After Reading the Brigette Hate I've Decided

Main tanks who are complaining about Brig either don’t know how to coordinate with their own, or are over-exaggerating the impact she has. She’s annoying at close range, and that’s about what it boils down to. In any 1v1 scenario, ANY main tank will take Brig no questions asked and if they cant, hang up the MT towel.

Yeah, basically when I play Brigitte and I am attacking a tank, I’m not on my own. I am annoying and I keep my team mates alive longer; that’s why tanks die. Not because I was like, “Chill, fam, I got this.” and 1 v 6’d the team.

I also have a friend who complains he can’t kill Brig as Junkrat. I told him he’s a terrible Junk then because Junk is definitely a hard counter and he’s not speaking to me right now. lol


The people that think she does not need a nerf are peeps that like to play a low skill hero that is OP so it makes them feel like they have some skill. She is a very low skill hero classified as a support but is more of an off tank with very low CD’s. I think you Brigitte mains need learn a skilled hero if you are capable and by the way just look at all the posts. You a a very low minority in support of her.

Says the guy with 200+ hours on mercy haha, she’s literally the lowest skill hero in the game.

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I would rather be a 200+ hour Mercy main, than a whiny Brigitte main that refuses to accept facts.
Seems like you people have turned against the entire community. First it was the Tracer mains and the Genji mains, then it was the Tank mains, now it’s the Mercy mains.
Seems to me like you people are picking fights with everyone and losing.

Here’s the thing… It’s frustrating for me when people say a hero is “low skill” because they have a simplistic kit or don’t really require “aim”… But in reality those heroes usually have the more complex and deep strategic levels than heroes with 5 abilities.

The best Mercy’s in the world look incredibly different from your average Mercy. And a crappy Mercy can sink a game better than any other hero. Positioning and awareness are way more crucial when running most supports as they lack the offensive abilities to compete, or require a lot more accuracy if it comes to that. I can’t tell you how many duels I’ve won with Mercy from some dude who caught me alone and thought it was an easy kill.

Precisely how is anyone losing? He claimed Brig to be low skill, he plays primarily Mercy who is one of, if not the lowest skill cap hero in the game. I was pointing out his hypocrisy not his choice of hero.

Brig is second in skill to Ana as far as supports go. She has so much stuff to be cognizant of and multiple short cooldowns to constantly balance as well as shield longevity, brawling, and CCing. Just because a hero doesn’t require pin point aim doesn’t mean she’s low skill.

Everyone just wants to cry for nerfs instead of trying to learn how to counter, it’s annoying.

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Lul genji main salty


In Before Brigitte gets nerfed to being useless

Nah. It will take real data which I’m sure the devs have access to in order to determine if she’s actually a problem. Not a bunch of people who she’s designed to counter whining about being countered.

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No, YOU my friend, are wrong, I have killed WAY too many DVa’s while playing Brigitte to listen to this line of abject BS, because you attempt to take a real scenario and put it on a spreadsheet, but your spreadsheet is in wild error because it misses WAY too many factors, no wonder you are so screwed up when it comes to game balance.

Your sad sack math can only work in a scenario where both heroes have an “auto-hit” mechanism, such as Winston (and even that requires one to make the assumption that both characters commit to the fight to the death), but it doesn’t work where one hero has to aim to hit, and the other does not, and one where armor based damage reduction, passive self-healing, ultra rapid shield regeneration, and short cooldowns occur.

D.Va is stunned for 1 second of every 5, does zero damage while stunned, and does zero damage to Brickhead while a shield is up (her damage is rerouted to Brick’s shield, which has a regen to full of 2 seconds), she also does zero damage while missing her target, and her rockets can be interrupted, making them pretty much a non-issue. Furthermore she has a regeneration rate of zero, no possible way to reduce incoming damage outside of the original shields, which do not come back, and can do nothing defensively against melee.

DVa is required to do enough damage to Brickhead to kill her within a window of 4 seconds to kill her, of which approximately two will be taking unshielded damage, and can be reduced/avoided with motion. DVa’s damage will be FAR from 477 in those 4 seconds, it will be more like, if a solid aim, roughly 65-80 with actual uptime, aim and armor reduction. The rest will be shielded, and that shield will be regenerating, while D.Va’s hitpoints will continue to decline and there’s nothing DVa can do to accommodate for it. Brick gets the opening 50HP, the free first second for melee and repositioning to ensure DVa doesn’t “unstun” to immediate damage, and can turtle within 2 seconds to zero damage. DVa has done roughly 65-80 damage TOTAL to Brick’s healthpool in that time, Brick has done 50 from the stun+3 swings (35*3 in 1.8 seconds), so Brick will have done 155 to D.Va’s 65-80. That 80 health will have regenerated within those 5 seconds due to inspire, and this process can be repeated perpetually. The fight will end with Brick winning within 12 seconds pretty much every time.

Now, this is making some assumptions (It is important, when advancing a theoretical fight to include your assumptions, it gives this thing called “credibility”, which some day you may learn about). The assumption being that the role DVa is taking is a tanking role, which is absorbing damage rather than avoiding it. This is a “head to head” combat and does not include running away to get a ranged advantage, which a DVa would have in an open space, however this assumption is also built into your example as well.

