Because I didn’t say ‘git gud.’ I didn’t even say anything close to it. I asked why folks playing averagely and reliant on teammates doing better feel they should climb. Doing average for hour rank is fine to maintain it but one has to be doing beyond that to climb. Trying to turn genuine questions into a silly demand is the weirdest deflection and strawman I have seen in a while.
Hah! I understand your skepticism, but people frequently do get addicted to negative emotions like frustration and anger. Gambling addiction has a lot in common with gaming addiction, and both types of addiction play on the dopaminergic response to frustration in particular. Scientific research bears this out, if you are really interested tell me and I’ll find links for you.
Don’t worry, they know math and statistics better than you. Overwatch University is a degree to many things.
Dopamine is released in response to the winning for a gambler so while you can argue gaming has a similar response in some (I’d agree there), it’s to the winning part. The frustration is a negative part that has the person chasing the next dopamine hit similar to an illicit drug. While the dopamine can condition them to wait out the frustration, it’s not what they’re addicted to. Frustration is never wanted (ignoring adult stuff) by humans hence we go out of our ways to avoid or mitigate it.
I can’t fully explain it, but I remember from my readings that frustration is an important part of addictive experiences. Unpredictable outcomes are part of what makes an experience addictive, and losing is a necessary part of that unpredictability. Dopamine isn’t the only thing that keeps us going, but it is a big component. I don’t know exactly how its release corresponds to winning and/or losing.
I think you would enjoy Adam Alter’s book “Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked,” which explains all of what I’ve said in more detail.
I can confirm the number 50. Unfortunately it’s the number of defeats in a row at the moment.
50 defeats in row? Dude you have to be throwing super hard. Thats achievement even for deranker to have 50 games in row.
Winning/lossing streaks would be uncommon if it was looking to make an alternating win/loss pattern, not if it wants to see 50%. Kind of like how when I roll a dice 80 time, I don’t expect to not see streaks. I might roll a 6 seven times in a row. But over a large sample size I would expect to see 6 about 1/6th of the time.
When Kaplan said “We like to see people around a 50% winrate, it means the matchmaker is working” (paraphrased) he means that a good matchmaker will result in around 50% winrate for most players, not that it would force one. If we think about that, it makes sense because if players are in the right skill level, then they should have the same odds of winning as the enemy team and over time that win rate should trend to 50%. Players who improve rapidly will have a higher winrate as their SR adjusts to their new skill level and players who are out of practice will have a lower winrate as their SR adjusts to their depreciated skill level.
Your profile is a great example of this. Your two most played heroes this season are sitting very close to a 50% win rate. That doesn’t mean that you didn’t have streaks, but it is a pretty good indication that your skill matches your rank.
I just had one lol
84 | 2205 | +26 | WIN | 1:0 |
85 | 2229 | +24 | WIN | 2:1 |
86 | 2253 | +24 | WIN | 2:1 |
87 | 2279 | +26 | WIN | 1:0 |
88 | 2258 | -21 | LOSS | 0:1 |
89 | 2236 | -22 | LOSS | 0:1 |
90 | 2212 | -24 | LOSS | 0:2 |
91 | 2189 | -23 | LOSS | 3:4 |
92 | 2164 | -25 | LOSS | 2:3 |
93 | 2188 | +24 | WIN | 2:0 |
94 | 2188 | CANCELED | X | X |
95 | 2212 | +24 | WIN | WIN |
Looks like the matchmaker is getting your MMR figured out Keep it up and keep posting results.
I was higher with mercy before on my other account, In time I should climb to plat, but from there it would be harder.
that’s exactly what it means. lol. you are simply quoting yourself again. i know what you mean, carrying beyond the “average”. and to do that, you need to “get gud”. your question assumes the reader is playing on average.
i’ve lost games where im 83 elims in volksaya, that amount is still in my history, and i know i lost that game. im doing the kills, but the other dps is oblivious, not killing at all. that’s the point of this entire thread and the entire topic of MMR and handicapping with poor matchmaking. these are years old topics. lol, “doesnt hold water” . i wonder if you know what’s going on around here.
Anyone who is stuck at a rank is doing the average for that rank; that’s not an assumption but how the MM works. Just because I don’t buy into your conspiracy doesn’t mean I’m saying simply ‘git gud.’ Abhorrent spelling of that aside, what I’m is the MM works.
I asked if one is only doing averagely for their rank, why do they feel they should climb? Wouldn’t the whole rank climb in that case making it meaningless?
I’ve ranged up and down repeatedly in competitive play from bronze to Diamond, and seen players of every caliber at every level. Match Making Rating makes nonsense out of every player’s career.
Your profile shows these stats for the current season;
TIME PLAYED 13:51:04
so what exactly is your issue?
I avoid players who are way better than me, so i can meet them in the next match and practice against them and be a better player. this isn’t throwing, right?
my record was 12 defeats against the same mccree/mercy duo
my win rate is always between 22.8% and 38.7%.
i have a degree in maths (special interest: statistics) and cs. but i don’t know how MMR works until i read the implementation. but it doesn’t matter.
sometimes i just count how many games are balanced (as in: both teams seem equal, the matchs don’t end quickly with 0:3 or 200%:0%) and nothing else. for 100 games so i can calculate the percentage in my head.
every single -ing time the number is 85% or higher for Games Are Unbalanced.
for me this is a sign that the Algorithm For Fair Matching is not working properly
I think there should be no Match Making Rating and comp should be solo queue only
Games would be a lot less balanced without MMR and and OW would be boring place without being able to play comp with friends.
Sometimes it is very frustrating to just solo Q.
On the old forums the developers once said that they knew the probability down to the second decimal place when forming teams.
Guess what is easier than making a game fair on both sides.