All of my losses last night was due to enemy reaper!

In low ranks, folks are not coordinated enough to deal with him.

All night, match after match, he kept diving in and killing my team then separating us too.

I played support mainly and one match as tracer.

I finally had a player in 1 match switch to brig to focus him…what happens? They don’t understand positioning so he still won.

Reaper is too strong in low ranks

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So… I do generally agree that the lifesteal buffs to Reaper were a bad idea… but…

You know the solution apparently… why didn’t you use it? If you happen to not like Brigitte, Lucio also does a pretty great job of countering Reaper.

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Yeah he can be a prick in low elos. The truth is Blizzard doesn’t care and neither will most in this forum.


Lucio/Ashe Boop. Sombra hack. Ana bionade. McRightClick. Widowmaker. Orisa(fortify and halt) and Dva to some extent. Those are some counters.


The Low Elo Reaper routine :

  1. Teleport behind enemy team
  2. Walk until there’s a contact with the closest red guy
  3. Shoot.
  4. If another enemy, repeat 2 and 3
  5. If low life : press shift and escape the fight
  6. Start again

If ulti is charged : shift until you are in the enemy team then press Q.

Here is the solution : be aware of the enemy reaper positioning and go somewhere else.

Here is people’s problem against Reaper : tunnel vision.

No need to thank me.


I would have but I was main heals as moira

Well, that’s also part of your problem. Moira is absolutely terrible vs Reaper. Both Mercy and Ana are far better vs him.

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Btw I watched your Moira stats, let’s put that here :


  • All Damage Done : 64179
  • Hero Damage Done : 54712

Healing :

  • Healing Done : 99540
  • Coalescence Healing : 14161
  • Self Healing : 14550
    => Healing without self and coalescence : 70829

Dude the heal you develop with your left click is almost the same than the DPS you do.
Let’s tell you one thing : When you play Moira, the games you lose, it’s because you don’t heal. As a main healer, you should heal 2 to 3 times more.
If you don’t heal, your team dies, just saying. Enemy Reaper has nothing to do in that.



Because he only need to get this right 2-3 times a match.

Here’s the thing about Reaper or Moira or any other hero that is ‘strong’ at low ranks but fall off at high ranks. They fall into something that I like to think of as the Hero Trap.

Without getting into details of who counters Reaper (You’ll get plenty of that in this thread), instead, I want to focus on why playing Reaper is actually a bad thing even at low elos. As I said, he may be strong at low elos but he quickly falls off in the higher ranks because people learn how to easily deal with a Reaper. For every minute someone spends on a low-elo strong hero like Reaper that is a minute less that they could be using to learn positioning or tactics on a hero that will serve them better in the higher ranks. This kind of play is actually detrimental to the person as they begin to rely on the crutch of the relative power of that hero in low elos, where people don’t know how to deal with Reaper. Where they just let him waltz in like a Sunday Walk and start clicking people. In higher ranks, that same Reaper would never get anywhere near the enemy.

Moira also falls into this trap to a different degree. Her abilities allow her to play very poorly at lower elos and still get value. I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen my Moira playing in front of the Reinhardt while face sucking or throwing purple orbs then shifting back when she gets poked. Again, in higher elos she would be shut down very quickly for even thinking about doing something like that but because of the poor communication, mechanical skills, and awareness of people at lower elos she can get away with that. Moira is especially bad at falling prey to Hero Trap because it is deceptively easy to deal damage with her. Throw out a few purple orbs and voila, you’ve got gold damage, except by doing so you have actively harmed your team’s chances of winning. Poke damage without followup does nothing more than charge the enemy support ults faster. Moira is the QUEEN of poke damage with no followup. Sure, you may have gotten gold damage and beaten the DPS by 5k, but you might have been the reason your team lost the game because you allowed the enemy supports to get their ults to swing a critical fight in their favor.

There are more heroes that fall prey to the Hero Trap than just those two. Roadhog and Junkrat come to mind as well. This doesn’t mean that you should not play those heroes, because there IS a time to play them at the lower elos. Just don’t rely on them for wins because one day they will no longer serve you as well as they did. Unless you don’t care about climbing and will be perfectly content being locked to a rank because people above you know how to deal with said hero.

Now, why do I bring this all up? What does this have to do with Reaper being too strong in lower elos? I say all this because it doesn’t matter if the enemy team has a Reaper. It really doesn’t. If you focus on yourself, paying attention to your own positioning, pumping out as much damage/heals (dependent upon role) as possible, and learning how to play around a Reaper that your own team is ignoring, then you will improve your own awareness and game sense. This will enable you to subtly shift the balance of power in your games in your favor. Sure, you might not carry a team to victory but sometimes it just comes down to your supports simply playing smarter and living longer than the enemy supports to win. This will enable you to win more games and climb higher in the ranks despite the presence of said Reaper.

Getting Ranked in competitive is actually very easy. Focus on yourself, focus on your positioning, your awareness, your mechanical skill and let your team do whatever the heck your team is doing. Don’t stress about why you have a Bastion on attack. Don’t freak out over the Reinhardt that is charging into the entire enemy team and leaving your team completely exposed. It happens to everyone.