The error you make is calculating damage to a character when that damage is automatically mitigated, can be not only deviated from the character through the use of a shield which has no animation penalty but is instant use, but also avoided entirely through default pvp motion/hopping, and finally refreshed and the deviating object is regenerated to full during the fight downtimes. On the other hand, in this scenario, Brick cannot miss a shot, due to the extreme size of the DVa model and the nature of melee combat and Brick then to add insult to injury regenerates the damage that D.Va does within the context of the fight.

So yeah, you need to learn a little about how to parse combat before getting in the ring and presenting that kind of “total DPS potential” tripe and imagining that it is a valid representation of combat, because it isn’t.

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You might be right when talking about bronze through gold players? But anyone above that is going to destroy brig with I see it happen in just about every one of my games…

And if you continue to watch overbuff like I am, brig doesn’t have a high pick rate in comp at all. It just keeps getting lower and lower so… data is contradicting your anecdotal claim.

EDIT: Oh, and her win rate is lower than Symmetra :wink:

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I am talking about a scenario presented to me. I specifically said that the assumption was that DVa was required to fight as a “tank” absorbing the damage and not use a ranged advantage.

Within a team environment, that changes, but then again DVa’s still aren’t out there “destroying” Brigs, and Brigs aren’t fighting alone in a vacuum.

The data appears to be showing people in a testing flux. The classic dive team heroes are all at the top, which probably (but anything is really just speculation at this point) means that people are going “So let’s try dive and see how Brick really performs under pressure”, and other teams are going “Let’s try deathball and see if it counters dive”.

The next while is going to be interesting, because either is bad for Brigitte. If she doesn’t stop Dive, then there is no justification for her rancid package. If she does, then she is a “must have hero” and needs adjustment.

Her win rate seems to imply that at the end of it all, she is going to be the “must have hero”, since she’s not on any dive teams, and there is still an imbalance of team comps (if she is on every team, her win rate is 50%).

You should know that outliers like Sym who rarely show up will have artificial winrate numbers since the likelihood of a Sym V Sym battle is non-existent, but I suspect that you are trying the old “Throw a bunch of mud at the wall and hope some will stick” method, but it’s stupid because it makes it look like you don’t know how to interpret easy to interpret data.

All of these hypotheticals remind me of when people argue about martial arts.

  • “Oh yeah? Well if he used his fist here, I would just block like that”.
  • “Yeah well if you blocked like that then I would just deflect like this”
  • “Well then I could stomp on your toe like this”
  • “But if you did that I’d sweep the leg like this”

Its all nonsense. There’s a billion different ways a fight could go and its fruitless to argue about one or two of them. The fact is, given perfect aim has more damage potential and would beat a brig if they just stood there and hit each other.

Whether or not that would happen in a real fight doesn’t matter, its impossible to say, but the potential is there.

Its irrelevant anyway because why would you even use a D.Va to dive a brig lol. Wrong hero for that.

So if I’m hearing your argument correctly, we just have to “GET GOOD LOOOOOOOOOOL.” You argue that you can run these ranged heroes as if she can’t play LOS and only engage when they’re ready to clear point. Not to mention her ultimate which not only makes her 400 hp as well as the rest of their team +150hp. Additionally, it goes under zen and zarya’s shield, who will most definitely be peeling for the brigitte. “Play with the team” which means also run a brigitte and also just run in with as much damage as possible. A support hero who does an insane amount of healing, tanking, and dpsing is not a balanced hero. She is BETTER than original mercy buffs, and I don’t think anyone wants that back.

Her ultimate is a problem. Noone denies that. But if she LoSes then great, she’s not doing anything for her team. Stop engaging melee. She’s anti-melee. Easy as that.

Edit: She is not better than 5 person rez mercy lol… you’re just being sensationalist if you believe that.


And if any tank can’t (besides Winston) can’t consistently deal with a Baugette, it’s not because she’s too good… It’s because whoever is playing tank is very bad. Even with her bash and all… she can’t 1v1 a tank and live to tell about it… Unless the person playing tank is terrible.

“Just use Pharah or Junkrat bro.”

Meanwhile, whenever someone mentions that they struggle with those heroes…

“Just use Widowmaker / McCree bro.” It’s not that simple…

You’re changing you entire argument and it’s still wrong. I was saying that Dva has a higher damage output potenital than Baguette can shield and heal up. And she can do it from outside of Baguette’s range. Now you’re arguing that Dva would be stunned every 5 seconds, when she NEVER would, because she can do her business without ever getting into stun range.

If you add micro-missles into that… Which I didn’t because it’s completely uncessary it’s not even a contest.

Again… You don’t know what you’re talking about if you think a Baguette can consistently kill a Dva in 1v1. Obviously with team support anyone can kill ANYONE. That’s not what I was saying.

I’ve killed every hero in the game in 1v1’s with Mercy… But that doesn’t mean she can output more damage than the heroes that got killed. There’s no world that anyone who legitimately plays and understands this game lives in where a Baguette is considered “strong” against Dva.

Don’t you notice how no one is seconding your ridiculous claims? I’m not saying it can’t happen… I’m saying it shouldn’t and it won’t happen to a great Dva… Her effective range and damgae output potential is just way too high.

You keep acting like Dva is going to just get 2 feet in front of Baguette and just start shooting… It seems obvious to me that YOU do that, and that is why you’re crying about the bash and dying to Baguette. But an intelligent player who is capable with most heroes with any kind of range, is going to kill Baguette more than they get killed if comes to a one on one.

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