’m a Mercy main.

I also find her to be very fun. Sometimes her team reliance gets to me, as she has less carry potential than other heroes. But the majority of her gameplay I really enjoy. Especially valk… which most would disagree with.

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It really depends on your playstyle, I can see people enjoying Mercy, but it’s just not my cup of tea.

Those mistake still happen in GM as well, basic errors. They will never disappear fully. They can always come back but in lower elo they happeen more often, that’s true.
But when YOU are avoiding making basic mistakes or mistakes in general, then your team can only have 5 other “bad” members and the enemy team can have 6 c:
So lets say both team are equal of skill but your skill is higher, then you will climb because it means that your teams skill is higher then the one from your enemies.
I hope this can give you any kind of motivation >-<
Just dont give up!

People who are content rarely have reason to say as much.

The people who are discontent are a small minority, and excessively loud by comparison.

This thread was created for Mercy mains who still enjoy her to talk and have a place to discuss why they still believe Mercy is a fun character. CLEARLY I’m not the ONLY one in the world that enjoys Mercy, I just want to find more people who do.

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I come from TF2 where the Medic (Mercy’s direct counterpart and inspiration) is much more satisfactory to play due to having a higher skill ceiling. There’s overheal, uber, the 4 different mediguns and actual killing potential. Just much more fun overall to play and improve with.

Mercy just doesn’t cut it for me.

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I love everything about her except her low healing output compared to the other heroes. But that being said, I think Mercy should be the basis for how much healing the other supports can do.

Thank you, appreciated.

I’ve never understood why people claim she’s ‘unfun’ now. I get that ultimates are a part of a hero’s kit, but i personally never include them when i judge who’s fun for me or not (also Mercy pretty much still functions the same anyway). Imo you shouldn’t base fun factor on a heroes ultimate.

That being said, I still find Mercy fun. I enjoy beam healers.

Pinball mercy style was fun as hell, but it required a certain level of healing to pull off, 50 hps even close to enough.

You can’t get in the pinball zone if you gotta wait at every stop. So everyone gets hurt more, so you have to wait even longer, and the whole thing grinds to a halt.

It sucks pretty hard, so I don’t play her anymore. I don’t think Pinball Mercy is even a known play style now it has been gone for so long.

It used to be a thing. I’d give up Valk for it in a heart beat. Rez to.


Yes, you are definitely the only person out of millions OW players who finds one of the most popular heroes fun. Everyone else who plays her is a masochist.

Well duh, I was using positive politeness to start a discussion whilst avoiding face threatening acts.

You probably arent.

I go on at length about it in a post a made a while back here and Mercy hasnt gotten any substantial changes since then so everything I said still stands:

Thats my biggest issue with Mercy and what sucks the fun right out of her.

As far as I am concerned, I outlined my opinions of this at length here:

Robo, it still is, for me anyhow. You can slingshot your way around the map like few other toons. Add in Superjumping and on some maps you never stop moving. Just pray the Widow/Hanzo is/are a bad shot. She seems to have more “pop” now too when you tap the spacebar near the end of your flight. The boosts are great fun.

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