Aim assist on crossplay

why is aim assist turned off for console players when they are in pc lobbies? isnt the whole point of aim assist to bring controller players up to par with pc?


LOL no… so let me get this straight you want to give players from a different console on the same game a leg up compare to their counter parts? pass hard pass, like you better be freakin troll baiting.


im so confused :sob: what r u saying


Cross-play with Aim Assist is still being experimented with.

Recently, the Apex Legends Developers have revealed that you get less aim assist on PC than you do on console - and that they’re actually looking to further lessen aim assist overall on both platforms.

Cross-play with aim assist is still new territory, and I think the OW Devs are just trying to be careful about it.

As much as I’d love to see aim assist on PC, I can’t say that it’d always feel fair.


I still think it’s dumb for PvP modes to disable it but the fact that it’s still disabled in Junkenstein’s Revenge if you group with a PC player… okay, now I am just angry.


Auto aim is literally aim botting, which is why its removed. Now, you can make an argument for Aim Assist being an acceptable form of aimbotting to bring controllers to the level of Keyboard and mouse, but the counter argument is simple:

You’re letting the game aim for you; that won’t bring controllers up to par, that’s a sheer advantage against M+KB.


Aim assist is not an aimbot of any sort, this is false


Yes it is. Its aim correcting software, which a lot of aimbots are. You can download an aimbot that’s exactly like console auto aim. Like 1 to 1, apples to apples.


Aim assists seem to vary in functionality by game, Overwatch’s aim assist simply lowers sensitivity while your aim passes over an enemy target, to compensate for having to turn your screen with a stick.

That is all, it does not aim for you.


haha very funny. it’s aim assist it assists your aim not aims for u


are u sure your not baiting lol

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Really… like, it’s in the name, aim ASSIST. I don’t know how much more blatantly obvious it needs to be for people to understand that.


bruh you obviously have no idea what your talking about, as usual

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you mean vs PC right? Ive played against enough widow sweats to know that PC absolutely does NOT need aim assist.

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I know what it does, and I’m saying there’s external programs on the PC that does the same thing for you. Its something that helps you aim, usually bundled with aimbots which is why people just call it an aim bot.

Now, I know you said

But you need to understand, I do know what I’m talking about. Its a program that ASSISTS with your aim. Aim bots are also programs that ASSIST with your aim. Not every aimbot will snap you to your intended target, some will just correct your aim enough to help you get kills. Speaking of which

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Edit: Oh, I see the issue. I see that calling aim assist an aimbot is a hotly contentious issue in the PC gaming industry. Here’s the problem though: there ARE aimbots that will just slow your mouse cursor down similar to how console aim assist works. Can I link it without getting myself banned for sharing aimbot software?

Well, even if I can’t. You have to admit that letting the game help the aim of certain players while making other players do all the hard work for themselves isn’t fair. Or, you don’t have to admit it and you can continue being rude.

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I know way more about this topic, and the topic of game development than you. Want to compare notes? I will warn you though, you aren’t going to enjoy this conversation very much.

I think they have to be very careful with it. Aim settings on console are already pretty clunky compared to other fps. Idk If they could handle fixing that for OW2 along with the extra burden of managing aim assist vs pc players :woozy_face:

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Sorry, I don’t really get what you’re asking.

If it’s about the apex cross-play, yes they get aim assist on controllers vs m+kb, but you get less aim assist on PC.

I think they do this because consoles have forced input lag via things like built-in V-sync to make sure the screen doesn’t tear on the large TV screens.

If it’s about potentially having aim assist vs m+kb on PC on OW… I think it’d be really hit or miss. On heroes like Widow, I think m+kb would have the advantage due to aim assist actually hurting Widow vs Widow due to m+kb having no movement acceleration and so the aim assist pulls you around making your shot less accurate and slower… so aim assist actually hurts you more than it helps in that situation.

But aim assist on heroes like Soldier would definitely give an advantage against m+kb.

This is why its really sticky… and why I understand the Devs hesitating to allow aim assist on PC.

bro it is a freaking stick with a thumb vs your whole hand we will probably have to do more hard work aiming with
our thumbs

I have no idea what this has to do with what I said. My arguments are:

1.) There ARE ambotting software that behave similar to auto aim on console. I can’t link to them, since I’d be in violation of the blizzard CoC, but they DO exist.

2.) even if you don’t believe me, which is fine since I can’t link to anything, I DO think letting one type of player aim easier isn’t fair. My solution would be to allow M+KB on console to level the playing field.

Please respond to one of these instead of just acting like I’m wrong without confronting anything I say.