There is one simple trick to crush the rigged system - git gut.
Git gut beyond the system’s capabilities and you will see success in the comp.
This is not OP. This is another theme that you can discuss in another thread.
It’s still about the “rigged” system
You can have a fair and transparent system and train yourself at same time, like don’t have a fair and transparente system and train yourself at same time.
Then no, are 2 different topics, is a pretty simple and logic concept. What you (and your pack) do is not debating, but opposition acitivity against specific users, despite what they are saying.
If I say A, you reply B, if I say B, you reply A.
And whatever I say about you, you deny, then insult me (or what else you and your pack want), then the mods ban one of your accounts for some days, then you return.
We are in the same loop from months.
I would like to see you say the opposite then, you know, to bamboozle us or something =]
Also why did you disappear?
OVER 2000 posts on this and let me guess…
Blizzard NEVER answered here? Not even a single word?
They know that a huge amount of their community knows about the matchmaking and the rigging and they still dont answer here.
Im absolutely sick of this company.
Actually, this is the fifth iteration of the thread. The other threads had thousands of posts as well, there has probably been around 10k posts on this subject now, not including threads by other authors.
To be fair, I understand why Blizzard has not responded to my complaint. Algorithmically handicapping players competitive ranked matches based on hidden performance data and keeping it a secret is completely unethical. There is truly nothing they can say in their defense, except perhaps an appeal to capitalist ideology. The practice of covertly rigging matches benefits game publishers, not gamers or the public at large.
Handicapping. Aka keeping you in your rank because you belong there
Watchout about speaking the truth in this thread!
Yes, and it minimises that, compared to a random smattering that could go anywhere. The point is that it more efficiently moves players around.
That’s not true. If the game setup a match where all of the stronger players were on one side, it would learn nothing. Of course they’re more likely to win. That match would be completely unproductive. By mixing them, you can find the average difference between the two. Sure, this will put weaker players up higher at some points, and stronger at lower, but it’s less volatile than just RNGing it.
The point of this system is to make a solid curve instead of a massive spike in player skill. Without MMR, you’re in a situation where the very top and bottom areas of the skill=curve are next-to-meaningless and entirely depend on whether you’re given stomp-matches or get-stomped matches. That lacking perspective of data will be far worse at showing your skill than MMR.
“natural”. There is no “natural”. There are methods to determine skill, the fact that people default to ‘just randomise it’ as their method because it’s the easiest to program doesn’t mean it’s the best or anywhere close to reliable.
Exactly. And, since the last data-sample, if you’ve improved enough to defeat your ‘shadow’, then you’re moved up a tick. Could you imagine if, in a Racing game, your ghost-time was randomly set every run instead of just working off of your best-time? That’s what you’re advocating for.
Contrast that with RNGing you an enemy and you could be going anywhere. This is why it’s most problematic for high and low rank players; because there’s not much data outside of the average of the people you’re facing. You’re fighting a ‘shadow’ either
way, just one that’s more or less accurate at understanding your skill-movements.
Yes. You don’t get to stomp lower-skilled games for fun. Boo hoo.
The sentiment of this sentence, intended or not, is nothing more than “I just want a win-counter”. You are already provided one in the stats menu.
But not across the whole ranked spectrum.
“it has times of lesser accuracy” isn’t a point unless you can demonstrate that it’s accuracy is lesser than RNGing it or another system. “Choose this other thing because you’re thing isn’t perfect” is shallow.
Because that’s unproductive. It’s pointless and achieves nothing.
Which is, hilariously, stepping into a better system than just RNGing it like you’d propose because it’s mostly RNG but at least a good Support player will play Tank better than a noob would.
Nope. Identification of synergy and meta-viability is a skill and something that is judged, rightly. There’s figuring out HOW to play the game, then there’s figuring out how YOU play the game.
This whole thing sounds like you’ve been hurt by a ranked system and are lashing out at something you don’t appear to understand instead of making an analysis of what’s actually causing it.
I am not surprised (not rank shaming), OP is in Bronze, he and other low to mid elo players are quick to shout “rigged matchmaker!” or “bad teammates!” whenever they lose…
Being in Bronze, by no means, disqualifies someone from making valid points, but it is very indicative of having a strong emotional connection to one’s rank.
