Aim assist on crossplay

This is interesting actually, I think I realize now why we have different opinions on mcree, maybe it’s the different platforms? Because thinking about it now, mcree would be pretty garbage on console XD.

Sombra would be pretty good on console yeah, she’s kinda aim reliant I guess, but aim assist would help with the tracking a LOT.

i dunno how you play widow tho. Widows already for me the hardest hero in OW BY FAR (imo) on PC. How on earth do you play her with a freaking joystick!! Insane!!

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just buy a xim easy that would be a how to master widow guide on console


Barrier botting on hog :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Egirl boosting with zen :rofl::rofl:

Indeed, that is pretty damn sad. You guys should get a PC :sunglasses:

The funny thing is that you’re actually not wrong at all XD

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You have to remember another key fact that makes hitscan easier on console than you would probably expect, however. The worse ADAD spam. It makes people much easier to hit and quite frankly that is what makes me more mad at keyboard users. Their aim is whatever, my aim is decent too. It is that they can be that evasive while doing it. It forces you to get more creative with your engagements as they usually have you beat in a mechanical battle.

Other console users are pretty easy to hit though.

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OHhh that explains why I found tracking so easy when I played with electro (another console player). I suppose I was facing other console players, and they really struggle to ADAD spam!

That’s probably why widows so damn hard on PC.
Also I think I’ve progressively sucked more and more on her overtime. I remember my widow winrate in comp was like 80% or something at one point. Now if I pick widow I miss all my shots then die instantly to some flanker or other sniper XD. I guess I used to play a lot of widow HS back then. I still don’t get how they do it, I think widows the one hero that takes THE most effort to play in the game.

I think I’ve picked up every hero and mained them at least once (I’m actually in my doomfist phase now, you’ll be VERY sad to hear that XD), but widows the one hero that I LEGITIMATELY suck on right now.

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It is crazy how much I can relate to you, while being the opposite. That one hero I could just never learn was Zarya. No idea how her mains do it. My sister is one of them. Usually I dread Zarya/Hog because I feel my playstyle is not very productive for Zarya mains, but she is so good she makes it work. And makes it easy.

I still firmly believe I am the best zero charge Zarya in the world, however. No one has as much practice keeping her at low charge as I do.

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I won’t lie, I legitimately cracked up laughing at this sentence :rofl: (As per usual XD)

She is kinda scary at first, but when she clicks holy moly she feels damn amazing. It’s the reason I have so many hours on her! Like omg she is easily the most fun hero in the game for me. After all her nerfs I just keep coming back to her, she’s like a drug, except with no bad side effects aside from never playing any other tank because she’s so fun XD.

Tbh I used to be like you, I remember starting off with zarya my winrate was around 15% I believe? And I had 20% accuracy, OOF XD.

Dont underestimate 0 charge zarya though… On a game today I picked a support and a genji with my OP 70dps gun (I messed up my bubbles… smh). They thought I was a pathetic little 0 charge zarya! Little did they know who they were dealing with :sunglasses:

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Honestly, I don’t think it’s a big issue to allow aim assist here. Specifically because crossplay pc/console doesn’t apply to ranked.

I’m gonna weigh in on this topic because I think I have the experience now to form an unbiased opinion since I’ve played with a.) a mouse b.) a controller with no aim assist and c.) a controller with aim assist.

I firmly believe that aim assist on the PC servers when using a controller should be allowed. It will not give a controller player an advantage over a PC player, it will bring the controller player onto an almost equal playing field. The precision a mouse allows is just not possible with a controller. This means that, even with aim assist on the controller, PC players are always going to be at an advantage. Always. Full stop.

For crossplay to be fair, aim assist is needed to balance out the inherent advantage PC players have. There’s a reason they didn’t make crossplay fully crossplay, because dropping PC players onto console servers would be insanely unfair. Anybody who has been paying attention would understand that. If aim assist is so unfair versus mouse, then why don’t they allow PC players into the console pool? Makes sense, doesn’t it? Aim assist is akin to aim bot in many of your eyes, so controller players would not be at a disadvantage with it on. Yet here we are, with no PC players allowed in the console pool.

