All Overwatch heroes love pineapple pizza

They like it because they’re not real :crazy_face:

Depends on if you eat it rolled up or not.

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I’m someone who likes to dip my breakfast sausage in syrup as I eat it… get a little of the sweet and savory. Rest of my family thinks it’s really weird and gross.

That is how I see pineapple on pizza lol. I don’t personally enjoy it, but I totally get how others would.

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Huh? Dipping your sausage in syrup is considered weird? I have super tame and vanilla food preferences and that ain’t registering as strange. The rest of your family is strange.

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and you wonder why blizzard is struggling…with god awful decisions like these it shouldnt be surprising…


This cannot stand.

Next you’ll tell me they like Ketchup on hot dogs.


mccree was a pineapple farmer before name change.

see i added more lore to him than blizzard did in this event.

plain hotdog crew in the house!!


When I think of a pizza I think of greasy cheese, pepperoni that are basically grease cups, and marinara sauce.

A tart fruit just doesn’t sound that pleasant combined with that stuff.

How DARE you? Just Ketchup… agreed. But Ketchup Mustard and Sauerkraut.

Chefs kiss.

This is the second time in two days I’ve seen this ketchup on hot dogs controversy raise its head. Must be a regional thing, because hot dogs are one of the very few dishes I pop ketchup on.

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Ghost peppers on hot dog is the only way to eat them

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please, i’m so hungry. all this talk of hot dogs and pizza is torture

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I refuse to accept this as being canon :rage: :face_vomiting:

Yo those are not the same




I say so

I mean, I like plain hot dogs too. I’m usually a guy that likes things plain though, just the type of person I am. (r, just the things I like to eat. Can’t force me to eat something I don’t like, u know. Would just be rude if so.) Honestly, if we announced one more food similarity that all OW characters have, can we plz have that be cheese pizza? Yes, y’all can call me a weirdo, but that doesn’t mean u all r not weirdos too. We all weird here.

Pineapple is actually pretty good, ham on the other hand makes me absolutely sick…

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Just leaving a notice here, the moderation has gone out of the window my guy

I thought that was normal…


I actually have hot dogs on my bag for a proyect we didn’t do so

Do you Want some?

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