Am I the only one that finds Mercy to be fun?

Am I? The forums seems to reflect that Mercy players are very unhappy with her kit and how she plays, and they have been since her rework three years ago now.

Why do people find her so… boring? I hear that she’s a healing/res bot or a moth which connotes that her kit is only useful for her resurrection function or her easy healing output. But how does no one see how fun she really is?

Taking the pistol out and dealing with a flanker who thought that they could easily take you out is so satisfying and rewarding.

Damage boosting teammates at just the right time and having those hitmarkers display is also satisfying, as well as knowing that our team’s damage output should be higher.

Getting a clutch Resurrect feels amazing when done correctly or maybe hiding behind a wall and resurrecting someone as the Widow desperately waits for your head to be in sight.

Valkyrie is awesome when you can heal your entire team, damage boost like Orisa’s ultimate and then gun down a few enemies while you’re at it. People genuinely don’t know what to do when a Mercy is flying around, shooting them sometimes.

Obviously this is just my opinion of her and my level of satisfaction and enjoyment out of her kit will be very different to everyone else’s, so what’s so wrong with her?


Inb4 : “MeRcY iSn’T fUn WiThOuT mAaSe rEz”


I never liked to play as Mercy. To be honest if comes to heals Moira do it better…
But that is just my opinion.

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I still play her because flying around is really fun. I do hate her ultimate with a passion and think the devs should’ve put some more thought into it. I still think rez 1.0 was perfectly fine as mercy would usually be killed instantly. They should have started with a smaller change like reverting the invincibility buff. I mainly don’t like her new ultimate because it’s regular mercy but easy mode (that’s just my view).


I find her fun.

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The GA mechanics is fun, and the only reason why I play her now. Everything else is meh or I dont like it.


I never had mor fun with Mercy than the current version!


She’s fun, Valk and Res aren’t.


I used to find her fun but, I don’t find it fun that my main healing option, which avoids me to fight back at the same time, can’t even make one person sustain a bit of damage. If it was an ult, aight, fair enough, when it’s not an ult nor several people, that’s messed up.
Valk is trash though, and mass rez is good.
People who think otherwise are biased haters. Like that person above me.

There is a difference between having fun with a character and point out flaws in her kit. It’s true that many people exagerate things on the forums but there is some truth behind it.

Her GA is really cool and there’s nothing wrong with it. Same with DB.
But her healing is very low so if you play her as a main heal (which she is supposed to be even according to Blizzard) you won’t be able to use DB in fight because your team will need healing and you don’t have enough to get them back up (compared to when she had 60hps you could outheal Moira’s damage and negate Winston’s while now her heal is negated by Moira’s damage meaning if a Moira is DPSing your target any damage they take you can’t do anything about it) That makes her healing very weak.
Also rez is really meh. It can be really frustrating to use with the several bugs (like rez getting cut off for no reason or your target respawning while you"re rezzing BUT NOT ALL THE TIME so you never know if it’ll work or not etc)
And you have to basically do nothing for 2s --> it’s nice when you do a risky rez because it takes decision making, you have to find an angle to be able to take cover etc, but when you rez in your backlane or before a fight you’re just “alright let me take 2s and do nothing so that guy can come back”

Her pistol is great, nothing wrong with that.

That I really disagree with.
I mean it’s your opinion and I respect that but Valk is very poorly designed. It basically takes every part of Mercy’s kit that shoud be skilled and make it brainless.

Mercy has solo heal / Damage boost so you need to prioritize your target --> Valk has aoe healing /damage boost
Mercy is pretty close range so she bas to be careful of her position and even if GA is on a low CD she has a predictable trajectory so it is dangerous --> Valk gives her free flight and a 20m beam so she can basically be way out of the fight while doing her job perfectly
Mercy has Glide and Super jump which are really great tools and takes both decision making because it can save you or kill you just as well --> Who needs that when in Valk?
Even her pistol ! She doesn’t need to reload so she can just spam in the general direction and eventually she’ll either kill the target or deal enough damage for them to back down

Oh and I forgot she has constent health regeneration as well.

If only they could give her an ult that at least make one part of it use a skill that she needs out of Valk it woud already be great.

Overall even if her healing is weak she’s still pretty fun for me but the thing that I really don’t like is Valk


I find playing mercy incredibly fun, but her healing feels so lackluster in 2-2-2 for some reason, which is weird because she played fine in 2-2-2 before role lock? Probably a shield meta thing, but lately it’s hard to have fun with her when she can’t keep her team up. I’m getting burnt out on playing Moira really fast.

Love her. Since season 4.
I also think she is fine in her current state.
A buff would be nice but that goes for every hero.

I see what you mean. If I could have my way personally, I would have Valk as a 20s Cooldown ability without infinite ammo and 60 hps beams while having mass res, but I don’t think it’ll happen so I’m just trying to enjoy what we’ve got!

If people find Mercy fun, why should they come talking about how Mercy is horrible on the forum ?

This is the answer, people that are happy with the game don’t go whine on the forums. This is why people on this forum think that the majority of the player base don’t like roleQ.

People here don’t play Overwatch, they play Overwatch forum at the point that their ideas became more and more delusional each day.


It depends on the player. With Moira it’s easier to fall into that trap of damaging when you should be healing as you don’t have to swap weapons for it, while a Mercy player may be very good at being aware of who is in need of what kind of support (health/damage boost/help killing an enemy). I think Moira has a higher pickrate but I’m not sure.

I love playing Mercy as a main healer. GA around, getting a risky rez,… I just love it.

Pocket/off-heal Mercy is very unfun for me. I dunno. I don‘t like her that way at all.

legit this.

like GA + superjump, beam juggling, pistolling, like drown me with that.

But then when it comes to supposedly my, i.e. the mercy player’s, time to shine to use res or valk it’s:

  • res mostly about whether the teammate died somewhere safe or not or about either enemies ignoring me and/or teammates protecting me. i.e. getting res off most of the time hardly is about my, the mercy player’s, input. “MY”(?) time to shine…

  • valk is mostly “teEeeEEeAAAAaaaAaAam! dO SomETHiNg!” unless I go battle mercy which often isn’t that good of an option. like with valk, in the end it’s still mostly the team’s input that determines if you actually get an ult’s worth of value from valk rather than you as the mercy player. again, “MY”(?) time to shine… like at least with ana’s nano, the damage reduction and burst heals mean the she saves a life even if the target does nothing with it.


That lvl 147 account of yours better be an alt otherwise you probably haven’t been around for the other versions.

It is, I have been around since End of Season 2

Cool, nice to know.
I can’t fathom how can someone find a hero with gimped heals and her wow moment taken away more fun. Can you explain? Not flaming, just legit curiosity.