As long as you are focusing on yourself rather than what your team is doing, that means your team has a 5 out of 6 chance of being idiots, while the enemy team has a 6 out of 6 chance of being idiots. It might not get you to diamond in a day, it might take a couple of seasons, but worry more about yourself rather than what your team or the enemy team is or is not running.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying Reaper couldn’t use some tweaks. Nor am I saying that you should just ignore the Reaper and not try to counter him or deal with him or anything like that. Everyone KNOWS Reaper and others are busted at lower elos. We’re aware. Blizzard is aware. But don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you’re losing ONLY because of the enemy Reaper. You are making plenty of mistakes yourself that are allowing the enemy team to win as well.

Worry about what you are doing, not the other eleven people you cannot possibly control.

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No, they’re not. They simply are not interested.

This also isn’t about climbing. Please stop trying to distil everything down to that. This is about game and match quality, which heroes such as this utterly destroy, ultimately sapping the fun from the game. That’s not just a problem for comp, it’s a problem for every single game mode.

We’re not studying for an exam here, we’re playing a video game.

Hey very good observation.

I’ll keep that in mind.
I mainly use my right click for heals and orbs I usually select damage ones to back the enemy off

I’ve seen you around the forums enough to know that you’ll disagree with my mindset no matter what. I am truly sorry that you feel Blizzard doesn’t care in the slightest about the game they have created. Sure, they’ve made tons of mistakes and have handled things poorly in the past but that doesn’t mean they don’t care.

And the only reason to play Competitive IS to improve your personal skills to climb the ladder. Why else would someone do that? If you’re more concerned about just having fun, get a group and play QP. That way you can still talk and communicate with eachother and not have to rely on comp for that “team play experience”

And please, do not misunderstand me. I have already said that Reaper could use some tweaks but the OP specifically mentioned Ranked play which is exactly why I responded with ranked play in mind. If he had complained about Reaper in QP, my response would have been in a much different light. But he didn’t talk about QP, he talked about ranked.

Again, not everyone can be GM. You’re not going to see players climb forever, everyone will end up reaching some form of cap. You can’t just dismiss every issue as “get better”.

I went in bronze/silver for 3-4 games with a friend to see what was the main issue at that rank, and in my opinion, it was healing.
The input healing in both team is way to low.

If you focus on one mission : making sure all your team doesn’t die. That will give all your teammates one thing the enemy team doesn’t have : survivability.

Of course, I don’t tell you that you mustn’t DPS, you have to with Moira, but it must be rare. Try to forbid your use of the damage orb and try to always be behind your tanks. You will notice (I hope) a neat improvement.

Where did I imply that? Of course not everyone can be GM. Fist off, the system doesn’t even allow that to happen. Secondly, most people don’t want to or can’t dedicate the time to hit GM. And yes, everyone will reach some kind of personal glass ceiling but that doesn’t mean they should give up trying to improve. That doesn’t mean they should just sit there and shrug helplessly. Giving up, refusing to even try to improve yourself, is the only way to truly lose not only in a video game but in life in general.

So, I still stand by my original statements. Your glass ceiling might be low silver, and that’s fine. It really is. But just because you’ve been unable to climb for 2 seasons doesn’t mean that you’ll be there forever. Doesn’t mean that you can’t improve.

If you just want to play the game, regardless of trying to improve, again, I personally believe that you would be better off finding a group of friends to play QP with. I only play QP with friends and we have an absolute blast. Sometimes we play like we’re in ranked and ‘try hard’ and other times we decide to go triple sniper with a freakin’ Torb, Sym and Moira.

Of course, like I said, these are just my personal thoughts on OW QP and ranked play in general. I’m sorry that you disagree with me, but I don’t think we’d ever be able to reach an accord anyway.

Except Reaper is said to be a problem right the way up into Diamond, and stats reflect that. Yeah, we can get better individually, but as a Tank, there’s actually very little I can do to Reaper beyond fly away or provide a shield for someone else to deal with him safely. But again, as I said above, I have to be successful every single time.

We know how to deal with him, it’s not complex, it’s just a matter of him being such a consistent problem. He’s not going to go away as I climb, even if I get back close to Plat; I’m just going to be faced with better Reapers on the way there.

And look, if Blizz were interested, he would never have gone live this way. This whole problem was pointed out from the day the PTR was announced, by players at every single rank of the game.

The biggest issue for comp is its not just You that can get better and climb.

5 other players have a direct influence on your climb journey.

Of course, that’s why someone doesn’t climb to a new rank in a single season unless they severely out-skill the competition and can literally carry the entire game.

But if you are getting better at a consistent rate, that means you ONLY have to rely on 5 other people. The enemy team has to rely on 6 other people for their win. Yes it is a minor difference. Yes it might not sound like it’ll make a difference but that is why you can’t just play 10 games and expect to climb. If you are good enough to even swing the chances of winning 1% in your favor that could be enough to push your win rate to 51%… at which point you will begin to climb the ladder. Yes it will be hard. Yes it will be slow. And yes you’ll still lose a lot on the way.

So, if I may risk insulting you, your attitude there is very defeatist. “Why bother improving because I have to rely on 5 other people?” Because all it takes is you winning 1% more games to begin climbing. That’s all. Just 1%. Your attitude is directly detrimental to your chances of winning.

As cliche as it sounds, attitude IS the first step to winning more. Your mindset before a game even starts. Don’t play tilted. Relax. THINK about what you are doing. THINK about what your enemy is doing. Think about why you died and what you could have done better to live (not what your team could have done for you). Edit: And the answer here is rarely ‘Aim better’, btw. Most of your deaths come down to positioning/movement mistakes rather than them having superior aim.

So yeah, you have to rely on five other people… but that’s one less person than the enemy team and that might be all the difference you need to incease your win percent to 51%.