Or just throw it off by flipping a coin and deciding if you’ll spend or save the cals. If your game is about rigging we’ll be sure to rigg right back.
Can != efficient
If you’re solo queueing with silver level skills in bronze, good luck. There just isn’t enough escape momentum to get out fast. It’ll take a season of grinding at 52% winrate between queues and corrupted matches.
That’s why everywhere worth a paycheck resets their ladder between “seasons”. I don’t even know why they’re called seasons - cheers for the fake ladder, Scott.
hey man its still slightly better then league of legends. only because u have the avoid a player option.
i had a stupid mfr feed 23 kills in top lane (tank role for anyone who has never played that game before) pre 15 minutes and we lost horribly.
i still dont play OW as much as i use to but at least u can avoid stupid mfrs that dont do shi- on your team
Nope, it would be pretty damn common.
Over 500 games at 50% win rate, you are LIKELY to have a BOTH a run of at least 9 long winning AND a 9 long loss streak in a row during that period.
The amount of shorter streaks are much higher.
People COMPLETELY under estimate how many winning or losing streaks you will get on a fair game.
That’s true, but I get 10+ loss streaks every night in the <500. Shouldn’t it try and regress me towards the mean with ‘forced wins’ ? Like at this point it should budget for my contributions to be non-existent. We can 1v1 stats 101 if ur dtf.
I did, so I don’t see why you couldn’t providing your skill is actually higher than current rank, back in season 13/14 I was under 500 SR too, and now I’m between high Silver-mid Gold.
Luckily for me, I climbed out of the pits of bronze just before Role Queue was implemented, but I feel it would be easier to climb out now, Ball/Hog/Zar tank, Bastion/Reaper/Torb dps, Moira/Zen for support just fragging out.
Genuine question where we for argument’s sake hold everything is true. It’s not but I’ll humor you on it for this hypothetical.
In what world is ticking their fan base off better for player retention? If we hold that players want to climb (they do) and that happy players would play more (are you arguing disgruntled fans play more?), why wouldn’t Blizzard easily up them since you claim the ladder has no integrity? Like your conspiracy on grind being forced doesn’t hold water.
On the contrary a good matchmaker (called MM here on) has players hover around 50/50 win/loss. This means a player has reached their challenge point. If they went up or down sporadically to extreme degrees, then MM would have issues. Ladders are not designed to be climbed; they are to find your rung and unless you meaningfully improve/worsen, you’ll stay there.
If you cannot significantly impact your gamed to win more, why do you feel you should climb? If you are playing average for your rank, why do you feel that warrants a promotion? Focus on improving yourself and with time+effort, you’ll go up the rungs one by one. I was low Bronze once so I know exactly what it’s like.
Games don’t keep players addicted by keeping them happy, necessarily. Frustration is an even more addictive feeling. Blizzard has engineered MMR to evoke the feeling of getting better but never being good enough, which is profoundly frustrating.
I have never met anyone who enjoys being frustrated unless we get to bedroom activities. And I’m cutting that train of thought there. People do not like being frustrated nor do they like being held back. Look at the forums here and you’ll easily see that’s the case. If they truly wanted to make players addicted to the game and enjoy it more, they’d shower them with growth to make them happy instead of anger them. My response was to point out the many holes in the conspiracy the other poster made.
I think they just want to make people chase what’s just out of reach.
If people were happy with their ranks, they’d have no reason to play.
I also think this system caters to each player’s habits. So, if someone chases hard when they get screwed over hard, the game will screw them over hard. If someone quits every time they lose a game, the game could easily spot that.
I think that’s the thing with OW matchmaker. It’s dynamic, based on your play.
I am always laughing when people think that matchmaker is some kind of super AI who can predict stuff and see everything lol.
It doesn’t have to predict anything. It can see what you’ve just done, and try to make an even match based on it.
Imagine some kid was constantly throwing the ball out of bounds.
He comes to his next game.
In order to make it somewhat even… that kid needs a lot of help.
No one needs to foresee the future to understand this.
I have no clue how you cant see that? 10 years old or something?
So the match is fair, what is the issue?
Climbing is working, i climbed with many heroes. Recently I climbed from bronze with mercy, currently i am at 2200. System is working pretty well, if you are good you will climb.
If you are not, well you can try make yourself feel better to blame matchmaker.
Ok but you completely fail to understand how is matchmaker working. Matchmaker doesnt care about the Kid. For him is kid just a number. Lets say he has MMR 1800 while you have 2400. You will most likely not be placed in same team as matchmaker is trying to make teams preferably filled with 6 players with ± same MMR.
But ok lets say he will be placed on your team. Your way of thinking is kind of wrong, because you feel like you are expected to somehow compensate for worse player.
