Am I the only one that finds Mercy to be fun?

Get rid of both rez and valkyrie, keep lock-on beams and guardian angel; that might make Mercy fun to play for me again.

There are plenty of people who enjoy current Mercy, and plenty of people who don’t. I think Blizzard failed massively by polarizing and splitting the Mercy playerbase to such a massive extent. Blizzard would never admit failure though, which is rather frustrating.


I like to juke enemies with mercy sometimes, using ga to dodge doomfist feels like waking a dog.

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Nope. It’s because Mercy’s true strength was the dps heavy composition. It’s a bit ironic how many Mercy players were crying for 222 lock… :roll_eyes:

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Because I don’t need a WOW Moment to feel like I am helping. Never liked the WOW moments, same goes for my Reallife. Hate to be the center for the attention, even if its just for a second.

Gimped heals; I play her more as an off healer when we have a different main healer. I gain ultcharge through my DMG boost, so do my DPS while Moira/Ana can heal them. Oc if I have to heal I wont hesitate to do so but if I can DMG boost Soldier or heal up Orisa as well, then I would prefer to DMG boost. Ultcharge for ME and for Soldier (bec. of DMG- boost).

Hopefully you can understand my point of few a bit more now c:

At this point, Blizzard has taken away so much of Mercy’s ability to make decisions that impact the fight that it almost feels like they did it on purpose.

The two parts of her that are fine and still feel good to use are GA and all its tech, and her blaster.

Her heal beam should feel good… but it hasn’t really ever since it got nerfed to 50 HPs. Doubly so because unlike pretty much every other healer in the game… she has no way to temporarily boost that 50 HPs to a higher number.

Her Boost Beam… honestly I never thought this thing was very good. The player feed back on it is atrocious and you have to hard core abuse certain bits of it for it to be worth it… cause if you don’t, your Mercy is only 30% of what someone else is doing. Beyond that though… they nerfed it so you can’t react to a teammate using a burst damage ability. Reinhardt used firestrike? Mercy used to be able to react, put blue beam on him and they both get some nice ult charge. Now though, Mercy has to be already boosting him when he throws it. Good luck with that.

When and where to use Resurrect used to be Mercy’s big decision that would sway… everything. Now that it has that awful cast time and slow, whether to use Resurrect or not is a simple question of “Can I get away with this?” and the answer is not dependent on Mercy’s skill in the slightest.

Valkyrie is just… bad. The chain beams are basically projected auras. I have never in my life seen a game manage to make auras feel good to use. Either they feel good, but are legit crazy op (waves at transendence) or they are roughly balanced but just kinda… meh (waves at Lucio’s unamped auras which used to be even worse at that). I mean, both this game AND League of Legends both had to do mini reworks to their aura based champion to try to make them less boring which involved shrinking the auras and making them much more powerful. Valkyrie, Mercy’s ultimate, which is supposed to be “Hey look at this, I’m gonna do something cool!” is just pathetic because they made it an aura.

And… that’s Mercy’s whole kit. GA doesn’t directly effect the game and if you are using her blaster often… you’re arguably playing Mercy wrong. All the other ways Mercy actually effects the match are… terribly flawed in ways that robs the Mercy player of the ability to have autonomy and agency. That’s why I find her boring at least.


One of the minority, that’s for sure.

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I simply want her to be a powerful medic hero at this point. Her healing being 50hps doesnt reflect that and her ultimate being unable to save people from basic burst fire is a bit annoying as well. I dont really care about res, I just want them to make mercy a good medic character that isnt used as an off healer.


Other than pseudo spectator mode, I can fly to the top of the invisible border simulator and handicapped for 2 seconds to revive someone else who likely died stupidly on a long cooldown, her kit is fine.

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I find her fun because she is a heal bot on auto play.
I genuinely started playing her more once valk hit because chain beans is legit the dumbest auto pilot for an fps. More than turrets and Moira orb lol

As long as chain beans exist, I have a brain dead hero I can play half asleep or literally afk. And sometimes that’s all i want. No responsibility, no stress, just… Hitmarkers.

