After Reading the Brigette Hate I've Decided

because doomfist was not overpowered, he was ANNOYING.
people were complaining about doomfist having a 1 shot mechanic when roadhog just got his nerfed, not that he was an overall overpowered hero.
more and more you’re showing your inexperience and lack of game knowledge with each post.

So all the complaints that led to him getting nerfed into the ground and made useless for months were unwarranted is what you are saying. Based on a vocal minority on the forums. :thinking:

yes, roadhog was never statistically overpowered and was nerfed for the exact same reason.
mercy was reworked for being unfun aswell despite not being op.

Statistics are meaningless when you have insufficient data. And you are basing everything off a brand new hero that has been out for 2.5 days.

You’re going to tell me rezzing an entire team nullifying every ult used in a team fight is not op?

if it was op she would have been used in high elo and pro play on maps other than lijiang garden.
and brigette was in quick play, i played against her in pugs and scrims for the weeks leading up to season 10, and everyone in the high elo pugs and scrims agreed brigitte is gonna get nerfed, and for the health of the game it better be sooner than later.

So pick rate = OP now? you keep moving the goalposts.

QP is not comp and is so far removed it should not be in the discussion.

And neither should anecdotal evidence. You seem to rely on numbers a whole bunch and then throw in unsubstantiated he said she saids.

These are the facts, she has a high win rate right now. That can either be attributed to her being a strong hero being new with no idea how to play vs her, or she is wildly overpowered.

She has a high pickrate. That can either be attributed to her being a new hero that everyone wants to play, or she is wildly overpowered.

Lastly a little flaw in you comparison of Mercy stats. The Mercy rework in all her OP glory was out in September the 19th to be exact. Your numbers for November are pointless.

the numbers from november were still from her op state, you’re wrong.
i brought up pugs (pickupgames) and scrims i didn’t base my statements off quickplay, yet you took this out of context and were wrong.
i also took the opinions of several high elo players and streamers/pros.
and her being new has nothing to do with her pickrate as other new heroes did not have vastly broken statistics.

So let’s see, similar pick rates. But, different win rates. Hmm I wonder if that could have anything to do with people being incredibly familiar with mercy as a hero and not at all familiar with Brig. Nah that couldn’t possibly be.

“Anecdotal evidence is evidence from anecdotes, i.e., evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony.”

“Anecdotal evidence is often regarded as unreliable because it is based on someone’s personal testimony. When one person’s experience is used as proof that the same would happen or apply to a larger group of people, the ‘evidence,’ as such, should be examined using the scientific method to verify credibility.”

So again, irrelevant.

im done with you, first brig’s pickrate is only high because she’s new? (hinting they dont know how to counter her)
but mercy’s pickrate was high because people already knew how to play against her? (but since she’s a familiar hero they should know how to counter her already)
come back to me when brig gets nerfed, and you are proven dead wrong by the devs this time and not just me proving you wrong.


I have about 250 hrs with dva since i started plauing this game and i love her but the problem with her 1 her stun is to long and you cant fight back or esape 2 when you damage to her and she does damage she b asrley looses half her health thats busted

Since brig needs to be in the front line, don’t use your boosters to open up the fight, walk in and use it to escape after the stun if you need be. Should help you stay in mech more. It’s like winston flanking so he has his jump ready to escape with.

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I don’t hate Brig, i hate what she did to the meta. So far what i have seen is that the current meta is 1 tank, 3 healers, and 2 DPS (or 2 tanks and one dps) and this makes it VERY hard for an orisa main like me to actually kill anything due to the amount of heals the enemy team is getting.

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brigs winrate is higher than mercy’s ever was.

You’re just wrong, my guy…

Dva outputs FAR more DPS (Damage per second) than a Baguette.
I don’t know what planet some of you are living on. Dva can out damage Baguette without using a single Micro Missile. If a Dva and a baguette stood face to face and just started shooting and flailing, Baguette will die before she could even get Dva out of her Mech 100 out of 100 times. That’s not my opinion… it’s mathematics.

In 5 seconds Baguette’s flail can output a MAX of 280 damage.
Dva’s MEDIAN (nowhere near her max in you factor in head shots) output damage from her fusion cannons ALONE is 477 damage… Meaning in 5 seconds Dva wouldn’t even be out of her mech… And Baguette would be LONG dead even with the additional 80 health she’d gain from her passive over that 5 second span.

Look, just stop. You’re not arguing your point with facts and logic… You’re just arguing because you don’t like her. But the reality is that Baguette can easily be killed by nearly 75% of the hero roster.

That doesn’t mean she’s not a bit too strong, and that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t get some adjustments… But stop acting like she’s invincible… Because all that shows me is how limited your approach to the game is… It shows me you don’t like to implement strategy… And it shows me you don’t often if ever coordinate with your team. That’s all on you.

If you can’t kill Baguette with Dva, or you legitimately believe she’s in ANY WAY comparable to Dva’s damage output, uninstall this game right now. Because you’re one of the people ruining the game for everyone else.

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100%. I’m of the opinion that the people up in arms about Brig are ones who have gotten very comfortable with playing by themselves, and not with the team.

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I get it… for 2 years everyone has been able to just run and runt, and get DIRECTLY ina persons face and just let go of the entire clip and melt whoever’s standing there… And that has worked well for 2 years.

But now you have to really pay attention, and not just run in face-first shooting and yelling at the top of your lungs like Rambo. You’ve got to approach and attack from angles, or you could not be a try-hard and just stay at least 7 meters away from her at all times… Then she can’t hit you with anything besides her weak-a$$ whip shot. If you have to be closer than 6 meters to land a shot, it’s time to practice a little more.

But god forbid there’s a hero that forces people be more strategic or coordinated. Which is how Blizzard wanted the game to be played ANYWAYS.… So shame on them for putting out a hero that falls in line with their vision.


And it’s dropping daily. That’s called a sample size, you are going off incomplete data for a new hero with nothing to compare it to.

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This is exactly it. A learning curve is required, and it doesn’t simply mean a character is broken.

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I had a similar discussion with a friend of mine who prefers Rein and kept trying to tell me Brigitte hard counters Rein, even after bringing up actual damage numbers. So finally I had to make a custom game for us to duel 1 v 1 for him to accept it.