Alright people, what are you excited for šŸ‘

Two more days!

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OMG. That second cat is adorable. I love how the white part of itā€™s face perfectly goes around itā€™s nose! :cat2::heart:

Sheā€™s only just 12 months old so still just a kitten really :smiley: Pendle is a few months older, but theyā€™re best of friends and heā€™s quite protective of her - even though she always wants to play fight with him.

She is a really pretty little cat.


I think it will do well, the gameplay and world are solid.

But I think it will lack content at launch. Biggest worry right there.

Thankfully all content is free, and the story will expand, and there will be frequent updates.

So thatā€™s great to hear.

Overall, I think it might just work out well for BioWare, just my thinkingšŸ˜„

That would be good to see.

It just seems so fragile of a project for Bioware like itā€™s the boom or bust in it all.

Itā€™s like for it to do really wellā€¦ Capcom needs to be lazier with MHW content, and EA needs to tone down theā€¦ EA bad habits.

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Im gonna get Far Cry Pink Dawn, looks way more interesting than Far Cry 5 (yes I know itā€™s in the same setting and area just in the future)

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The next archive event.

Uh, Iā€™m going to learn Violin?

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Now Iā€™m excited for Frozen 2.

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When I eventually die so I can be free from this torturous existence.

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XD I know, looks amazing, count me in.

Devil May Cry 5

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Letā€™s do this peoplešŸ˜„

Iā€™m sad, no Animal Crossing for switch :frowning:
(Iā€™m excited for a new LOONA song on Tuesday, but thatā€™s not a game :laughing: )


Letā€™s do this people, anthem early access today and metro is to good to be true


Just waiting for Farcry to be playable

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Overwatchā€¦new map, hero and archives all soon

Wishful thinking, but i like how you try to stay positive

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Donā€™t see why itā€™s wishful at allā€¦Iā€™ve always been high on this gameā€¦new stuff is new stuff