All tanks need to be nerfed like they are in open queue

This will solve many of the issues in the game.

1 it is frustrating to play against tanks with damage mitigation because they really just never die

2 the meta is seriously defined by the tanks and so many games are mostly dictated by the tanks in the game, this will alleviate so much of the pressure on tanks and each game will not be so dependent on how well the tanks are doing

3 it will lessen the importance on how balanced all the tanks are. with there being 1 tank on each team, it is basically impossible for tanks to be balanced and there will always be 1 or 2 that are the meta tanks. with tanks being less overpowered, it will not be as impactful if all tanks are not balanced perfectly

let me know what you think


Yes I think this is a good idea

I think that you are wrong and that tanks are fine in role queue. If you prefer the neutered version of tanks, go play open queue instead.


I don’t have a problem with tanks in role queue. They can’t do their jobs solo without being beefy, the change was made for a reason. 5v5 tanking is a lot more fun than 6v6 was.


i specifically think they need to seriously nerf tanks with damage mitigation (orisa and ramatra but maybe even sigma too) cuz playing against something thats literally unkillable until their entire team is dead is really quite silly

Probably because you’re unloading into them while their supports are pounding heals into them. Try a big brain play and kill a support first.

The meta is always defined by the tanks. Has been this way since 2016 and will always be that way.

dps have just as much carry potential as tanks

Where’s your logic here? How does nerfing tanks survivability take pressure off them? That makes 0 sense. If tanks in role queue got nerfed like open queue, the meta would immediately switch to anti tank metas where everyone would just burst down the useless tank then clean up the rest. In open queue I can literally 1v1 a hog as zen and win. If you put those nerfs into a solo tank competitive environment, tanks will be completely useless.

Tanks are well balanced for 5v5. Learn to play the game and stop trying to kill a tank while 2 supports are still alive.


All tanks should be removed from Deathmatch.

I unironically think the same. I absolutely despise the “lets make an overpowered role” mentality. Its the worst thing that ever happened to Overwatch besides going down to 5v5.


But the fact is not every non role queue mode is necessary to have this. It’s asinine a Widowmaker can one shot a Ramattra. There are other modes in Arcade and practice where this makes no sense. The best way to do this would have been to actually use math and recalculate tank health divisible by number of tanks instead of a stupid blanket 300 HP on a Junker queen or Ramattra. How hard is this?

I agree most tanks need significant nerfs, but this would make some nearly unplayable. reducing hp by a flat 150 was a bad idea in open queue because some tanks suffer far more than others.

Just going to leave this here:

Nerf ALL tanks to Doom’s power level

Season 1 Doom was the perfect tank but people were focused on him compared to the others.

It should be a role with less burst damage that can take more damage but will likely lose a 2v1 fight against players will equal skill.

Okay I do agree that some tanks should take an armor nerf or just do away with armor as a whole. However at the same time damage mitigation is literally the point to tanks.

no absolutely not and i feel what they done in open queue will get reverted in the near future

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this is an absolutely awful idea and tanking would be dead if you did this. unless you then gigabuff their mitigation to compensate.


They didn’t make the role overpowered. Every role has 2 people, tank has 1 person. It needs to have more survivability to make up for the loss of a whole other person in the role.


i think these people forget about the 200% hitboxes being the permanent taunt, drawing enemy fire, requiring mitigation. their job is to soak enemy damage to some extent, so wanting them to be “the same” as other roles is just not understanding the role



Tanks are actually fun now


Well it’s kind of hard to soak up damage when you can be one shot by a Widowmaker as a tank

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What logic is this, exactly? You’re still 1 person in the team. Why does 1 person in the team need to be stronger than other individuals? It makes zero sense. 5v5 is not the same game as 6v6.

Yeah, screw the other roles though, I’ve never enjoyed playing against a tank in OW2.

If you think the game shouldn’t have tanks, and don’t understand how it makes sense they have high HP and mitigation, then you are probably playing the wrong game. I hate to be that guy, but it’s a team game based on team composition of roles.

If tanks are nerfed to be dps, why exactly do they have the name “tank”? Have you played any other games where you have defined roles like dps, healer and tank?

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