After Brigs CC gone, campaigns will target inspire/whipshot

See, now that’s a reasonable stance to take. glad someone is capable on this thread.

the question becomes though, do you change an ability because tanks are big or do you reward the player when they hit a smaller target?

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A lot of things heroes can do are really good. That is the point of playing them.


are they part of an incredibly survivable, peel machine’s kit? the issue is that brig can do everything. with ease. like im really not sure how I can put it any more clearly than the dive example. she can single handily prevent dive, while being able to be played in dive too.

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We’re talking (theorycrafting, really), about OW2 Brig, who’ll have her peel machine-ness detracted from with the lack of stun.

Personally, more to OP’s question, I’m not even ruling out that the new shield bash will be reined in before whipshot or Inspire. Sounds like a fairly good mobility increase, and the effects of that can be subtle but strong.


The Overwatch team has always balanced the game via an appeasement style of trying to shut up whatever complaints are loudest.

Hell, seagull was the catalyst for the removal of mass Rez.

In that fateful clip, he played suboptimally and blamed a loss on getting outplayed by a clutch Rez.


It kinda does, but not by eight meters

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Why? If we’re just saying things now, here’s my pitch:

Lucio doesn’t heal in canon, so he shouldn’t heal at all. Why? I don’t have to tell you; you guys never feel like explaining your opinions on brig.


Lucio can also amp it up for 52 healing per second. That’s massive.


She was always a back line support… until people realized that they could 1v6 the enemy team with her.

Regardless of whether brig is fundamentally broken or not, brig is already the least picked hero in the support role which only has 7 by a big margin. And supports similarly to tanks, has historically gone through many nerfs, buffs and reworks and it amazes me that brig is still at the very bottom in every other elo besides Masters/GM.

I just hope that none of the other support will be gutted like brig and become borderline unusable in every other elo besides Masters/GM.


I respect you for 1v20 brig mains.

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It’s not just streamers- they just have the loudest voices to the biggest audiences. Most high level players of any role want to see heroes and abilities that make the game dull, and make it so you can’t kill characters removed/changed significantly. Even a large portion of low ranked players (generally not forums users) hold a similar sentiment.

The “casual” (considering lower ranked and custom games/quickplay only more casual here) don’t end up caring at all about game balance because they don’t play in a space where the broken mechanics are abused very often. This is especially the case when a Broken mechanic or hero requires game understanding to utilize properly (like Brig does).

If you disagree with this look at any of the posts that claim heroes like Brig, Bap, Orisa, Sigma, Cree etc are fine while heroes like genji, ana, lucio, reinhardt, zarya etc are “broken and need changes”. They echo what they experience in their games. Most of those heroes are comfort picks so they end up being played in lower ranks even when they aren’t very good.

Brig should be outright changed entirely. She’s been a huge issue from the moment she was implemented. The Brig players aren’t happy with the hero, and the community isn’t happy with the hero either. She should’ve been hotfixed when she was added. Second best time to do that is with a new game, and I still doubt they’ll take the opportunity because Blizzard is bent on never going back on a mechanic/character that simply doesn’t work no matter what. lol

And before I get the generic “lol u play doom XDDDDD shut up bozo”. I’m actually a consistently gm-top500 support and tank player, and this was an account I learned doom on, which just so happened to be the one I used for the forums. (I would also assume me actually playing the heroes at a higher level gives me a bit of a say on what’s wrong with them, but probably not since that doesn’t fit the narrative lol)


Beat is a good ultimate. Anyone arguing otherwise is wrong. The thing is that Brig is FAR FAR FAR FAR more useful in the dry midfight (fights where you don’t have your ults), and she’s far better at peeling. Rally lasting as long as it does also significantly lowers the value of NON BURST damage, and poke during the mid fights. Beat charging a lot slower also nerfs a lot of its value. So you have a hero who has a good ult, good midfight, good dry fights, CC, anti dive peel, a boop that also acts as a way of increasing healing, AOE sustain, a shield and ranged healing ORRRRR a hero that has Speed, a good ult, a boop, AOE healing, and wall riding. Lucio’s only real value is SPEED since Brig is better at about everything else, and BEAT charges so slow that it’s not worth playing for most of the time.


nah man. the op wasn’t theory crafting. he was bringing up how people criticize brig and how he thinks its unjust. I simply brought up how the criticisms aren’t coming from nowhere. she is top of the meta, regardless of tank line up.
it was closer to a rant than a theory. not necessarily an unjust rant but he is complaining specifically about brig rather than highlighting the real issue of loud voices being heard more than the rest of the player base.

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OP’s first words in the title are “After Brig’s CC is gone”, i.e. he’s talking about OW2.
Current criticisms or metas don’t really apply.
I agree btw, calling a ranting post like that “theorycrafting” is rather generous, but I figured I’d be nice. Plus I meant it more about your post about whipshot being good. I think it’s worth considering that without stun, she might need something good like whipshot. But as I say, it’s all just theoretical at this point.


The hero doesn’t even belong in the support role, at some point she should just be moved to the tank role and changed entirely from what was originally conceptiualized. She just does not work in this role, she never will no matter how much she’s changed. I understand this is upsetting for a ton of people but they failed, the design is literally broken and flawed no matter what you do with her.

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The thing is a tank would have to directly attack a lucio Inorder to get that disruption but a brig can disrupt any jump a Winston makes within her range. I’m not saying its busted but it’s so annoying that theres nothing I can really do as Winston to get in or play around it I kinda just have to accept that. Whipshot is definitely way better than boop at denying Winston imo but lucio boop is still good at it.

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Zero effort? Give me a replay of you booping away an incoming Winston 10 times out of 10.


why is Brig healing being compared to a hero who shouldn’t be hard focussing on healing in the first place?

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and the first words in the post are

I get where you’re coming from but at the same time, he is referring criticisms based on the current state of the game. brig could be dead on arrival of ow2 or she could be a meta defining hero, we don’t know, nor do the streamers who’s opinions op seemingly has an issue with.

next time a Winston is dumb enough to play into me while I’m on brig, sure.