After Brigs CC gone, campaigns will target inspire/whipshot

With malicious intent, probably. Since both have AoE healing.

And if Brig’s inspire get nerfed, she would be even less likely to ruin whatever heroes streamers use to get views.

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After that they’ll want to rework Brig’s face cause it’s “OP”.

exactly. and not to mention the elephant in the room too:
lucio has much higher mobility to “catch allies into his aura” rather than having teammates anchor themselves in order to be in the aura.

brig has no such mobility. and the only way to compensate that and not have the ally position anchoring issue is through range. if brig’s inspire range is tiny, then basically allies have to not use mobility and basically follow the brig in order for her inspire to be in range of them.


i’d argue that a HOT effect applied temporarily only when certain conditions are met would justify a stronger effect over a larger radius over a weaker HOT effect that is applied for as long as the user wants, on demand, in a smaller radius

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My first comment to this, is why are you focusing so hard on streamers? They’re no different from you and me; they just broadcast the game as they play live and usually play a bit more. The reason you might see a lot of brig hatred from grandmaster streamers is that they are grandmasters. A good chunk of the GM player base has some sort of problem with brig, so yeah it’s only natural for GM streamers who put their entire career into this game to have a problem with brig too.

However, most of the people who have a problem with brig, are not because of streamers. Streamers are just a representation of the playerbase, and specifically GM streamers are a representation of GM playerbase. The reason most people on the forums, and to an extent most of the casual playerbase, don’t have an issue with brig is because they don’t play the same type of game. In most ranks, broken or overpowered mechanics are not used properly, so they are no longer broken or overpowered. In a sense, this is why poeple have a point when they say brig is bad or fine in lower ranks. A player who is good with brig can carry in low SR, but someone who does not understand the game will not get much value on brig.

I know people love to dog on brig with “no skill” or “braindead”, and I do understand why people say that. I do think tho, she requires you understand the game and how it works to actually use her properly. Like I said, this is why she does not work in low ranks; they aren’t playing the same game as GMs. From what I notice, most ranks across the board sometimes have the idea that people always try to pick and force the best heroes. This is why so many hold the idea that rein, zar, mercy, and ana are overpowered or must pick depending on who you talk to, because they are picked so much. However, heroes like rein/zar/ana/mercy/cassidy are easy to understand and pick up heroes who low ranks often play because they are popular or comfort picks. This is why most ranks also never have problems with heroes like brig, orisa, or sigma, because they are never picked, and when they are not picked they are not played properly. And for most of the playerbase, if they had to choose between rein or orisa, they would pick rein.

This applies to GM to some extent, but at least the pick rates have some weight in power level. Popularity still plays a factor, so T500 leaderboards are most accurate for determining which heroes are the strongest.

As for the topic of brig, I do not really want her nerfed. I do not want her buffed. I want her changed or reworked. At minimum, some sort of major power shift. I say this as someone who has played her in T500.

Ask yourself, who is winning with her state right now? I have been seeing quite a few brig threads with brig players unhappy with her non-frontline state, asking for buffs or changes. GMs on average do not like the hero. Even qute a few T500 brig mains have a problem with her. She has been in a problematic state since May 3rd, 2018, the day they added her into comp.

I must clarify, I do not really hate the hero; I hate what they have DONE with her. They nerfed her 19 times, and missed every single time. 19! They have rarely gave her meaningful changes that address the problem. So now brig players are stuck with a hero who keeps getting duller and duller while still being just as strong, and I should not have to explain why that is bad game design.

The best time as of now to fix her is in OW2, when the game is basically a fresh restart. However any hopes of that flew out the window when I noticed they think shield bash is the issue and are removing her CC. I cannot tell you how bad of an idea that is. It somehow makes the hero even more dull and less fun, while not addressing the actual issues. Shield bash is probably the most balanced part of her kit. Her healing will always be fundamentally problematic, which I mean inspire and repair pack. Until they rework how those two abilities work, she will almost never be a win for anyone. Her shield, shield bash, whip shot for the most part, her flail - all those are fine. But unfortunately blizzard does not seem to understand.

Actually there’s only like 4 of us total

I underestimated you guys.

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The first response I got in this thread is literally a trick made up by a deltebrig streamer. To ignore performance, heal amount etc, and instead only look at range of one ability.

I over and over pointed this out, how this makes no sense, and if we ignore performance on other abilities, then why is Lucios ult allowed to be even bigger? None of them could answer or explain this, since they were just repeating what they have been told by the most toxic streamers.

It reminds me of how political manipulation works.

The same streamers also lie about what happens on their streams, putting on an act to make it seem like what happens on screen was “broken”.

Notice that no matter how many times people bring up the actual numbers, the actual stats, half this thread just repeat the same few streamers. Point by point.

You keep claiming that it because “they are GM” but this is not reflective of most players.

Again, if factual errors are spread by popular streamers, other repeat it, showing its not part of any actual analysis of the game.

Right now they are campaigning to ruin the hero, as they scream “REMOVE BRIG FROM THE GAME!” and its insanely frustrating to see it work on their fan bases and make people believe we have to ruin a hero because of the most childish part of the community.

I recently saw one of those streamers lie about how they lost the game because of Brig, because she is that “broken”, and Brig was not even played when they lost. No one in his chat noticed that and instead just repeated “brig broken” like robots.

If someone says “brig has the highest healing in the game”, and the stats from gm shows she is 5th out of 7 support, then its not relevant if the streamer is GM, its just a lie to get people to believe she is broken, so there will be more pressure on the dev.

I recognize so many of the tricks from politics. Including one streamer that always adds “everyone agrees with me” about something he just made up 5 sec earlier.

Right now we are rewarding the most manipulate and toxic streamers by letting their word (or scream) be law.

They nerfed her 19 times, and missed every single time. 19!

Because they reworked her, and new synergies were made with new heroes being release etc. She was good once before, just before 222. But she was so bad after 222 that they had to rework her, and start the balance over. If dive heroes had not been so dominant, she would not have had to be that strong. We can just as easily make the argument that dive heroes were so badly design they could not be balanced without expanding the gameplay diversity.

I cannot tell you how bad of an idea that is.

And its happening because of the streamers and their campaigns. Streamers went after Brig, but not Ana or Lucio, so they get to keep their CC. And that is why I focus on the streamers, they act like they talk for everyone.