After we playing 5v5 for a long while, what're your opinion?

you could tell tanks were quitting at a way higher rate than the other roles based on expected queue times for support vs tank at the time. it was equal for a while and steadily support had longer and longer queues.

i agree that support is in the worst spot of the 3 roles. i cant believe they did nothing for the role for like 6 months but whatever. honestly at the moment its not too bad though. we got kiriko LW and another support is on the way, theyre giving us some content to keep us here. the stonks arent down enough for drastic measures rn, especially if they patch up this lifeweaver hero.

And why couldnt they do that in 6v6? Nothing has changed it just moved from tanks to supports as soon as they slow down with new content the que times will go up but this time not tanks but support. It didnt solve any que time problems it just slowed it down a bit instead of taking 4 years to get long que times now it takes 5 cause 1 less player.

Itā€™s fine to me, they both have their own pros and cons. I feel the synergistic aspects while unique, is a bit overrated. Often they were the same compositions or you get yelled at anyway or lose. The only thing I miss are tank lore interactions. Ultimately, I think most are wearing rose tinted glasses or wishing another tank protected them. Itā€™s like people who think original OW was better and ignore all the other issues like 50% stacking discords, 20 second Blades, speed boost on Nano etc. It was always a controversial subject before implementation so of course I think those who dislike it anyway will run here to complain about it, exaggerate or project. Aside that, I would have liked to see better focused balance of the other roles like no-role queue modes as well.

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5v5 is great. Imagine the utterly clueless player base we have now with F2P trying to coordinate main tank/off tank.

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As simple as it is.

The dev team removed 6v6 because they dont think their players are smart enough for 6v6 so it was downgraded to 5v5 so players arenā€™t so confused.

In other words, Blizzard thinks your all oafs.


6v6 was better. 5v5 just exaggerates the poor hero balancing. Add in the degraded match making, and I miss OW1 more and more.

At this rate, blizzard needs to ditch role queue and start balancing around open queue, and just embrace the casual experience.


At this rate, pve will be never

I doubt we will get the promised PvE, blizzard is just stringing along the people who are still hopeful.

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I like both however I prefer 6v6 because 5v5 depends on that one player on your team playing tank. If you have a bad tank you have a 50% chance of losing. In 6v6 there is a secondary tank that can help contribute towards the other tank who was doing bad and carry them.


F2P would have meant lower queue times.

They need to rework one shots thatā€™s all Iā€™d say

but the pace is faster killing the casual crowd more?

I like 5v5 more than 6v6 because you get more control over the match. Every kill matters now, that is why this forum cries of one-sided stomps all the time, they are weak players and weak players got punished if they donā€™t want to improve. You can now solo-carry on every role if you choose to play right heroes and if you are good at them. On the other hand there is still more control in hands of Tank and Support, some sort of team dependency is still there due to roles disbalance. Dps is too reliant on the rest two roles, tank is also sorta, but has a bit more power. The only role I feel independent to play on is support, heavily overloaded kits, I wish one of dps heroes would have something like Bap or Ana has. Self-sustain matters, damage matters. I do more damage with bap than I do on soldier while able to heal and have 3 hp bars. I die 2-3 times less on support compared to dps and I play support more agressive compared to dps which is dumb because self-sustain and overpowered abilities allow me to. But thatā€™s the other story, went to deep. 5v5 is better, but problems are still the same no matter the bracket.

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5v5 is fine. Iā€™m glad they did it because the game feels more focused and one tank is fun to play as/against (especially Rammatra). Blizzard definitely rushed the game out so itā€™s far from perfect, but I truly believe the devs want to make the best experience they can (or at least they are trying). Overall OW2 revived my love for a game I left years ago because it was getting stale. Multiple tanks donā€™t make the game fun.

5v5 is horrible for many many reasons, and it should be put back to 6v6.

Barriers and CC could have been changed and nerfed in different ways instead of changing the game to 5v5


eh im fine with 6v6 and 5v5, it took me a while to adapt as a tank main to being solo now. i do feel like i have more impact on the game (which mathematically is obvious with 1 less player per team) but it does also increase how much you get weighed down by really bad players.
Overall i think i prefer 5v5 competitively, but had more fun playing 6v6. i do think overwatch needed this though, as with more heroes/abilities it wouldā€™ve just gotten exponentially worse, at least 5v5 has 1 less hero per team actively doing something

I donā€™t miss 6v6 at all and have no desire to return to it. I only miss the occasional tank + tank synergy, but you can play arcade or open queue for that. Which is 5v5 and not 6v6, so still no desire for 6v6 return.

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All I see are the exact same individuals, over and over again.


A handful of scores is like a handful of twenties. It looks like a lot until you count it all out.

Also these forums are way over-dramatic about everything. There is never anyone trying to twist the devsā€™ arms into creating middle ground features or add player choice. The community narrative is always how we ā€œneedā€ to force some sort of polarizing change on to everyone.

I think my own social circle is a better metric regarding this topic. Iā€™ve known quite a few people that play OW, many of whom I still call friends.

  • I'd say my DPS main friends are the ones generally most supportive of 5v5, or hold an indifferent attitude between it and 6v6. The snipers and flanker mains are totally all for it. Clearly they are less impeded and so feel more enjoyment.
  • Supports mains---and I know a LOT of them---are more 50/50 between 5v5 and 6v6. Mercy mains and OTPs tend to prefer 6v6 unless they are high rank or co-main DPS. Ana mains in particular are happier in 5v5. She does seem more meta and effective than ever right now.
  • My tank mains? Well, we were like a brotherhood in OW1. Most of us miss tanking together, or even playing together as much, as a number of us still prefer playing tanks over any other role.
    • The off-tank mains among us (That's counting me here: I'm a former D.Va OTP), feel particularly slighted by having our playstyle deleted, and don't particularly want to play our favorite tanks being chained always to the middle of the map, always up front directly in the line of fire, and being dissuaded from peeling and doing the things we generally liked doing with off-tanks.
    • The main tank mains among my friends seem more ok with 5v5. Same with the ones that always were natural leaders or enjoy being the center of attention (hello Rein mains, Hog mains, and a couple of D.Va "off-mains.")

I think a lot of ā€œsupportā€ for 5v5 is coming from people who have learned to just accept it. The ones outright fighting for it feel they have directly benefitted from it, or never played impacted heroes long enoughā€”or seriously enoughā€”to appreciate the deeper more complex hero and fight dynamics. Or for some reason, they enjoy playing the spawn room rock-paper-scissors counter meta game and think playing the moment-to-moment perfect hard counter hero is more fun than playing the action side of the game.

Also the biggest, most vocal supporters for 5v5 are basically shills. If you follow their post histories, they are always 100% in agreement with Blizzard and supportive of their every single action and change they make. Theyā€™re just here because they like confronting people that are merely asking for straight reverts or at least a more reasonable option to play the game in a way that was more enjoyable (6v6 Arcade mode? Hello?) They like throwing up pointless counter arguments to make every topic look like a haze of noise and chaos, like the entire community really has no idea what it wants. Or that people are too stupid to figure out what they want, and therefore the devs have to know better. That seems to be the narrative they want to portray for the forums.

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I miss goats

I really dont like the turn game made

Id rather play old school goats

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