Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch

Some people just dont know how to reflect and improve.


Why these 2 different themes should be related?

Improving and training is something that does not deny, nor can it affect in any way whether there is (or not) a malicious manipulation of matchmaking.

Like the opposite, whether it is or not manipulation of mm does not affect the fact that you can improve or train (at most it can affect the quality of the matches and the fun derived).

I cannot follow the logic behind this statement, which too often I hear repeated and which could be, among other things, offensive, or worse, gratuitously offensive because as demonstrated with the simple sentences above, it has no logical basis.


Like the rigged MM =]

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You have the bad habit to cut only a portion of text changing the sense (or the theme) of the whole period.

In my country this is so ethical that it is a crime.


I don’t have hope for any positive changes to the sr/mmr system. I’d recommend stop playing, but that wouldn’t do anything. Concurrent players remain high despite talks of ‘dead game’.

Really at the mercy or goodwill of blizzard on this and with that said, nothing will change.



Abandon all hope.

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Thats how it works lol. The matchmaker tries to make even teams. So to say that there always is a team on a winstreak vs one on a loss streak is just straight up weird. How do you even come up with the idea?


But I don’t think trying to argue with you is gonna help anyone, since you’re one of those standard players. You’re plat or low dia and it’s never your fault that you can’t climb. While in q you never look at the replay of your last match to see your mistakes you just say ‘‘gg, unfair matchmaking’’. Pretty funny if you think about it, I took coaching when i was 3.4 and now im gm. And I coach people myself and see them get out of plat into low masters without even breaking a sweat. But for some reason there are still people who will always blame the: Matchmaker, the mmr system or smurfs.


Perfectly explained homie! People are quick to blame and scapegoat others instead of improving themselves.

I was a Low Gold player myself until I was coached and improved myself, which allowed me to reach Master and GM


Omg so people with brains exist on forums. Didn’t know this haha. Nice to hear that im not the only one who hates there mindsets here!


I feel you homie! It is SO frustrating reading people not taking responsibility for their actions… :angry:

You seem like a cool homie, want to talk on Discord? Abdullahx9000#4294


Read that again.

That doesn’t say May 18th

It says May of '18. As in 2018.

Just… Uh… Throwin that out there.


These mindsets have polluted the forum for so long (and the mods do not care) that you actually cannot even post a legit topic or a question regarding the game itself anymore without such people ruining it.


Delusional and poor mindset.


I just into plat (2600 yesterday) after being in gold for a while, wasnt hardstuck, needed to play better and actually pay attention.

Also recently, over a couple days, I got about 350sr on my dps account… What happened to the phantom MMR system? Why was’t it holding me back?


There is evidence that the Matchmaker operates based on performance data from groups as well as individual players.

Do you think that teams need to be made even, in a competitive context? Why should ranked competitive matches be handicapped?


So giving both teams a 50% chance of winning is bad? Are you saying that one team should have a way higher chance of winning?

How is giving both teams an equal chance of winning “handicapping?” :thinking:


These are great questions. I’ve tried to answer them in the original post, but I’ll try again.

Yes, it should be possible for one team to have a higher chance of winning a match, based on the skill of participating players. Players do not participate in Competitive Play as teams, they participate as individuals. Therefore, individuals are entitled to the odds of victory that their skill affords them. Match Making Rating takes the chance of victory away from relatively skilled players and gives it to relatively unskilled players at every instance. That sort of interference in a competitive ranked environment is fraud when it is kept a secret.

Equalizing chances of victory between competitors by treating them differently is handicapping, precisely.


The issue is not giving both teams about 50% win chance in a average of 10 matches. The issue is when you don’t give that in the same match, for all matches.

The handicapped MM, as we saw in the patent, as we are commenting in this thread referred to that patent, can choice to DON’T aim to a fair match.

Regular matchmaking logic (Luke in team A):
Match 1) 50% win change both teams
M 2) 50% win change both teams
3) 50%
4) 50%
5) 50%
6) ecc.
Average 50% win rate for Luke in 10 matches

Rigged matchmaking logic (Luke) in team A:
Match 1) 80% win chance Team A
Match 2) 20%
3) 10%
4) 90%
5) ecc.
6) ecc.
Average 50% win chance for luke in 10 matches, but in this scenario is FORCED. The result are unfunny matches, or too easy or too hard. The MMaking is not following to provide fair matches, is trying to force you some wins or losses following money interests (lower the chance that one of the 12 players of each match can abandon the title, or increase the chance of spending in game money).


So you want unfair matches? Since you call 50/50s ‘‘handicapping’’.