That is not case at all. You are expected to play like 2400 player just like he is expected to play like 1800 player. Since the match is even in term of teams MMR, Kid well very may carry you as he will play as 1900 player. He will still be bad in your eyes of 2400 player but he actualy played better than expected and he did his part overperformIng.
On other hand you will play like 2300, underperforming and then you will blame worse player. When in reality he played better than you considering your both MMR.
The issue is…
It’s a ladder, and your rank should be based on if you can beat the people in that rank… RANDOMLY.
Not, “Oh, you did well so now you have to be canceled out. It’s only fair.”
“Oh, you’re struggling, let’s help you out with some better teammates.” It’s only fair.
Which by the way, IS how it works as we’ve seen over and over for 5 years.
You can actually toy with it. It’s predictable.
The problem with forcing these even matches all the time is the LONG TERM effect feeling like you’re actually just playing to please some robot behind the scenes. What does the robot actually know? Imagine how stupid NBA basketball would be if they kept switching the teams around because someone had a few hot games, stick them with the losing players to try and help them out?
I think a lot of players win more games if they’d just turn off these even matches.
Also, wouldn’t the matches just BE even if they turned MMR off? Why is it needed?
This game tries so hard to force even matches, at the cost of an actual competitive, non rigged system.
Players do not deserve to have their recent play history used AGAINST them for the sake of “even matches.”
Give us a rank. Make matches with it. All this behind the scenes BS doesn’t belong in Comp. It’s a scam.
Not exactly, if you want to climb, you have to beat players above you if you want to take their place.
Read my previous post. This is not how MM works. Matchmaker is creating games where teams have same MMR so most games is fair. You are not expected to help to anyone, you are expected to do your job if you want to keep your elo. More if you want to climb.
Do not compare sport game with teamswhich are set vs game with random players.
Even matches without MMR, hardly. It would be bad to use just SR, because that can be manipulated a lot more easy. Or changed. Leaving two games wont change your skill and it will result in - 100 SR? Was your current skill changed? No it wasnt and MMR is not changing. In matchmaking using SR it would affect matchmaker and thats not good.
Even matches is opposite to rigged system. If system would be forming teams to have better chance to win or lose, thats definition of rigged system.
Its not used against you. Its used to form teams with same average MMR so players can have fair games.
Nope. It’s looking at your recent play and forcing an even match with you in it. If you switch to an off hero, and don’t play as well… you will not win games. You will realize that the match was made for you to perform exactly as you have been performing. Until, you log out and come back the next day to easier games. Why? Because the matchmaker is trying to force even matches and in order for that to happen, you will get better teammates in order to make up for yesterday’s crappiness. Suddenly you can win on your off hero, which you’re not nearly as good at. But who cares, it’s an even match, right?
They make matches expecting your recent play. When you don’t play for a long time, and come back. Easy as hell. I’ve seen it many times. That is, until the system gets an idea of how to force an even match that includes you, adjusts and now you’re playing harder matches. At the same rank.
2100 should be 2100 should be 2100.
Not hard mode for current winners and easy mode for current losers.
I’ve seen over and over how the system adjusts to the point where it’s predictable. Oh, we went 4-0 one night? Next night will be impossible games and we go 0-4 due to throwers and leavers. Oh wow, 50% the matchmaker must be good, huh? Yeah, because it FORCED the games based on our MMR.
Players have figured it out. That’s why so many posts are about this exact issue, for four years straight. MMR is used to rig up even matches. You might think that’s a good thing. I happen to think it’s unethical to handicap player’s games behind the scenes while pretending it’s a Competitive system.
Either way, players are sick of it. Maybe Blizz just wanted to make each match as even as possible, but the end result is that players don’t enjoy that in the long run. It feels forced, rigged, and takes all of the fun out of the game because you can SEE when the switch flips and suddenly you get to play with idiots for 5 games straight just because you won a few.
The game is toxic, frustrating, and pointless in the long run. That is due to the MMR forcing matches in an unnatural way. Players KNOW something isn’t right, whether they realize exactly what it is or not.
Its like talking to a brick wall. Try to read my explenation how matchmaker works again. And stop seeing it as your enemy. No wonder you are not climbing with mindset like this.
why do you want to write so much, when it can be summarized to “get gud”? simple as that. why dont you tell that to the OP. and all the other threads here.
“In what world is ticking their fan base off better for player retention?”
yep, its not. you know, i know, many players left. i have friend who is GM also left. many hated the game. thats what im talking about, large pile of sr gone in the whole pie, creating imbalance.
“Like your conspiracy on grind being forced doesn’t hold water.”
right. i got it all from here.
Doesnt change a thing, author has wrong beliefs how how matchmaker works. System is not handicapping you.