All tanks need to be nerfed like they are in open queue

Well Bastion has 300HP, Ramattra, Doom and Junker Queen have 300HP. You call three of them tanks and one DPS. Why?

Like I said it’s just a hasty catch all “fix” that should have been implemented better. You 3 stack tanks, then their HP should be modified by a divisible of 3. If you solo tank in open queue you’re a fool.

Pfft. U want tanks to be sitting ducks? That’s what it sounds like after you consider the fact that there’s only ONE now. No freaking surprise they are going to be strong. What? U just want them to behave like one in OW1 that was built for 6v6? Sorry, not gonna work in this new 5v5 environment.

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No, not “screw all the other roles” but definitely also not “screw Tanks fun”

I found it a strange decision to buff tanks “to make up for the lack of a 2nd tank” in the first place.

Its like… You may as well left it at 6v6 if you want to make up for the 2nd tank being gone. It’s weird.

One person whose job is to soak damage and take/hold space for the team

Because they alone have to soak damage & create/hold space for their team & have the hitbox of the other 4 teammates combined

I just explained how it does

The entire reason for getting rid of 2 tanks is because tanks weren’t fun to play and were too reliant on a 2nd Tank to do their job. Keeping 6v6 and 2 tanks was impossible


That doesn’t make sense why they would start buffing tanks to make up for the other tank they removed themselves.

they didn’t adjust other roles for there being 2 left heroes on the map.

What part of this doesn’t make sense?

You had 2 weaker versions of a thing doing a job
You now have 1 of those things doing the same job
This thing needs to be stronger to do the same job that 2 weaker versions of it once did

They’ve adjusted every DPS & Support hero & will continue to do so, what do you mean?

It would have been fine with 1 tank and no changes.

Most heroes are the same as they were in OW1 with 6v6. They are basically doing the same as they were. Widow for an easy example.

How do you figure that?

Tanks are so much stronger now with the tank passive & balance changes. Imagining them as weak as they were in OW1 seems like the role would be impossible to play

Are they supposed to be entirely different??

if you the game was balanced for 6, and you remove 1, i think the answer is pretty obvious.
that’s why OW2’s balance is so whack. To use widow again as an example - she does 300 damage in 1 shot. with 2 tanks, she had to do so much to remove the threats (tanks). 2 tanks would equal over 1000 HP combined.

It’s too late now anyway, the game is out. I guess nothing is set in stone, but i don’t want them to realise this in season 8 for example.

That would make the role boring according to Blizzard. Because thats exactly how they used to work.

I don’t think it is.

Your math isn’t incorrect but I think your idea that Widow or any other hero needs some kind of major change due to 5v5 (That hasn’t already been majorly changed) is.

I mean I don’t think they’re ever going to severely nerf tanks anywhere close to their OW1 versions. You’ll be waiting forever if that’s what you’re waiting for.

or nerf healing across the board

you will realize that tanks arent that “tanky” without absurd heals that are often stronger than damage recieved

If you think tank players are going to be OK with not being giga-buffed raid bosses with EZ mode damage mechanics and an effective monopoly on CC I think you’re in for a shock.

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I’m so glad someone knows what they’re talking about in this thread. It’s crazy how people think like 1 bubble 400hp zarya, 2s matrix, non cancellable charge rein, etc would be okay in 5v5 format.

And tanks aren’t even OP either, they have clear weaknesses which is their range and lower burst damage, DPS can just stay out of tanks range and ignore them for the most part. There’s a reason I’m much much more scared of a contenders sojourn than a contenders player.

Shoot the supports, you don’t need to kill them, you just need to make them expend resources on themselves instead of their tank. If ana doesn’t nade the tank they are way more killable. If moira has to fade away, tanks die faster. It’s a big issue in metal ranks but I don’t think the game should be balanced to fix legit skill issues.

This would do the opposite, when you make a tank more punishing to play, ie less breathing for mistakes with less hp. There is MORE pressure on them to not mess up.

It’s fine in OQ cause you have more than one tank so if you lose one its less of a big deal, but in rq that’s a lost team fight for even smaller misplays.

This doesn’t change tank balance at all, it just makes tank more stressful to play at high levels.

It makes every bit of sense. Overwatch is balanced as a 3 role team, tank support and dps. Every role enables another role, they all need each other to function. Tank enables dps by creating space, support enables tank by healing,and dps enables support by peeling. A balanced team composition means each role is capable of providing equal value. 2 people on dps 2 people on support and 1 person on tank creates an obvious imbalance in role strength. That imbalance is made up for with extra health armor and cc.

If you actually got what you wished for and tanks nerfed to OQ levels, youd just be making things harder on yourself because the tank that usually enables you by making space now just gets blown up every team fight and can no longer do their job.

If you do that you’re going to have to make discord amp like 5% of damage and have downtime.

Just let Doomfist die in peace man, no need to stomp on his double digits average death rate grave by making him easier to kill in every mode

Maybe not as severe, but let’s say they remove 20% of the health off of Tanks, but Tanks take 50% less headshot damage.
Then give Supports a bunch of mobility buffs.