People in the average-ranks, rather expectably, don’t have any attachment to their rank. But people high-up worked for it and struggled through it, those in low-ranks face a lot of “classism”. It’s a bit of a shame on the lower-ranks, too, because they are the ones who benefit the most from these MMR systems; it stops them from getting hard-stomped every game.
I don’t understand how players skill can be “handicapped”. This is such a solipsistic view. Assume three players, Bob, Alice, and Jeff that are all correctly placed at their respective ranks, 1000, 800, 600. According to handicapping, Bob should always have potato teammates like Alice on his team then. But from Alice’s reference frame, she is the “main character”, and she should always have potatoes, like Jeff, on her team. Which means she would never be placed with Bob, since from her point of view, Bob is obviously not a potato. But the handicapper has no way of determining a player preference of who to handicap, since there are always stronger and weaker players.
Nothing official because offically denying the rigging would posture them in contempt and offer up legal exposure to the inevitable lawsuit against rigging games and misrepresenting the gambling house as an esport.
Yep several prior versions. Some of them taken down and lost for all time.
This topic is something they try REALLY hard to bury.
In most courts, it’s basically an admission of guilt in and of itself.
And once the lawsuits go through some of the people harmed by said rigging will hopefully be compensated for it. Even a public apology would go a long way.
That’s the point. SR should be the indicator of strength, not hidden MMR. There should be no handicapping around mmr. There should be no tampering with the lobby outcomes/odds based on it. That’s rigging by definition. A real competition properly scores pays-out and ranks. You can get all of that without mmr, via natural SR only system.
I am starting to think that the same mmr is tied to all 3 of your roles. It is quite interesting to win a few games on a higher sr role of yours in a row. Swap to a lower sr role of yours by as many as 700 SR and you feel like you are facing the same skill level and getting just curbstomped by other “bronzers”
If I am playing tank at 2100 comfortably and feel like the speed of the game is practically the same in high bronze something just isn’t right.
This comment shows, that you understood nothing about the MM systems like SBMM, EOMM or the hidden mmr system.
I know that there are some hardstuck plats claiming that the hidden mmr system is holding them there.
This is non sense because if you are hardstuck for many seasons its because you are not good enough.
The system just makes matches harder than they should be. It works against you.
If your mmr is higher than your elo you get harder matches trying to push you down on or „closer“ to 50% winrate.
It is the truth. But not 100%.
Like I said; hardstucks are hardstucks not because of mmr.
But it is fact that the system makes matches harder than they should be.
They dont handicap your own skill. But that doest matter.
They make the matches harder than they should be.
The problem is:
MMR is NOT = SR.
If your Mmr is higher than your SR you get matches where you have the carry role.
If your winrate is way higher than 50% you will get matches which are like unwinable.
What this community will not understand is that MMR is not = SR.
They keep believing that MMR=SR.
Yup 100% agree.
And thats the proof that SR is not = hidden mmr.
You have 3 different 3000 sr players.
One is low mmr, one is mid mmr and one is high mmr.
The high mmr player will get the low mmr players in his team.
The system is made to „handle“ the good players and to help the bad ones.
It is to push bad players to 50% winrate and drag down good players to 50% as much it can do.
I really don’t wanna be a dick but the people complaining about the mmr are prob the same people who complain about smurfs. But you guys do understand that it will increase the smurfing problem? WITH mmr it would take a fresh account 16 straight wins to get gm. But WITHOUT mmr it would be closer to something like 70-80 straight wins, since a fresh account will not have the insanely sensitive mmr anymore.
Only every 2nd game /scnr
Smurfs are endless so it doesn’t really matter how fast they climb, they will always exist. Any smurf climbing faster out of your rank means another one is coming up equally fast from the rank below.
Ability to climb faster could in some cases motivate smurfs to play even more. 16 wins can be done in one sitting and then buy a new account and do it again tomorrow on another unranked to gm stream. And the deranker smurfs are not affected as they will still throw to remain in low elo whether mmr exists or not.
The bigger issue though, is which team gets the smurf? Without mmr, that would be a 50% chance equally for either team. With mmr, it’s always the team on a win streak vs. the loser queue team.