So either Blizzard is protecting console players from having their heads constantly clicked to death by OP M&Kb Widows and Hanzos OR they’re protecting PC players from being auto aimed to oblivion by the OP console players’ aim “bots”. Now I don’t know about you, but seeing as they didn’t give PC players the ability to opt out of crossplay, that tells me that the PC players are the ones who are OP here and not the controllers and their clunky, slowed aim assist.

Going back and forth between my PC account and my console account, I’ve learned one thing: playing this game with a controller absolutely sucks. The aim assist slowing you down sucks. The tug of war between you and the aim assist sucks, but it does make the game playable.

Personally, and I know this is controversial and many console players are against it, (I was one of them up until a week ago), I would honestly prefer that M&Kb be allowed on console, but with the very important caveat that it only work while playing crossplay with PC. If they can figure this out, figure out how to implement it without it being exploited, then I’d be all for it.

Mouse is just miles and above better than controller, with or without aim assist. It’s no contest, you guys. If a PC player is afraid of a console player using aim assist or still believe the controller would have the upper hand vs M&Kb, then let me tell you, friends, you have no idea how good you have it with mouse and how much of a non-issue this aim assist thing really is.


They’ve never picked up a controller in their life and it’s so obvious

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i play on both console and pc and lemme tell you right now that console players do more work to aim than you ever will


I hope some aim assist comes to pc console crossplay at some point cause from my experience anytime I play console against pc players it’s almost always a loss.

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You do know I’ve been a console gamer all my life, and got my start playing Overwatch on the PS4? I do know a thing or two when it comes to how the game feels on both PC, and consoles.

Not switch though.


I just simply don’t know… :slightly_frowning_face:

If you cant play by PC rules, dont play in PC lobbies. PC players with controllers dont get aim assist, they also dont get out of bronze, but they dont get aim assist.

i would argue that they should tbh

It should be on, but turned down like Apex Legends.
In Apex on PC, I do play with controller. Despite that, I still win plenty of fights and games. You don’t really need a lot.

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I’m just curious I came from console and still use controller on pc is ow2 gonna support aim assist cuz with a controller on pc ow its damn near unplayable mnk feels way faster but I’m not good with keyboard yet and with a controller it feels so slow aim assist needs to be a thing even if its only a little purist pc guys cry too much over it apex seems to have it down pack why can’t ow follow

Aim assist is not aimbot guys using mouse and keyboard is still superior to controller by far you cant even compare those two (I played both pc and console version of this game)

You sound insane.

The only reason aim assist exists is because most devs do not know how to create good stick sensitivity design, much less “Overwatch Studios Blizzard” over at Activision-Blizzard. It’s too easy to aim on Mouse. The “reason” this game doesn’t have aim assist for controller users is literally backwater, fallacious troll-logic. To enable controller/gamepad players to fairly compete online against mouse users aim assist should be treated as mandatory for any game that choose to engage a crossplay mentality for its playbase. Why choose to enable us more eays to have have and disable us to have that fun? It’s like cooking an extra meal and dropping it on the floor.

I understand the logic in denying controller players aim assist in crossplay-ranked playlists (mind you, which should even exist [ you can’t create fair competition with different input types]) But apply the same logic to casual play playlists? You suddenly recognize the stupidity.

Why even create crossplay; why design the network infrastructure at all? Crossplay is literally pointless to engage in for any given player-who-chooses-to-play-on-console-with-a-gamepadcontroller because on an inherent level said player can’t even enjoy the game because the game itself is literally denying said player the resources to play the game adequately. Why take the fun out of the game for someone trying to have fun, when you’ve literally and specifically and intentionally implemented meaures to enable said player to engage with their friends on different platforms?

Aim assist can be integrated tastefully; Overwatch 2 needs aim assist in crossplay for casual playlists PERIOD. Otherwise Crossplay was an investment that should never have been made.

Cheaters are gonna cheat regardless. Let them do it outside of ranked. Controller players on console shouldn’t be inhibited for playing with and having friends who are pc master race idiots. And for people who use controllers whilst playing games on a PC for playing games literally designed for mouse and keyboard, you behavior is hilariously laughable to me. Learn to use a keyboard. And if you’re emulating a game on your pc that was inherently not designed for keyboard, you’ve stolen a video game. Shame on you. Respect art.