Algorithm is a disgrace

I won 4 games in a row tonight amazing teammates and following that, 3 games were ruined by smerfs who left. I lost 28 SR for the first leaver, 24 for 2nd leaver and 48 for the 3rd leaver. Now the games are getting progressively worse and worse it’s like oh you won 4 games? Okay well let’s find the absolute worst dps and put them on ur team. I think I’m on my 6th loss now. We love balance :slight_smile:


Not how I am describing. The MM uses 1 number and makes sure its about the same for both teams. We can do better than that given all the data blizzard has access to.

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Good it should be that way, if you play terrible you should lose that 10 games in a row. Sucks for you teams but bad players should never maintain the same SR because of the MM forcing easy games.

Not really until you start tilting and throwing and the matchmaker finally stops handicapping you every game

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Nope. If I am ranked too high, it is also the algorithm’s fault for placing me that high in the first place. It’s a failure either way you slice it.

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That’s actually quite easy to do when they use statistics just pair the smurfs or players that are climbing with better winrates and stats against the people that are performing poorly.

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Blizzard has a literal wealth of data they could use in the MM. As far as I know, they just use the average SR of both teams and that’s it. It’s like, come on dude, you have all the tools and data to build a more sophisticated algorithm.

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They don’t do that. I wish they did that.

They use statistics, winrates, etc.

As I mentioned earlier, they should start with the user experience first and work backwards. They started with the mathematical side first and went from there, making everything conform to average SR without accounting for anything else.

There’s a ton of things they could do to help make things better. I am only proposing one idea.

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So true, I got bored the other day and did my placements for tdm wondering why games were so sweaty. Turned out I placed 3.4k two seasons ago which was more than a year ago right?
Anyway got ez masters and stopped caring. While on my other account I got placed mid Plat. Imagine losing games where you go 15-3 in a kill centered game mode because of your team going negative. Not one game but multiple in a row.
For the moment I can’t complain because I didn’t get overwatched by the MM this week. But the amount of games I was forced to hard carry in the past is insane. My games in Role queue 400 SR lower were 10 times harder than they are now.


Aka, it would be much more noticable, but people aren’t complaining about stomps just that it’s being “manipulated” which sounds much different than really one-sided matches.

Otherwise we would have heard much worse, oh right and smurfs throw… so they don’t really perform well 100% of the time.

I didn’t read the entire thread because MM threads are usually filled with mindless fools stuck in an echo chamber who’d rather ignore logic.

It’s important to remember that it doesn’t “force 50/50” as much as it enforces a 40% winrate minimum for each team.
So one team gets at least 40% winrate and the opposing team obviously gets the remainder. Meaning each match is actually a 40%-60% winrate and SR gains/losses are adjusted accordingly.

The problem with this, is if you FALL, you STILL have a 40%-60% winrate in SR’s lower than you should be; stagnating ranks.
It works in reverse, too. If you reach an SR higher than you belong, you’ll get boosted with better players because you being there would have lowered the winrate to below 40%.

It’s still utterly broken and un-competitive but my point is that it isn’t strictly a coin flip for probability purposes.
Please refer to this dev post for winrate information.
Groups and Matchmaking in Overwatch

They fairly flippantly pass 40% winrate minimums off as fair but how does one climb again if every game has the same chance of winning? The forums said if you’re good, you’ll climb but that flies in the face of enforced minimum winrates for the most part.
I’ma say it again … EVERY game has 40%-60% winrate.
This coupled with the fact that MMR is what the MM uses and NOT SR means that if you’re a diamond player and you have a rough run and fall to low plat or even gold, you will have to beat diamond players to get back TO diamond.

Broken and stupid.

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If it is 40 - 60%, that’s even worse! Wow.

I didn’t read the entire thread because MM threads are usually filled with mindless fools stuck in an echo chamber who’d rather ignore logic.

but you would just like to extend it with a whole wall of text

They can’t control players, ponder that for a moment. They can’t control if players have a bad day, if they’re smurfing or inting.

Honestly, from your comments, it sounds more like you want them to pad your confidence than you looking for a fair match-making.

What if they did account for your loss streak, the assume you’re basically crying after 10 straight losses, playing like a bronze even tho you’re in gold, so they match you with far worse players than you usually face to make the game fair.

But what if you aren’t playing terribly? What if you’re playing at your usual level and didn’t get tilted from the losses, because you know that sometimes you have loss streaks and that’s that, and now suddenly you’re slapping on bronze players that now feels they’re getting cheated by the system.

There’s no way to balance people, you can’t account for if people are warmed up, if they’re popping off or having an off day, and asking them to try to pander to your emotions would make it even more ridiculous.

Where in that post do you see something that support your claims that every game has a 40-60 winrate? And that this winrate will persist between games, regardless of it being between new teams?

It really doesn’t though. They SAY that’s the intent, but there are games that are so uneven, it’d be a stretch to say they’re 10/90. Legitimate games where nobody throws but the other team wins despite having a leaver. That’s likely the matchmaker dealing with smurfs and instead of actually doing something about them, it knows they are incredibly inconsistent and just averages our their tryhard games with their derank throw games and says they’re the same as everyone else. With all the stats Blizzard has, it needs to start suspending people for notable swings in performance. 2-3 games in a row where you play like someone more than a rank below your MMR, take 24 hours off. You’re either throwing (smurf), tilted, or account sharing, all 3 of which it’s perfectly fine to force a timeout on the player.

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I usually just quote them and say “stopped reading there.” Sadly I saw the bold text below and addressed that, but didn’t read anything else. If you can’t be troubled to read others’ posts, you don’t deserve to have your posts read.

You’re blaming the matchmaker and not yourself :roll_eyes:. Maybe change playstyles? Try not to play on auto-pilot. Have gamesense. Stop blaming the matchmaker or your team, cause that changes nothing. Fix how you play

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Oh sure, it’s my fault I get matched against GM smurfs, my teammate disconnects, and no one plays healer / tank? Carrying as a support in 4v4 is impossible, also. Just is not doable.

I would like to see video of a diamond support (preferably ana) going from plat to diamond in 4v4. Not possible, I swear.