After Brigs CC gone, campaigns will target inspire/whipshot

:laughing: What?

Lucio can have his always active and has speed boost to move his team around, or get him in range of teammates. Brigitte has to put herself in danger by dropping her shield to activate inspire. It makes no sense to make them the same range


This makes no sense. We are even talking about Lucio, and you dont see that his kit doenst “fit” a fps either with that logic?

It has 30+ heroes.

Every heard of Genji or Reinhardt?


Ik what you mean but saying Brig was always better was over the Top. Lucio needs an ultimate generation buff. Buffing his aura will most likely be braindead since you can just exist.

I’d like to see where you get more headshot whenever you hit someone like Redshell suggested so that way you can’t just auto pilot and get tons of value

ana sleep is a skill shot, the duration could be reduced though.
boop is just kinda meh, he has to be in a dangerous position for it to get any value outside of minor displacement. brig does not, she can play from relative safety since its ranged.

because that’s how team fights work? before that point then both teams a poking. basic fight structure dude.

whats to say they are coming down on supports anyway? they could be diving literally anyone and you can whip shot them away. hell, they could be using the jump cooldown to set up for a dive and you can still stop it.

she has whipshot, a self heal, a minor mobility tool, a stun and a shield dude. you really cant try that argument here.

no it doesnt. you can walk past it or break it. all the bubble does is the same thing every other barrier does. block.
if you prevent a Winston from engaging, he most likely has to waste his bubble cooldown simply because if he doesn’t, he is in such a bad position that he is most likely dead if he doesn’t use it.

no he really doesn’t dude. not even close.


You literally brought up the whipshot in particular, that doesn’t factor in the rest of the kit at all. Proccing healing IS a dumb comparison because Lucio can turn his on and off at will. The only part that’s relevant at all is the longer range, which I already mentioned. Brig can only boop a single target while Lucio can boop multiple, that’s why hers is long range and his is short.


i brought up whipshot because the op did my guy.

but it does. this thread is about the characters abilities. by extension the rest of said hero’s abilities are relevant.

Lucio’s value doesn’t come from his healing though. Lucio has a unique ability in speed, the healing he does on top of that is just kind of bonus ult charge in the mid-flight. again though, inspire isnt brigs only source of healing, and whip shot isn’t the only way of procing it.

and the fact you can choose where that range starts.

this is isnt as simple as youre making it out to be.

lucio has more environmental potential. he can theoretically get 6 off the map, or 6 off of the high ground. the issue is that, you are moving a group. a group has much more survivability than displacing a single target.

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Why should Lucio not fit in a FPS? He plays in first person and he can shoot, seems pretty FPSy to me.

Yeah Reinhardt is the same as Brig, does not fit into a FPS, Doomfist the same.

These are the 3 exceptions, everyone else has clearly a FPS playstyle.

There’s way more than that, but why would it matter if a certain character fits into a fps style or not?


It matters because it is a FPS

It’s a fps/moba hybrid.


I feel like for Lucio, it would be better to push him back to his actual niche. Playing since launch, I still dislike that they nerfed his amp speed so heavily.

The other changes I’ve grown to enjoy (even at the cost of aura size) but I feel like bringing the strength up on his speed application would do better than constantly wrestling Brig for knockback/aoe heal numbers.

What I’d like to see:

  • Buff Lucio’s speed again – either small buff for speed song or revert Amp it up back to 100%.
  • Alter his knockback. Enemies hit slowly float back when off the ground (weightlessness/decrease gravity). This would make it feel different than Brig’s boop and align to Lucio’s speed niche a bit more. The slow doesn’t continue after they touch the ground (though if people were less cc scared, then a slow debuff would be great)

No it is not the game literally does not have anything from a MOBA. A MOBA is a RTS variant and has nothing to do with a FPS.

A very defining aspect of a MOBA is, that it is not first person. The only thing that came close to a shooter/moba crossover was the failure from Amazon Games which name i forgot, and guess what it was 3rd person.

And another very defining aspect of a MOBA is that is a mixture of PvE and PvP, and the PvE element gives you resources that give you advantages in late game. Overwatch has nothing like that.

Just because a game has abilities and said abilities are tied to classes/heroes instead of pickups like in an oldschool shooter does not make it the slightest bit a MOBA.

ana sleep is a skill shot

This hypocrisy just leads to no one taking this anti-brig stuff seriously. Your arguments fall apart since its true to almost all heroes.

because that’s how team fights work?

You cant build a game where a tank pressing jump is “team play” and a support using a projectile skill shot to stop it is “denying win”.

she has whipshot, a self heal, a minor mobility tool, a stun and a shield dude. you really cant try that argument here.

Thats every support, tank and dps. They all have kits and abilities.

no it doesnt. you can walk past it or break it

Again with this hypocrisy. When tank benefits its “good game”, when suppoort benefit its “denying win”.

Then have Winston work with his team instead, and avoid brigs whipshot. There, he avoided it.

no he really doesn’t dude. not even close.


Bap 14000
Moira 13000
Ana 12000
Mercy 11000
Brig 10000
Lucio 8000
Zen 8000

And that is a Lucio that also gives speed boost.

There is a bigger difference between Lucios damage and Brigs damage, than between their heals. The difference between Brig heal and up to Bap is also bigger. Strange how no one goes on about that.

Almost like its just about targeting Brig, but you dont really know why.


Inspire is fine.

If you want to “fix” Brig, delete Repair Packs.

Why would we remove repair packs? Why is she not allowed to be balanced?

Brig doesnt do any more that Lucio or Ana.

Should we removed Anas nade, to “fix” Ana? Remove Lucios wall ride to “fix” Lucio?


She does more than Lucio and arguably more than Bap.

Just go read the topic for a full analysis of why the hero is broken.

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read the rest of the statement. I said it could be nerfed.

dude, you’re literally arguing about how team fights work. this isn’t something you can have a view on. if the tanks cant engage then there is no fight.

give me another support that can, displace enemies, self heal, shield dance and then choose to either stun or increase distance between themselves and the thing they are fighting. im really curious as to how youre going to justify how someone having such a strong defensive kit needs to be able to flat out prevent tanks from playing the game.

tanks arent the only ones that benefit from their shields dude. whip shot doesn’t benefit supports, it benefits literally everyone. it prevents a dive tank from playing the game. im not sure what you’re not getting here.

oh man. why didnt I think of that. lets say the Winston gets bubbled. what does brig do? shield bash him and he dies. and to top it off, you still have whip shot to deny anyone else from trying to dive with the Winston.

gonna be honest dude, i get that overbuff is the only source of stats we have but its opt in. thats not exactly reliable information.

is it though? you can tell that how exactly? those stats dont mean a thing but they especially dont mean the lucios actually used speed effectively. they could have only amped heal for all you know.

theres also a bigger difference in their survivablity and playstyle but I guess we are ignoring that and just looking at raw numbers like plebs.

my guy, she was literally my third most played hero last season
 literally a gm brig player.


I never said it was purely a moba. It doesn’t have everything that’s in a moba, but it still has those elements like skill shots, cool downs, cc, healing, and ultimates.

It’s still a fps/moba hybrid whether you like it or not. However, having said that, with the garbage changes coming to OW2, it might as well be a fps at that point.


These features are not the slightest bit defining a MOBA, if anything these features are more defining for FPS.

No it is not no matter what you tell yourself.

Not on Winston it’s not. Even I can hit that consistently, and it’s a death sentence if my team has any awareness at all

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