Am I the only one that finds Mercy to be fun?

I enjoy everything about her kit tbh. Could be better, yeah, but she’s still extremely fun for me and who I play 99% of the time

I like playing her sometimes. Zipping around playing keep away is fun, rez feels pretty powerful and it feels nice swinging the tide of the fight when you get someone important back up, and there are few things as satisfying as whipping out your pistol and laying the SMACKDOWN on someone.

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She’s fun when you’re still learning her.

But once you reach the top of her skill curve (which is now appallingly short compared to any other hero), you’re basically playing on autopilot.

With enough practice, Mercy’s core gameplay of healing and keeping out of the line of fire can be condensed into muscle memory. Descisions that you used to have to put a lot of consideration into become reflexes, and then there’s nothing left to really keep you on your toes.

I miss Mercy’s old multirez because this state of mind used to be the starting point for true hero mastery, instead of the apex it is now.

Once upon a time, being able to play Mercy on reflex alone meant you could start concentrating on mastering the intricacies of tempo rezzing, and up your game on evading the truly ridiculous amount of enemy focus that Mercy became subject to once you left the low elos (aka when the enemy team has wised up to how dangerous Mercy was when ignored, and started to pressure her as often as possible).


With superjump she is fun,
without it she is not even existed to me.

I feel like people would enjoy valk more if it did a better job portraying her speed and if her beam effects looked better, even if only to her.

Evem though valk is the fastest base movement speed in the game and Valk GA is THE highest movement speed in the game except for Swift Strike/Blink, they dont feel very fast because theres nothing on your screen to indicate so, and you’re flying so you can’t see the ground whizz past. Compare to Lucio, who is usually attached to a wall when going fast for perspective, or Ball who is in third person so they can see everything around them.

to op: no, you are not the only one

I too find find Mercy to be fun to play in her current state

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I’ve never thought that mercy was a particularly interesting hero, even when she had mass rez, but that’s mainly down to the type of player I am.

I like to be very aggressive. So my 2 most played heroes are tracer and genji, as I have the most fun just running around and going ham. My 3rd most played hero is then lucio, for obvious reasons.

I didn’t like the idea of either just healing, or just damage boosting, or just shooting - so many other support heroes can do all 3 of these things simultaneously, or can do other things other than healing at the same time. Lucio can heal and shoot, zen can heal and shoot and makes enemies take increased damage, moira can heal and damage at the same time, bap can kinda heal and shoot at the same time if he uses shift. Mercy can’t do that, and I don’t like it.

Now, ironically, mercy is somehow quite far up my most played list, but I think that is mainly down to the fact that I just played her back when mass rez was good, so I could win games.

I envy you man, I wish I was up there too.

Mercy is one of my favorite supports. You have to be very tactical about your positioning, you can’t just mindlessly hold M1 all game and expect to win.

Eh, you kinda can at this point. She’s not considered a high value target anymore since she doesn’t really bring anything to the table. She used to be a highly hunted target but I have yet to experience that again. So this threat of flankers coming for you is pretty much gone, ergo you don’t really need to be as evasive anymore. You can be, this will make things more fun. But you really don’t have to.
And I am saying that as someone that has been playing her since season 2.


The only times I have had people start specifically targetting me on Mercy is if I manage to kill them and they tilt. Which… then usually doesn’t end well for them.

I love her personality, flying around and healing people, avoiding sniper shots and annoying them as a consequence, having that golden moment where you kill a load of the enemy team and getting a sweet res on someone that changes the course of the game. It’s everything for me, I really enjoy her :slight_smile:

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The good old “fun is subjective” thing coming into play here. Using the pistol and damage boosting is definetely still fun but I personally feel like my healing is lackluster, clutch rez’s and rez in general doesn’t feel great and Valkyrie, I just find boring

Yes. You’re literally the only one. :roll_eyes:

I also find her boring as hell. I’d rather be put through a wood chipper feet first than play Mercy.

You’re not alone OP.

Mercy in her current state is my favorite version of Mercy. I feel like she’s a lot more engaging to play. Rez is still valuable without being OP because it can be countered. I love to fly around in Valkyrie and being able to provide healing or dmg boost to my entire team instead of just 1 target, even if just for seconds. The general playstyle for Mercy in this state is how I always wanted her to be played back during her Rezbot era.


Eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, another one. I also really enjoy mercy :slight_smile:


Mobility is and has always been fun, but having almost no impact with your own actions is really a poor reflection of your skill level whenever you happen to play mercy. Just because you don’t die, doesn’t mean your team doesn’t because you’re not a moira or ana or baptiste. Just because you avoided the aoe ulti enemy lobbed at you doesn’t mean your teammates did and you can’t save them because you’re not lucio nor zen.

It’s unfun to play a gimped hero who has no tools to influence the flow of the match. What kind of guardian angel is mercy supposed to be when she can’t watch over even one teammate?


No, you are not the only one who finds Mercy to be fun.

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What are those “Am I the only one…?” threads. No you are not. There are plenty Mercy mains, people who bought Overwatch because of Mercy etc…

People who complain are more likely to post here it seems. This is why you don’t read much appreciation about anything that anyone likes.

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Why do you wish to be that high?
And what are you if you don’t mind me asking.