Aim assist on crossplay

Pc shouldnt have aim assist period lol what

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It’s only a leg up if you don’t understand how aim assist works and are insecure about your own aim.

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You sound like every pretentious guy who has ever walked the earth. You don’t know everything dude

I suppose the guy saying “you have no idea what you’re talking about. your wrong, as usual” didn’t raise any red flags for you. Only me defending my self by saying, yes I do in fact know what I’m talking about raised a red flag for you.

Well, if that makes me pretentious, then guilty as charged.

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this guy said to allow console players m&kb controls, lol

Sorry, I’m going to have to be pretentious again!

You’re aware there are games that allow M+KB controls on console, right? Metro Exodus is one such example of an FPS that allows it; you can just plug it right in. I’m going to assume the answer is “no, I did not know that”.

Why is it wrong for me to suggest the same for Overwatch? Also, why should I be shamed when you didn’t even know this about Metro? What’s wrong with consoles using m+kb? Well, if you get to be toxic, I do too!

Why don’t you butt out of conversations that you aren’t equipped to deal with? You might have random people butting in to try and help you, but that won’t save you from me telling you you’re wrong.

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wait really? i never knew that. usually people always say that console vs console players using mouse and keyboard controls are a huge disadvantage and some call it cheating at most.

it’s not

because i don’t know a lot of games, the only games i play are roblox, mc, sims, dbd, and overwatch because my computer can’t handle other games

that’s fair, but i don’t really think i was being toxic, maybe a little rude at most which i apologize for

it’s just a conversation man, anyone can join one. though some people would rather not

well no one really did, because some people commented before me so i would technically be butting them up

If i can’t opt out, no aim asisst.
Opt out if you don’t like it
Atleast you can!

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These people think aim assist is aimbot. It is kind of hilarious.


I think the problem is that mouse and keyboard users are ruining it for everyone on console.

Because I think everyone would be fine with console players having aim assist if mouse and keyboard didn’t exist, the problem is you get people with aim assist + mouse and keyboard, which puts them at an unfair advantage.

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these people think brig isn’t jet pack cat

or do they :thinking::thinking:

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I forgot about that. I am just so used to dealing with them that it hardly matters to me at this point. But you right, though.

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I actually wonder how it’s possible for you real console players to actually deal with mouse and keyboard users. How do you compete a controller with someone using a mouse and keyboard ALONG WITH an aim assist. How could you even miss a shot at that point!

To be perfectly honest, I’m assuming GM console is just filled with mouse and keyboard “abusers” on console lol. I dont like to use the word “abusers”, but at that point it kinda is abusing :expressionless:

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this is not a rank shame but ur gold not a lot of people xim there people start ximming masters plus because how op ximming is it will rank them up really fast

I think thiccbuddha is diamond on tank/support tho?

yea my freind was a hardstuck 4100 baptiste main bought a xim next season got rank 1

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In Overwatch, it is actually easier than most games just because of how many powerful heroes there are that aren’t super aim reliant.

If I cannot out Widow them, I just go Sombra and force them to play McCree, and as you already know, I eat McCree players alive. I am actually scared when I am facing their Widow, but once that Cree comes out, I let out a sigh of relief.

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I guess at that point you shouldn’t even bother playing aim based heroes without mouse and keyboard on console. I think your best bet would be to play someone like brig who’s pretty underrated and good at higher ranks along with good carry potential (I’m assuming you’re very familiar with this! XD).

like im plat on dps then i see a ximmer 1 out of 1000 games then when there is one there a smurf level 25 account then in gm/high masters there’s one every 2 games


Yeah, but I earned that rank just barrier botting with Hog and heal egirl boosting as Zen, I am really bad at killing things in a fps. Uwu.

In all seriousness, he is not even wrong. The mouse and keyboard people are super rare in diamond. They get boosted up so easily. I mostly run into them in QP. Isn’t that sad? They need to cheat on console in QP. Lol.