Pistol just gets her ult so fast and I don’t have to do anything. Pistol farm and afk. It’s a relaxing day on mercy.

The last few times I played her, which was during Beta season, I didn’t even use Valk unless I pocketed my duo partner through their ult. Other than that, I was able to do pretty much everything without ever having to use my ult or Rez. ( Noted, that was in Diamond ) And to me, that is a big red flag. If the player doesn’t need the supposedly most powerful ability aka their ult to win a fight or doesn’t necessarily need to USE it at ALL, is it really that powerful then? Not really.

I’ve won many games without ever having to pop Valkyrie. I have never had that on any other hero that I played. She needs an overhaul, again. Because that last rework was a mess and she’s still suffering from it.

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An easy fix would be to switch E and Q.

E - Valk lite for 4 seconds, 12s CD. Aoe heals or aoe boost, unlimited ammo. I used to think free flight but now I think that’s too much freedom. Extended or faster GA range instead.

Q - single target instant rez, reset valk CD. Or cast but 200% <<75%, RIP math>> dmg reduction so she can have her heroic look at me moment while being able to take a riskier rez.


To expand on why. Short valk means you use it with a specific purpose in mind, then it ends. Looooong valk is boring, you accomplish what you wanted early on and then just linger forever.

Rez being instant fits her kit better, more fluid, and feels more powerful than valk. Plus with it resetting the E CD you could still have a mini valk anyway. It being an ult instead of a cd means you have to not waste it, it won’t come back on its own for the next fight.


I am being pedantic here, but that’s not how percentages work.
50% damage reduction means you take half damage. 100% damage reduction means you take no damage. 200% damage reduction is… not a thing… unless that makes any damage taken heal Mercy.

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She is fun, when you can’t be arsed to try in games lol

Valk should be her E-ability, for my taste, and mass-rez was more satisfying than anything she has to offer right now. BUT anyway i find her fun.
But i am not a supportmain.

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Alright, I see.
What rank do you usually play at? In case you’re in the lower ranks and given the fact that you said you prefer playing with damage boost, isn’t the experience frustrating when you have to wrangle kids who can’t get kills even if they’re shooting at almost melee range?

Don’t you miss the “OOOOOOOOOH HUGE REZ”, similar to “HUGE SHATTER”, “HUGE BLADE”, “HUGE GRAV” etc?


Nah you’re right, not pedantic! Trials of posting while distracted, on a phone. XD You get the idea. 75% dmg reduction is what I meant.

Around high masters.

I can understand the frustration, I really do but you can never forget that your mastes are as “bad” as the enemies. This is why DMG boost can actually make a huge difference, especially because of the ult charge you get now. Since global ult charge has been nerfed it is important to DMG boost a lot so you get it more often but also your boosted targets.

Not really. Because when you messed something up, died first for whatever reason or got on your GA way to your target , you got flamed so so hard.
I understood that. They all died so your team can have a reset and you messed it up. Gaining the enemies ultcharge, push meters, percentages on the point and your teams moral dropped as well, thats also a huge factor a lot of people seem to forget - mental power.

As I said, I don’t need the “OMG MERCY THANK YOU SO MUCH”, moment, I feel already acomplished enough when my mate survives because of my beam juggling, if my genji kills a lot of players and survives barely because I was pocketing him thouhg it, etc.

She feels a little underwhelming compared to other healers right now in my opinion, but she’s still fun to play. I’ve always been a mercy fan not because of her style of healing but because of her mobility. There really is no other character like her. Being able to fly across the map both vertically and horizontally all while healing, damage boosting, and dodging/baiting enemies is just so satisfying and fun.


GA is fun, the most fun i have with her lately
Sneaky rez is fun (slowdown is not)
Thats about it other than securing kills in a duel with an overconfident flanker (if only the blaster shot as fast or close to as fast as the bunny blaster)

She heals too little and if my other healer dosen’t pick moira, baps, or ana i know I’m going to have to switch (lucio can be ok, as long as theyre not a reddit lucio)
Valk is …awful feeling (i do miss “I’ll be watching over you”, heroes never die feels like a sick joke of a line now)

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