Algorithmic Handicapping is Wrong for Online Games

Algorithmic handicapping is the topic of the thread. I have considered that ego might bias my opinion, but I have also vetted my opinion with extensive research and polling.

I don’t know what you mean by my impact being “negative.” I am acting on behalf of other gamers, who I see as being abused by game publishers like Activision/Blizzard, the addictiveness of their products, and veiled terms of use which involve discrimination and manipulation based on intimate personal data. If I can help other gamers understand their true terms of use and break their addiction to this product, I consider it a positive impact.

I agree. However this is an area of consumer law which has not yet been developed, and urgently needs to be. Big tech can’t be allowed to continue operating multiplayer gaming franchises as they have been doing. But I believe that the existing law against false advertising (as defined by the Federal Trade Commission) should be the starting point. Products like these should not be allowed to advertise “Competitive Play” a featured game mode when it is algorithmically handicapped. Especially not without disclosing the fact to players in their terms of use and getting informed consent. (Not that any rational player would consent to being abused this way.)

I understand your issue with the tone of the section. However, it is hard not to appeal to elitism when we are literally talking about the subject of excellence. Match Making Rating was invented to identify and handicap excellent players by systematically segregating them from each other, placing them on opposite teams in every match.

The thing is, not everyone has the same restrictions. Match Making Rating treats every player differently based on their respective performance data. The best player in the match may not have an equal on the opposing team, but rather all 6 of the opposing players may all be stronger than that players 5 teammates. It is easy for the system to counteract the advantage that an individual player’s skill affords them, and in this way skew their likelihood of winning matches. How is that fair to players who compete as individuals?

Unfortunately that is where we have been left by Blizzard, in an information vacuum that can only be filled with conflict.

Is there anything you can imagine doing outside of commenting on this forum? I have tried other channels but I’m not getting anywhere.

I didn’t know about this. Can you tell me anything about it, or what terms to search in Google?

There are reasons to believe that Activision/Blizzard’s Matchmaker operates based on performance data from specific roles and characters played, as well as general performance data.

How long have you been playing competitive Overwatch? How much have you ranged in rank?